Chapter 222, the first battle, upgraded to level 66

More than a dozen arrows rushed towards Jiang Chen, like a missile, with a positioning tracker, Jiang Chen teleported again, the arrows only turned around, and rushed towards Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen teleported again.

I am so tired of this black arrow.

What the hell kind of job?

So endless?
Jiang Chen looked up at the sky, and saw that black figure continuously shooting arrows at him, it was this guy's arrows that only had the navigation attribute, continuously hitting him.

So he can only use the volley to dodge.

"Jiang Chen, come here, I'll help you deal with it."

Jiang Chen glanced at him, it was a rank four commander, Jiang Chen's figure flashed, and walked behind this person: "What kind of ghost arrow is this, why is it following me?"

"This is a tracking arrow. As long as you are still alive, he will continue to chase and kill you. Unless you are dead, you still have to turn around now. You can't resist this damage at all, but I have a way to deal with it."

The commander watched the black arrow fly, and swiped with one hand, a mirror appeared on the face paint.

These arrows rushed into the mirror one after another and disappeared.

Then, behind the enemy, a series of explosions are sent out.

Jiang Chen exclaimed, what kind of ghost skill is this?
The commander smiled lightly: "I forgot to tell you, I am also a super god. This is my unique skill. Mirror transfer can transfer magic damage. My name is Perus."

"Jiang Chen."

"You are very strong, you will have a place in the [Natural Disaster] sequence in the future, come on."

The commander drives the dragon to attack the Son of God.

Jiang Chen frowned, "Natural Disasters" sequences are all strong, what kind of mirror transfer is simply unheard of, but very strong.

There are strong people on the side of the evil gods, but there are also strong people on the side of the Alliance of Gods.

With no danger, Jiang Chen looked at those evil brave men and smiled.

I am coming.


Jiang Chen teleported, once again drew his sword and slashed...

White light shone, this time directly killed 4 people, the powerful lethality made the evil god alliance fear, what kind of concept is that, only if Jiang Chen draws his sword, tens of thousands of people must die.

Countless brave men fell down on the ground, their bodies were all broken off, and then a large blank area appeared.

"court death."

At this moment, Gresham, the son of God, became angry. He wanted to kill the guy in front of him, and such a strong man would never be allowed to exist.

If the person continues to grow, it is the greatest threat.

Perus turned pale with shock: "Jiang Chen, hurry up, the Son of God has made a move."

Jiang Chen felt powerful dark fluctuations.

Quickly flashed in the air.

Right at the place Jiang Chen occupied, a mushroom cloud shot up into the sky, and the powerful dark magic spread from the center, burning up within 300 meters around.

Jiang Chen broke out in a cold sweat from fright.

Good guy, this guy's magic attack is too powerful.
Gresham, the Son of God, snorted coldly: "Want to escape? Let me see where you are fleeing?"

Gresham, the Son of God, stretched out his right hand, and a small black ball appeared in the sky. The small black ball rotated rapidly, and everyone looked up at the small black ball.

"What it is?"

"That little black ball, I feel the fluctuation of dark magic, what the hell is it?"

"I don't know, what kind of skill is this?"

"Is that the Son of God? It is said to be a descendant of God."

"What a powerful dark magic, leave quickly."

Jiang Chen looked up, looked at the little black ball, frowned, the powerful dark magic made Jiang Chen tremble, what kind of skill is this?so weird.

At this moment, that little black ball opened one eye, staring at Jiang Chen.

not good.

Jiang Chen flashed in the air, and a black light rushed straight from his eyes. The powerful black light flashed, and a small hole appeared in the place Jiang Chen occupied.

Very fast, faster than a bullet.

If hit by the black light, there must be no place for burial.

Even a resistance of 10000 has to die.

Perus roared angrily: "Jiang Chen, this is the dark magic eye, it can lock on the enemy, it is extremely fast, and it can penetrate anything, so you must not be shot by him."

How dare Jiang Chen be negligent, whoosh, whoosh...
At this moment, the little black ball pays attention to Jiang Chen's direction, no matter where Jiang Chen escapes to, the little black ball looks at Jiang Chen, and a black light rushes straight away.

Jiang Chen's perception skills are extremely powerful, when the small eyeball emits black light, there will be certain dark fluctuations, and this kind of dark fluctuations are just captured.

It was as if someone was shooting at him from a long distance with a sniper gun. Although the speed of the bullet was fast, the shooter was half a beat slower. When he pulled the trigger, he already had a premonition of danger.

Strong premonition ability, able to dodge attacks.

Gresham, Son of God, frowned.

What kind of freak is this kid, who can escape the attack of the dark magic eye.

Jiang Chen kept running away, even the dark light couldn't do anything about it.

Draw a knife and chop...

Jiang Chen aimed a sword at the dark demon eye, this sword quickly attacked the demon eye, the demon eye disappeared, Jiang Chen was relieved.

Finally freed.

"I don't believe I can't kill you."

Gresham, the Son of God, was completely enraged, and stretched out his right hand again. This time it was an enlarged version of the eyeball. The eyeball rotated rapidly, and countless rays of light erupted from the inside of the black ball.

Black light swept across everything, and there were at least a hundred of them.

Wherever it passed, the surrounding brave men were chopped off at the waist. Before these brave men could scream, they were shot by the black light and died instantly.

The Alliance of Gods quickly attacked, trying to destroy the black ball.

At this time, two [natural disaster] powerhouses were also shot to death by the black light ball.

Perus' face was gloomy: "Come behind me."

Perus waved his right hand, and a mirror appeared in front of him. The black light shot at the lens, and this light reflected back, destroying the black ball.

"It's still your mirror transfer that works."

"This Son of God is too powerful."

"None of us are opponents. Now retreat immediately, otherwise we will all be strangled."

Perus nodded: "Retreat immediately."

A trumpet sounded...
Countless brave men began to evacuate, and Jiang Chen immediately withdrew into the city wall. He was taken aback, this son of god was indeed powerful.

The Son of God also began to retreat, retreating into the castle.

That's the end of the first battle.

Jiang Chen looked at the level at this time.

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

【Level: 66】

【Experience: 200000/4000000】

[Physical: 307]

【Strength: 125】

【Spirit: 335】

[Agility: 86]

Jiang Chen laughed, he was promoted to level 66 in just one battle, this kind of upgrade speed is simply too terrifying, if he does it a few more times, it is estimated that he will be able to rank two.

Increased by 16 levels.

Moreover, Jiang Chen also discovered that after one turn, his physique, strength, and spirit all improved quite a bit. Before the first turn, each level of improvement was 5 points of attribute value, physique +2, strength +1, spirit +2,

But after one turn, it expanded five times.

For each level up, physique +1, strength +10, spirit +5...
This has something to do with the difficulty of the first turn task. If it is a simple task, it is still +5 points of attribute value, while the difficulty of hell level is +25 points.

(End of this chapter)

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