Chapter 223, Mysterious Dark Witch, Wizard

"Jiang Chen, you've improved so fast. You've already reached level 66. This time you'll directly increase to level 16 in this battle. With the current improvement speed, you can at least increase to level 80." A Ling came over and congratulated;
"My gosh, 16 levels in one day, that's amazing."

"What a terrifying upgrade speed."

"It also depends on who it is, how many people have you killed, Jiang Chen?"

Jiang Chen looked at the task.

【Stop the attack of the evil brave】

[Number of kills: 71254]

"It's not a lot, more than 7!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched. Isn't 7 people a lot?This is just the number of people in a battle, and I don't know how many levels will be raised next!

A Ling looked excited, recruiting Jiang Chen into the legion was a good choice, now that the Secret Sword Legion has him, he will definitely be famous in the whole world.

"Let's go, the commander wants to see you."

"see me?"

"Well, because of your performance at this time of birth, they want to see you and ask for credit from above. You are not an [apostle] yet, and they want you to become an [apostle]."

Follow behind A Ling and enter the headquarters.

There are a total of eight commanders in it, and Perus is one of them. Besides Perus, there are seven other commanders. Of these seven commanders, four of them are [natural disaster] powerhouses, and the rest Three are [Apostles].

A Ling said: "Master Commander, Jiang Chen has arrived."

The eight people looked at Jiang Chen with smiles on their faces.

Perus stood up first: "Let me introduce to you, this [natural disaster] sequence Alice Winnie, a strong elf."

"This one is Renata, who is also a [Natural Calamity] Sequence powerhouse, a Chaos Mage."

"Raleigh, [Natural Disaster] Sequence powerhouse, Seraphim."

After Perus's introduction, Perus said; "Because of your outstanding performance on the battlefield, this time I am going to ask for credit from the higher ups and let you be promoted to the [Apostle] sequence."

"Thank you for your cultivation."

"It's not necessary. Only you can resist the evil forces of millions of people by one person."

"You are very strong, and I am very curious about your occupation."

"It's a bit like the sword energy of the fallen man, but it's stronger than the fallen man. It's worthy of being a swordsman."

Jiang Chen didn't understand what they meant, did he just ask him to come and praise him?

This is not necessary.

Perus said solemnly: "Gresham, the son of God, is very strong. Although he is a three-turn master, he is already comparable to a four-turn master, so this time we suspend our attack and apply to the higher authorities to let a master come to sit in charge. Lost two [natural disaster] powerhouses at once."

"We hope you can continue to stay here and stop the evil god's attack."

It turned out that these people were afraid that he would run away.

Such a good opportunity to upgrade, you can't just leave.

He also wants to continue to upgrade.

Jiang Chen was stunned: "I stop the Son of God Gresham alone?"

"That's not true. We stop him, and you need to continue beheading his subordinates. Besides Gresham, he has several masters by his side. They are also rare professionals with different abilities."

Perus said: "In addition to the space magician who was killed by you, there is also an archer, a dark witch, and a dark warrior. These three are also extremely rare super god professions."

"You have to be on guard against these three, especially that witch."

Jiang Chen asked: "What profession is that witch, why can't she be beheaded?"

Alice Winnie said: "That's the Dark Witch, a rare wizard in the Dark Priest. Her ability is to change the structure of the earth, cast wizard magic, and curse the enemy, and you are not attacking her body, but It's her avatar."

"As long as her main body does not die, the avatar can be resurrected infinitely. This time I called you here, not just to let you stay, but to make you prepare."

"The wizard is very mysterious. He can use witchcraft to curse the enemy, and the cursed enemy will lose his fighting power at any time. Seeing that you are so fierce, the Son of God will definitely send a wizard to attack you."

"So you'd better pay attention to the people around you. The wizard can confuse the enemy and temporarily lurk by your side to collect your things, such as your hair and skin debris. If you let the wizard get it, then wait until the next time you start the battle , will curse you."

"Once you lose your combat effectiveness on the battlefield, then you should know what the end will be!"

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

Is this wizard so awesome?
It can also curse enemies with witchcraft magic.

I'm sorry.

Alice Winnie said: "We don't have a way to unravel the witchcraft for the time being. Only the Holy Light Priest among the Light Priests can use the Holy Light to get rid of the curse on their bodies."

"This is also the reason why we don't start the war for the time being, because witchcraft is very terrible, and it can unknowingly make a million legions lose their fighting power, or even die directly."

"I see."

"In short, just pay more attention to the people around you. No matter who it is, if there is a change, it must be bewitched by the Dark Witch. The Dark Witch clone can enter other people's bodies, thereby bewitching the enemy."

"Then what if it enters my body?" Jiang Chen worried;

Alice Winnie explained: "Entering the body is not that simple. If it enters your body, you must rely on your willpower to resist it, and you must not be bewitched by her. This is why we promoted you as [Apostle], Once you are promoted to [Apostle], then he will not be able to confuse you."

"However, it will take a certain amount of time before the order will be issued from above. Be careful during this period."

Jiang Chen nodded, and finally understood what they meant.

A dark witch wizard, very scary.

There are two skills of bewitching and cursing, no matter which one is fatal to him, and if he wants not to be bewitched or cursed, he can only be promoted to [Apostle].

The promotion of [Apostle] requires certain achievements, and it needs to be discussed and decided by the Alliance of Gods.

Perus said: "Actually, to be promoted to [Apostle] requires you to be [God Envoy] and complete the alliance mission step by step, but now there is no time for you to complete the mission, and I don't know if it will work this time, you'd better be mentally prepared .”

"Thank you for your promotion." Jiang Chen expressed his gratitude.

"It's not that we promoted you, but that you have enough records to kill 7 people in one battle. We are waiting to see how you continue to perform."

"You are only one turn now, which is very good for you, because the fastest way to level up on the battlefield."

"We are all beheading evil braves on the battlefield, so the promotion is very fast."

"If you take part in two or three more battles, you might already be a second-turn professional."

Perus reminded: "Jiang Chen, before the [Apostle] order is issued, you'd better follow Alice Winnie, she is an elf, and she can perceive the wizard's bewitching in advance, which is very helpful for you help."

Alice Winnie shook her head and said: "Don't follow me, you can kill space mages, your perception is also very strong, and your thoughts are meticulous, it should be no problem, and don't tell others about it."

Jiang Chen nodded, bid farewell to several masters, and left here.

(End of this chapter)

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