Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 227 Emperor Chapter 227, Trapped the Dark Witch Sorcerer

Chapter 227 Emperor Chapter 227, Trapped the Dark Witch Sorcerer
into the night······
Jiang Chen fell asleep, a black air entered Jiang Chen's room, and slowly entered Jiang Chen's body.

In a dream...

Jiang Chen looked at the black figure that appeared, and knew that it was the Dark Witch.

This guy didn't hide his identity, and directly appeared in Jiang Chen's dream. This woman turned into a cloud of black energy, and just stood in front of Jiang Chen majestically.


"It seems that the elves have already told you, do you know I'm coming?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for you."

"Give you a chance to join the dark camp, you are still a swordsman." The dark witch said directly, without hiding her purpose at all.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"The elves told you about the ability of wizards. You should understand that I can curse you and make you die on the battlefield. Join our alliance and you will still be strong."

Come on, curse!

Who is afraid of whom!
Really thought you stole my hair?

Actually it was someone else's.

Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand, and a magic circle appeared, this is a magic circle controlled by mental power, capable of being a wizard under the soul, especially if this person has entered his dream.

Annie felt that the surroundings were sealed, and she frowned: "Dragon Trapped Spirit Magic Array, how could you?"

"Since I know that you can enter my dream, I naturally have the means to restrict you. I'm curious, how do you confuse others?"

"Hmph, you're dead!"

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and ignored it at all.

Imprison Annie directly with mental power.

Cthulhu camp.

Annie frowned, how could this guy have a magic circle?

Looking at the hair on her hands, she felt a lot more relaxed. Although she was trapped, Annie didn't worry at all. Once she died, the avatar would be able to leave her body.

Annie wanted to persuade Jiang Chen to join them.

As a result, Jiang Chen didn't give her a chance to speak at all, so he couldn't blame him.

Gresham, Son of God, asked, "Did you get it?"

Annie nodded: "But there is a little problem."

"what is the problem?"

"The avatar is trapped by him. He doesn't know where he learned the trapped spirit magic circle. My avatar can't come back. I can only come back when he dies."

"It doesn't matter. After he dies, the avatar will appear. If you can't recruit him, then curse him with a curse, and he will definitely die by then."

Annie nodded, and this is the only way now.

The next morning.

Jiang Chen got up slowly, this time he finally trapped the dark witch, and wanted to curse him with a curse, but unfortunately they were going to make a mistake.

Boom boom boom...

Jiang Chen got up to open the door, A Ling stood outside the door, excitedly said: "Jiang Chen, your good luck has come, you have been promoted to the [Apostle] sequence, you are already a real apostle, let's go, take you to the command post, this time Once, not only did the holy sacrifice come, but even the Son of God came."

"God's son?"

"Of course, they are here to recruit us. Like the evil gods, they are the sons of gods. These two people will definitely have a big fight, and then you will be able to see how powerful the gods are."

Jiang Chen faintly had a glimmer of expectation.

command post.

When Jiang Chen entered it, he saw two figures, a man and a woman, the man was wearing a long sword, blue hair, blue eyes, the woman was holding a magic staff, the blonde woman, this elder sister looked very big.

Perus introduced: "Jiang Chen, this one is the [Order] strongman, Milton, the son of God, and this one is the holy priest of Roxani, who deals with the dark witch wizard."

"Meet the two adults."

Milton, Son of God, nodded and said with a smile: "I heard about your achievements. You killed 7 people on the battlefield. Finally, a strong swordsman emerged from you."

"Thank you for your contribution to the Alliance of Gods."

"As a great brave man, this is what I should do."

"It's very rare not to take credit and be proud." Milton, Son of God, nodded with a smile.

The holy priest Luoxani looked at Jiang Chen: "Don't worry, with me here, the dark wizard dare not do anything. Although she has the curse technique, I also have the holy sacrifice technique, which can sacrifice all evil existences."

Jiang Chen wanted to say, you came a step late, the dark wizard has already made a move.

Milton, the Son of God, took out a badge and said, "Although you are a first-rank occupation, your achievements have already met the requirements. This is the first-rank Apostle Medal. After merging with the badge, you will be a first-rank [Apostle]. This is the reward of the Alliance of Gods to those who have meritorious deeds."

Jiang Chen took the badge, and the badge turned into a ray of light and completely merged with Jiang Chen.

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

【Level: 66】

【Experience: 200000/5000000】

[Physical: 307]

【Strength: 125】

【Spirit: 335】

[Agility: 86]


The [Apostle] medal is really awesome. It increases resistance, increases four dimensions, increases skill attack power, reduces cooling time, and is immune to damage.

This is still the first level [Apostle], wouldn't it be even more powerful if it was the second level or the third level?

After [Apostle] is promoted to the [Natural Disaster] sequence.

And after [Natural Disaster].

It is [Order]

【Order】is his most desired goal.

Milton smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, Gresham has fought against me many times. I didn't expect him to come here and try to invade the world of Sillero. I will kill his dog's head to sacrifice to the dead brave man. "

At this moment, the trumpet sounded...

This is a sign of attack.

The evil god started to attack.

Milton: "Come on, meet Gresham."

Milton led a group of people out, and the priest Roxani walked up to Jiang Chen, and took a surprise look at Jiang Chen: "I feel a dark aura about you."


Is this woman's perception so powerful?
Milton glanced at Jiang Chen, and said with a smile: "His sword is Lei Lun's magnetic sharp sword, gold-level, and it is the equipment of the first-rank demon king. It is very good. Killing the first-rank demon king revealed his equipment." , and the shirt too."

"It's a coincidence, I'll just change to an ordinary sword."

"This is your certificate for beheading the demon king. You don't need to change it. This sword has good attributes and is just right for you. If you can kill 20 evil brave men, I will give you one. The second-rank legendary equipment is better than this sword." A sword is fine."

Jiang Chen was stunned.


This is the boss!

The people next to him are envious and jealous, the equipment bestowed by the Son of God is really awesome.

Perus whispered: "I, Jiang Chen, you have to work hard this time, it must be the equipment used by the Son of God, legendary level, this is a big treasure for you."

"You have been approved by the Son of God."

Jiang Chen asked in a low voice: "What kind of equipment is the Son of God wearing?"

"Naturally, it's an epic suit. It's equipment made by the dwarf craftsman himself. The whole body has a set of armor, which is the same as that of the evil god."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful, if Gresham was killed, would the equipment be revealed?
(End of this chapter)

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