Chapter 217, All-Out War Breaks Out

"Then you have to seize the opportunity in the future. If this little girl grows up to be very powerful, she will definitely become your strongest fighting force in the future." A Ling persuaded;

"This little girl doesn't know any magic. I wanted to terminate the contract with her, but this girl has been unwilling. I don't know how many years it will be until she grows up." His tone was full of helplessness and sadness.

I wanted to find a strong fighting force, but found a father back.

Still have to serve with good intentions.

"The king of the dragon clan is different. For example, if I sit down on a giant dragon, he will only know wind attribute magic now. If he doesn't advance, he will only know wind attribute magic for the rest of his life."

"The royal family in the dragon family knows all-attribute magic, and even fusion magic, and the giant dragon in the transformation form is very intelligent, just like human beings, you have picked up a treasure." A Ling's tone revealed jealousy.

Why didn't such a good thing come to her?
If he could sign a contract with the royal family, he would have to offer it every day, and he would definitely not dislike it.

Isabel: "The leader of the legion is right. The dragon we sat down has limited growth, but the royal family is different. If she is given enough time to grow, her strength is comparable to that of a god."

"Even if you don't become a god, there will be a sub-god to protect you in the future."

Jiang Chen murmured in his heart, is he so strong?

The Sileiro world is huge, dozens of times larger than the human world. The whole world is divided into two halves, one half is ruled by the Alliance of Evil Gods, and the other half is ruled by the Alliance of Gods.

The two sides often fight, and a war will break out from time to time.

And this kind of war has lasted for thousands of years, and no one can do anything to anyone. Sometimes you rob me of a city, and I will grab it back another day.

Every level is a million army battle.

A Ling's face was solemn: "This time, a master appeared on the side of the evil god. It is said that he is the son of a god, and he is a descendant of a certain evil god. This time, he came to the world of Silero to capture the world."

Jiang Chen joked: "If you want to conquer the world, it's better to just send the evil god down."

"No, they have to abide by the rules, and we also need to abide by the rules. At their level, they will not attack ordinary people. If they can kill the Son of God, it will be a great achievement."

The more A Ling thought about it, the more excited she became.

Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously, how could it be so easy to kill and hard to beat them without expert protection around them!

"I heard that gods are also mortal?"


"Will you be reincarnated after you die?"

A Ling didn't take it seriously: "Yes."

Suddenly thought of a question, looked at Jiang Chen: "You don't think you are the reincarnation of a god, do you?"

That's not what I said, it's what you said.

Isabel said: "Gods will indeed be reincarnated. Not only will they be reincarnated, but they will become gods again after their strength is improved, and their memories will be awakened. However, the reincarnated gods are all former occupations."

Jiang Chen nodded, this is the same as what Long Zhantian said.

A Ling teased: "Not necessarily, you are the reincarnation of the sword god, but it seems that there is no sword god. If Jiang Chen grows up, it is very likely to become a sword god."

"You are also the most powerful sword god in the mainland, I am very optimistic about you."

Isabel smiled back and said, "If it's the reincarnation of a god, the skills are different. You really have this possibility."

Thinking of this, Isabel exclaimed: "My God, there is a god reincarnated behind me?"

"Don't think about it, I've never heard that swordsmen have gods, but in the high-level continent, it seems that there are gods reincarnated. I seem to have forgotten the name, but I just heard about it from my father."

A Ling thought for a while, but still couldn't remember.

Just as they were flying, a large number of dragon knights appeared around them, and they also followed and flew to the border.

One of the legions was completely different.

This legion is all archers, and their looks are different, with white hair, blue eyes, and pointed ears.

Jiang Chen asked: "Which legion are they?"

Isabel took a look: "They are from the elf world, they belong to the elf world."

"Why are they all archers?"

"The archers in the elf world are very good. Not only can they use bows and arrows, but they can also concentrate magic on bows and arrows, causing certain lethality."

Jiang Chen asked: "A Ling, why don't you recruit some archers from the elf world?"

A Ling was silent.

Isabel smiled and said, "She doesn't have that strength."

A Ling argued: "Who said I don't have that strength, when I grow up, I don't know how many elf archers want to join my army."

Jiang Chen smiled, but didn't speak.

A group of people arrived at a main city.

There are many brave men in the main city, not only elf archers, but also Titan warriors. Jiang Chen glanced at them. They were all terribly strong, 8 meters tall, wearing battle armor, holding a giant blade, the big knife A full 10 meters long.

There is also a group of warriors wearing long swords, and they are not the same.

Isabel introduced: "They are warriors of the dragon blood world, with dragon blood flowing in their bodies. It is said that they are descendants of dragons and humans. They are not only physically strong, but also know dragon language magic, and have the recovery ability of dragons."

"They all belong to a kind of magic swordsman."

In addition to these, there are also some human races that look exactly like them, but they are very different from humans. Jiang Chen almost regarded them as monsters.

"That's a red-skinned race named Sith. Don't look at them as monsters, they are actually gentle."

"The ones flying in the sky are the feathered people, they are born to be able to fly in the sky."

"Are they heroes with badges like us?"

Isabel nodded: "Yes, it's just that the professions they awaken are all fixed professions, for example, the awakened profession of the Titans is the warrior profession."

"The awakening of the feathered people is the angel profession."

"The people in the world of dragon blood awaken the magic swordsman profession."

"Archers are awakened in the elf world, and a small number are magicians."

Jiang Chen nodded. There are many professions, most of which are corresponding to awakening.

Through the huge teleportation array, teleport into the battlefield.

A Ling said loudly: "Everyone follow the team closely, we are going to enter the battlefield."

After the group entered the teleportation array, they also entered the Saint-Nazaire theater.

A huge city can accommodate millions of people, but on the opposite side of the city, thousands of meters away, there is a white barrier that separates the entire land.

In a bizarre world, one side is full of sunshine, and the other side is infinite darkness.

There is also a huge city on the dark side.

Carole quickly entered the command post.

Jiang Chen quickly received the message.

【Stop the attack of the evil brave】

[Number of kills: 0]

This task appears directly in the badge.

(End of this chapter)

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