Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 226 Emperor Chapter 226, Meeting the Carmen Family

Chapter 226 Emperor Chapter 226, Meeting the Carmen Family
dark side.

Annie was thoughtful, then there is something wrong with Angelina's identity, this woman's spiritual power is so strong, who is this guy?

It shattered the dreams of others.

A descendant of God?Or the reincarnation of God?
Annie originally wanted to enter Angelina's dreamland, read memories, and look for Jiang Chen's weaknesses, but unexpectedly, she discovered the secret of Angelina.

Now Anne's clone is attached to Isabel's body.

It seems that we can only wait for tomorrow to act.

The next morning.

Jiang Chen woke up and waited all night, but he didn't wait for the dark wizard to come, but waited for a roar, and watched Angelina wake up.

Jiang Chen: "You didn't hear the sound last night?"

"What sound?" Angelina was puzzled.

"You slept like a dead pig. What did you dream about?"

Angelina rolled her eyes: "You are just like a dead pig, I don't even dream at night."

"You don't actually dream." Jiang Chen looked surprised.

"Of course, what's so good about dreaming, eat well, sleep well, what kind of dream are you doing?"

It really is different, look at others.

Not even a dream.

Jiang Chen said: "If someone asks you, you also say that you were woken up last night."

Angelina was baffled.

"Did you hear that?" He growled in a low voice.

"Oh." Angelina whispered.

Jiang Chen looked at Angelina, very angry, can this woman have some snacks, everyone was woken up, but you were not woken up, wouldn't others be surprised?
"Let's go!"

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

"Brush you bastard, I haven't brushed my teeth for two days."


Jiang Chen stood on the city wall, looking at the other side behind closed doors, it seemed that there was no war today, and he was still thinking about raising his level, it seemed that today was not possible.

I don't know what other means the Son of God has.

Just when Jiang Chen turned to leave, he felt a few hateful gazes, with obvious killing intent, Jiang Chen turned his head to look, and a young man immediately turned around and looked not far away.

Who is this person?

Do you have a grudge against me?

I have not offended anyone.

Looking at the person next to the young man, this figure is very familiar. This is not the person from the Carmen family that he encountered while besieging the fallen.

This young man belonged to the Carmen family.

Jiang Chen smiled.

It's really time for you to come!

Jiang Chen walked over, walked up to the young man, and questioned:

"What are you?"

Carmen Hu was stunned, he didn't expect Jiang Chen to come over and question him directly.


"I asked you what are you looking at?"

"I didn't look at you just now."

"Nonsense, I've already seen it, so I'll ask why you look at me."

Carmen Hu was very angry: "I just look at you, what's wrong?"

"Looking at me will pay the price."

Jiang Chen grabbed Carmen Hu's sleeve, pushed him down against the wall, inadvertently pulled out a dozen hairs, and when Carmen Hu hit the wall, the back of his head ached.

Carmen Tiger is furious, I can't even look at you, who the hell do you think you are!
Carmen Tiger said loudly: "Killed, killed."

Everyone looked towards this side one after another, and Commander Perus also looked over. When he saw someone clashing, he immediately came over to stop it.

Now is not the time for conflict.

Perus frowned: "What's going on?"

Carmen Hu pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "You all saw it, he wants to kill me, he just wanted to kill me."

Perus looked at Carmen Tiger and asked, "What's going on?"

"I was standing here just now, and he came directly to me and wanted to draw his sword to kill me. I don't understand what's going on?"

Perus looked at Jiang Chen: "What exactly happened?"

"He just looked at me."

Perus frowned.

He looks at you, you are going to draw your sword?
"He looks at you, and you do it to him?"

"There was hatred in his eyes. I thought it was a spy from the dark camp."

"Nonsense, I am a majestic [Apostle], how can I be a spy? Obviously you want to kill me, I will definitely report to the higher authorities."

Perus scolded: "Don't watch, what should you do?"

Perus pulled Jiang Chen to the other side, and whispered: "Do you have any grudge against him?"


"Whether there is hatred or not, he is the [Apostle]. If you attack him, we will not be able to protect you. This is an extraordinary time, especially at this time. We must not let people catch us."

"If someone catches you, it's impossible for you to be promoted to [Apostle], do you understand?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "I understand, I'll go over and apologize."

Jiang Chen walked over, with an apologetic expression on his face: "Brother, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now, and you also know that this is an extraordinary period. Because I was too nervous, I regarded you as someone from the dark camp."

Carmen Tiger was furious, you are so nervous!

I really doubt that you are deliberately picking trouble.

Perus said: "Okay, all of this is a misunderstanding, Jiang Chen admitted his mistake and apologized to you, let's forget about it."

"Then how? He wanted to kill me just now, this matter must not be left alone."

Perus sullenly said, "Say it again?"

Carmen Tiger looked at his terrifying eyes, and suddenly didn't dare to speak anymore: "Then... forget it."

"It's good to know, now is an extraordinary time, and sometimes I will admit the wrong person."

Carmen Tiger was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and walked away dejectedly.

He had already heard what Perus said clearly.

It would be terrible if he was wrong.

It is not necessarily true that you will do it directly.

Perus said: "It's fine now."

"Well, I will definitely pay attention next time."

"And next time."

"Hey... I'm talking about finding a place where no one is there next time."

Perus looked at Jiang Chenyuan's back, and cursed in his heart, this damn guy...
Perus saw it too.

Jiang Chen has a grudge with the Carmen family, but even if there is a grudge, he can't do it at this time, now is an extraordinary period, once he does it, it's easy to be caught.

And Carmen Tiger is also 【God Envoy】.

This is no ordinary brave man.

Jiang Chen returned to the place, put the plucked hair next to the pillow, and then walked out of the room, heaving a sigh of relief, wondering if the wizard would be fooled.

who cares!
Even if cursed, it's not me.

Jiang Chen continued to wander around the city, distracted, she wanted to see who entered his room.

Isabel walked to Jiang Chen's door.

Boom boom boom...

After knocking on the door a few times, seeing no one answered, he opened the door.

Look at the hair under the pillow.

Smile in my heart, I was with him last night, and it’s good to collect hair and put it next to the pillow...
Jiang Chen was thoughtful.


how is she?

Could it be that she was bewitched?
How did the wizard do it?
How to confuse others? Could it be that just a few words can confuse others?

"What are you thinking? You're in a daze." Angelina asked, looking at Jiang Chen's absent-minded look;

"You must have something on your mind, you look absent-minded."

"I'm thinking, when can we turn two?"

"It's still early, it's only level 66 now, and you need at least level 99 to turn two."

"It's okay, just go through a few more wars, I think we should be there soon."

(End of this chapter)

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