Chapter 221, level 5 raised with one knife

The members of the Alliance of Gods raised their arms and shouted as they watched the other side retreat completely.

"Win, we won."

"This is just the beginning, and they retreated."

"Obviously, none of them can attack him. Have they retreated completely?"

"Probably not, the rest is all-out war."

"It was a great fight this time."

Jiang Chen went back and followed the commander back to the base camp. At this time, everyone looked at Jiang Chen and gave thumbs up.

"Brother, good job."

"It's so awesome, even the extremely rare space mages have been killed by you."

"It was a beautiful battle."

"The space mage's attack is really weird, how did you see through the truth?"

Facing their doubts, Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "It's just a coincidence."


Who are you kidding!

It is obvious that you have seen through the enemy's attack method and looked for his flaws, and only then was he able to kill him.

As a Naruto fan, I understand Obito's attack very well.

Who would have thought that there would be such a person here, with exactly the same skills.

Thinking secretly in his heart, it seems that there are many unknown powerhouses in this different world, Jiang Chen almost lost his life in the confrontation just now.

Soon the army began to gather, and there were not many other modes on the battlefield of millions of people. They were all melee charges, and the magician released magic behind.

Dragon knights release magic in the sky, or shoot arrows.

As for the priest, he hides behind the city wall and applies BUFF to the brave.
Jiang Chen looked at Angelina, and after forming a team with Angelina, Jiang Chen ordered: "You don't go to the battlefield, just improve your experience here."

Angelina nodded: "Okay, be careful."

With a horn sounded.

The war officially broke out.

At the very first moment of the battle, the Alliance of Gods launched a charge, and so did the Alliance of Evil Gods. Only roars could be heard on the battlefield.

In the first confrontation, Jiang Chen did not charge to the front.

Instead, hide in the middle and charge with them.

The League of Gods is riding an earth dragon, running on the ground and rushing towards the enemy. Although the Alliance of Evil Gods does not have giant dragons, it has ferocious beasts, tens of meters tall monsters, and this powerful monster is taller than a Titan warrior.

Most of the melee professions in the Cthulhu Alliance ride giant beasts, such as demonic wolves and demonic lions, and these demonic beasts run equally fast.

Jiang Chen hid in it.

At this moment, Jiang Chen felt the danger.

In a flash in the air, it appeared 200 meters away. Just as Jiang Chen flashed in the air, a large amount of soil appeared on the ground. The soil quickly turned into tentacles, pulling the knight on the ground into the ground.

Jiang Chen looked up at the woman in the sky.

The two looked at each other.

Obviously such a large-scale dark magic is aimed at him.

Jiang Chen drew his sword and slashed.

A sword energy pierced through the air, and it was a sword facing the witch.

This sword directly penetrated the witch's body, and her body was quickly divided into two halves, but at this moment, the witch quickly merged together and returned to its original appearance again.

Damn it was another rare professional.

This woman is more difficult than that space mage.

In Jiang Chen's induction, he had obviously hit the witch, and her body had already been split in two, but why would it fuse together again?
Is it immortal?
The witch directly rushed towards Jiang Chen, and directly directed at Jiang Chen to perform dark magic again. It was also a dark swamp, and the soil on the ground changed its appearance again. Countless tentacles stretched out from it, pulling the brave men standing on it into it.

Jiang Chen dodged in the air, quickly dodged, never seen such dark magic.

It wasn't just the Dark Witch who made a move against Jiang Chen. At this moment, several arrows were only aimed at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen dodged again, and the black arrow only turned around and hit the direction where Jiang Chen was standing.

good guy?
What kind of perverted skill is this?
Able to track enemy arrows?
What the hell did you put a tracker on?
whoosh whoosh

Where did he dare to hesitate, he dodged again and quickly dodged the attack, the arrows seemed to fix him, no matter where he fled, these black arrows would follow him.

It looked like he would not give up until he was killed.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed towards Jiang Chen and slashed at him.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, three hundred sword qi rushed over and quickly attacked the enemy.


Sword Qi cannot penetrate the enemy's defensive armor.

Holy crap.

What kind of freaks are these people?Why is it so scary?
Just now.

A commander quickly came to Jiang Chen, blocked the black shadow's attack, and said loudly; "Jiang Chen, they are people around the Son of God, and all of them are extremely rare super god professions. They are all four-rank masters, quite Because of the [natural disaster] strength, you leave immediately, and I will resist their attack."

Four turn master?

Ma Dan, you are too lowly, three masters of rank four dealt with me alone.

Do not talk about martial arts...
Jiang Chen quickly dodged and rushed to the front.

Draw a knife and chop...

A flash of white light flashed, and where the white light passed, the enemies fell face to face, and the sword directly swept across a large area.

【Experience +800】

【Experience +800】

【Experience +800】

【Experience +800】

Countless blank areas appeared directly from this sword, the Alliance of Gods side was dumbfounded, and the Cthulhu side was even more terrified.

What the hell kind of job is that?

Why is it so scary?
This blow directly wiped out 1 people, this blow directly raised 5 levels, a full 800 million experience points, and directly raised Jiang Chen to level 55.

With just one blow, it has increased by five levels.

Don't feel so good.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly: "I am invincible."

The Alliance Commander was overjoyed.

"Well, this guy is simply a killing machine. At least 1 people died in this blow."

"With such a crazy attack, the enemy can't stop him at all."

"Let's help him and stop the other Rank [-] masters. This person must not die. He is simply a killing machine on the battlefield."

"This little guy gives us great hope."

The Son of God was furious: "Surround and kill that kid immediately, we must not let him grow up again, otherwise it will be a disaster for us."

The Son of God never thought that Jiang Chen would have such perverted skills.

He is obviously a melee class, why does he have a super long-distance attack, or a large-scale attack? This is a fucking invincible existence.

A group of rank 4 professional masters rushed towards Jiang Chen directly.

Jiang Chen flashed in the air again.

Damn, these people don't talk about martial arts, they clearly said that soldiers will fight soldiers, generals will fight generals, why did they choose me to attack alone?


Draw your sword and chop.

It was another large area of ​​attack, and this time another 1 evil brave men died.

Level up again.

Level up to 56 levels...

Level up to 57 levels...

Level up to 58 levels...

Jiang Chen drew his sword, killing a large number of people, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...
(End of this chapter)

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