Chapter 216 Invisible pretense is the deadliest

It was considered a success, capturing the leader of the Fallen.

Roy continued: "Carmen Liu, I know there is some conflict between you and Jiang Chen, I think he killed your family members, if you can sit down and discuss it, then talk about it, if you can't, start a legion battle. "

"My Gregory family is not afraid of your Carmen family."

Carmen Liu's face was gloomy. He didn't expect Roy to be so strong, and directly put his grievances on the table. This is a big taboo. Hearing his tone, he vowed to protect Jiang Chen to the death.

On the high platform, an elder said: "Okay, Carmen Liu, don't bring personal grievances to the meeting, this is absolutely not allowed by the alliance."

"This is not a personal grievance, but..." Carmen Liu was interrupted just as he was about to say something.

"This is not a personal grievance. Roy has explained just now that he killed a fallen person. This is a merit. If you say that he is a traitor, you must have certain evidence, otherwise it will be a false accusation."

Carmen Liu sat down angrily.

Roy doesn't care, no matter whether Jiang Chen is or not, Roy doesn't care, he also knows that the Petty family is in collusion with the Fallen!Of course, these things have not been put on the table, and everyone knows it well.

It's just that some brave men discovered the traces of the fallen, and the Petty family had to take action to kill them. This was also to protect themselves, but they didn't expect that this operation would catch a big fish.

A high-level person said: "In addition to discussing this, tomorrow is the battle with the evil god. I hope that everyone can mobilize the main force of the family to fight, and we must not fail."

"Each family must dispatch 1 people to fight. Whoever can obtain enough meritorious service on the battlefield will be commended and the family will be honored and record the meritorious deeds."

"Let's break up!"

The next morning.

After receiving A Ling's order, she brought Angelina into the Secret Sword Legion, which has a total of 80 people.

Carole is already ready.

Carole made a general mobilization before the battle: "This battle is unprecedentedly grand. I hope you will show your strength and completely repel the evil braves. We will win."

The brave man shouted loudly in high spirits;

"Must win..."

"Must win..."

"Must win..."

This is the general mobilization before the war?
What a joke.

Can you say something meaningful?

For example, what kind of equipment to reward, what benefits can be obtained, this is the general mobilization before the war, not for some bullshit glory.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't speak, A Ling murmured in her heart, this kid is a bit out of place, I'm here to be a general mobilizer, yet you didn't say a word.

You have to put on a show anyway.

Even if it's acting, this guy doesn't give any face. This is because he doesn't take me, the army commander, seriously.

Feel A Ling's eyes.

"Down with Imperialism...Down with the Evil God Legion..." Jiang Chen raised his arms and shouted;
A Ling coughed: "Okay, I understand what you mean."

What the hell is imperialism?

"Everyone come out with me and ride the dragon to the Saint-Nazaire region."

A group of people went out and summoned the dragon.

All 80 people have giant dragons, and they are all flying dragons. The same is true for A Ling's dragon. It is a rare wind attribute dragon with a very fast speed.

A Ling turned her head: "Jiang Chen, where is your contracted beast!"

Jiang Chen summoned Olive, a burst of white light flashed, and Olive appeared in front of everyone.

"How do you summon someone?"

"Is his contract beast a human?"

"Impossible. Even if the contracted beast is not a dragon, it is another contracted beast. I have never heard that the contracted beast is a little girl."

"Unless it's a transformed contracted beast..."

"Is it a dragon that can transform?"

"The giant dragon that can change form is the royal family among the dragon clan. Could it be that she is..."

At this time, everyone in the Secret Sword Legion was shocked.

This turned out to be a giant dragon that could transform into a shape, but it was the king among the dragon clan. Generally, such kings would not become other people's contractors. The dragon clan was a dignified race.

A Ling was also dumbfounded, she turned out to be the emperor among the dragon clan, how could this be possible?

How did this guy make a contract with him.

Olive looked at Jiang Chen with wide eyes: "Brother, why did you summon me out!"

"Become a dragon, and I will ride you to fight."



"Men and women don't give and receive."

Jiang Chen:...

WTF?You are a contracted beast, who taught you why a man and a woman cannot kiss each other?This stinky girl knows a lot.

Jiang Chen coughed: "Give me some face, become a dragon, I will ride you to fight, everyone is watching!"

"That's it!"

Olive transformed into a small dragon, almost half a meter long.

"bring it on!"

? ? ? ? ?

Why is there such a big gap with others, how can you ride so small?
Come on!

"Forget it, you little arms and legs, I'm afraid I'll crush you, you have to grow up quickly, otherwise how will you fight with me?"

Olive nodded, and then looked at a group of demented dragons.

Snorted coldly: "Whatever you look at, come down for me."

Oliver gave an order, and the dragon flying in the sky came down in an instant, and lowered its head in front of Olive. Olive flashed and entered the contract space again.

The rest were envious for a while.

"I said brother, you are so awesome, you actually signed a visa contract with the royal family in the dragon family."

"That's really the royal family, how could it be possible to sign a contract with someone."

"how did you do it?"

"If this little girl grows up, it will be incredible. The strongest dragon head is magic, especially dragon language magic."

"I'm really envious."

Jiang Chen looked back at Angelina: "What about you!"

"I'm the same as you, it's still young!" After Angelina finished speaking, she summoned the golden dragon, and the rest of the crowd dropped their jaws in shock!

Countless people looked at Xiaolong.

This turned out to be the legendary Destroyer Dragon.

One is the Destroyer Dragon, and the other is the royal family of the Dragon Clan. This is too perverted!
At this moment, A Ling's face cramped.

You are perverts.

A Ling said: "Angelina, you are on my dragon's back, Jiang Chen, you sit with the deputy head and go to the battlefield together."

Jiang Chen looked at the deputy head.

Well, it's a girl.

This one is ok.

The deputy leader is named Isabel, her level is similar to that of A Ling, and she is also a wind attribute dragon. Isabel smiled and said, "Come on!"

"it is good."

Jiang Chen was no longer polite, and a group of giant dragons flew towards the Saint-Nazaire area.

in the sky.

A Ling asked: "Jiang Chen, how did you subdue the royal family among the Dragon Clan, very few people can sign a contract with the royal family, they think that being a human mount is the greatest humiliation to them."

"It's this little girl who follows me shamelessly, and I can't help it." Jiang Chen looked helpless.

A Ling's mouth twitched.

Does this work too?
Why didn't I have such good luck?

(End of this chapter)

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