Chapter 224, Spiritual Power from the Dragon Clan

A Ling was waiting outside the door.

Excitedly asked: "What did they tell you?"

"It's nothing."

"It's nothing, they must have something to do with you, I'm your boss, you don't even tell me this."

Jiang Chen turned back helplessly and said, "They said, let me become an [Apostle]."

"I knew it must be a good thing to find you. We will be the same people in the future."

"You are also an [Apostle]"

"Of course."

"Can anyone be an [Apostle]?"

A Ling was not happy: "What do you mean? Are you looking down on me."


"You have. I know from what you said just now. You obviously look down on me."

After returning to the residence, Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Dark Witch, a powerful profession.

Over there in the dark camp.

Gresham, the Son of God, had a gloomy and terrifying face. This time he fought against the Dark Warrior who had killed 10,000+ people, and more than 7 people died and one person was injured.

Gresham looked at Anne, the Dark Witch next to him: "Is there a way to deal with this person?"

"I want to know if you want to kill him or recruit him?"

"It's easy to solve if I kill him. I just need to lurk into their camp and look for opportunities to get his hair and skin. I can use a curse to make him lose his combat power."

"If it is to recruit him, it will be more troublesome. I need to know how this person is and whether he has a chance to recruit us. After all, this person can escape your attack. He is very strong."

Annie gave two options.

Gresham pondered for a moment: "If he is allowed to come to our camp, he will lose his combat effectiveness and his badge will be invalid."

"I also know this. He is not a super god profession, but an ordinary profession. His profession should be a swordsman, which is very similar to the sword spirit of the fallen."

"We also have the profession of dark swordsman here, just give him a badge again."

"Success him."

Annie nodded. To recruit Jiang Chen, he had to do something that violated the rules of the League of Gods. If he couldn't stay in the League of Gods, he had to come to the dark camp.

"But you have to be careful, the other party has a strong [natural disaster] of the elves, she should have discovered your identity, if not, then use the curse."

"I understand that even the elves may not understand me. I am not an ordinary wizard."

Where Jiang Chen returned.

Explore dark priests, wizard professions.

A wizard is a kind of dark priest. It is a super god profession. It has special skills. It can use witchcraft to curse the enemy, and it can even create a clone. The body never appears, and the clone is used to fight the enemy.

Clone is the wizard's strongest dark magic, equivalent to immortality on the battlefield.

Jiang Chen also firmly understood this point.

Know nothing but this.

Jiang Chen had a headache.

How does the wizard confuse the enemy?

Angelina looked at Jiang Chen with a sad face, and asked, "What are you thinking about!"

"It's nothing."

"That's good, let's eat. Summon Olive, this little guy must be starving."

Jiang Chen nodded, and summoned Olive using contract magic.

As soon as Olive came out, she jumped onto Jiang Chen's back, giggling and said: "Brother, let me ride on your back."

Jiang Chen pulled out his hands, hugged Olive in his arms, and rolled his eyes: "You are the dragon, and I am the one riding on your back."

"How about that, I'm a girl, my sister told me not to let anyone ride on my neck, especially a man."

Angelina smiled.

Jiang Chen glanced at it, good fellow, it turned out that you taught it.

He is only three years old!

How can you bear to teach this stuff.

Olive said: "Brother, do you often ride on sister Lena's neck?"

Jiang Chen:·······

How could I be an upright person riding on her neck? Don't blame me.

How could it be possible to do such a thing?


Olive crossed her waist: "You are lying. When I asked my sister, she blushed. You must have bullied my sister so often. Hmph, if you dare to do this again in the future, see if I don't punish you."

Olive gagged her mouth, very unconvinced.

Jiang Chen was completely speechless.

This girl, which side are you on? You are my contract beast, why are you getting involved with Angelina?

"Okay, Olive, stop talking." Angelina stopped her.

"No, I can't let my brother bully you. If he does this in the future, you can turn around and ride on his head."

Jiang Chen coughed...

Angelina giggled, nodded and said, "Well, I'll listen to you."

"Go." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes while eating.

Why does it smell like seafood?

Is it seafood bread?
"Oh, you still dare to resist."

Olive put her arms around Jiang Chen's neck from behind, strangled him tightly, almost strangled Jiang Chen to death, and said loudly, "Sister, come and try, ride on brother's head, let him Feel what it feels like."

Angelina giggled.

"Stop making trouble, do you still want to eat, don't want to eat, starve you for three days and three nights, see if you dare to fight against me." Jiang Chen turned Olive to the ground.

Smelly girl, you rebelled against you.

Seeing that Olive lost his temper, Jiang Chen let go.

The three sat and ate together.

Jiang Chen asked: "Olive, how much do you know about wizards?"

"Hmph, I won't tell you." Olive rolled her eyes, not going to pay attention to Jiang Chen.

"Olive, there must be something wrong with my brother. My brother is very dangerous now. If you don't tell him, what if he dies? You won't have a brother."

Olive thought for a while: "Wizard, I know better."

"Tell me."

"I once heard my mother say that most wizards are the incarnations of dark elves, they are inherently evil, and they all live on the other side of the elf world."

Jiang Chen asked: "Aren't there wizards here?"

"Yes, but our side is a priest of light, also known as a priest of light. Their skills are different. Wizards belong to the kind of super gods. We don't have dark wizards here."

"Then do you know what skills dark wizards have?"

"Clone, curse, dark magic, if you want to kill the dark wizard, you must find his body, her body is very fragile, our dragons have studied magic, can trap the dark wizard's clone, but only under special conditions Trapped down."

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "What's the point of trapping the dark wizard's clone? You have to trap the main body."

"No, there is only one clone of the dark wizard. If you trap the wizard's clone, it is equivalent to trapping half of his soul."


"Yes, if the dark wizard bewitches you, then you can use magic to trap him on a spiritual level so that he cannot leave, and his avatar is equivalent to half of the wizard's soul."

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the wizard to have this weakness, the wizard's avatar is to possess the general soul on the avatar, even if it is dead, it can be revived.

Without the avatar, it is equivalent to not having a magic weapon for protection.

The strongest wizard is the avatar.

(End of this chapter)

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