Chapter 238, The Prophet in the Black Market

Who is this old man?

Why are you staring at Angelina?

Jiang Chen turned his head and walked in front of the old man.

"Hello Brave, do you need to predict the future?"


"You stay in front of me because you want me to predict the future for you. I'm very accurate. Do you need to predict your future? The price is fair, and there is no deception."

A Nuo smiled and said, "Are you a prophet?"

"The old man is indeed a prophet."

"What is the profession of a prophet?"

Arnold explained: "Prophet is an auxiliary profession. They have no special attack power. They are nothing more than predicting the future for others, but the future is difficult to predict."

"Of course, there are so few prophets, you can take a look."

This is also the first time Jiang Chen heard about this profession.

Jiang Chen became interested: "How much?"

"One hundred thousand."

"A bit expensive."

"It's just to make ends meet."

"What do you think?"

The old man took out the Tarot cards, handed them to Jiang Chen, and ordered: "You shuffle the cards, mess up the order of these cards, and draw out five cards in sequence, and I will interpret the meanings above for you."

Jiang Chen smiled, and picked up the Tarot cards. This Tarot card was the same size as a poker card. After shuffling it casually, Jiang Chen didn't know what it was!
After shuffling, hand the Tarot cards to the old man.

The old man put the tarot cards on the table one by one, and ordered; "Now draw five cards according to your will."

Jiang Chen randomly drew one.

When the old man saw the card, it was a red card.

Jiang Chen asked in confusion; "What does this mean?"

"Kill, you will grow through killing."

Damn, isn't this nonsense!
Don't grow up in the killing, don't you still grow up in bed!

The old man analyzed: "Your card is different. There are three types of killing rankings, different camps, the same camp, and mixed camps. And your card belongs to the mixed camp."

"That is to say, your growth is accompanied by the sacrifice of people from different camps, even if they are from the same camp, you will kill them."

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "And then!"

"There is no so-called camp in your heart, you are yourself, and there is no so-called good or evil in your heart."

Very good, you guessed it.

"Brave, please continue to turn over the second card."

Just as Jiang Chen was about to make a move, the prophet reminded: "This... the price of the second card is a bit more expensive, 20."

Jiang Chen was not happy anymore.

Why did the price increase?

I seriously suspect that you are a liar...

"What about the third card!"


"And the fourth one!"


"The fifth one is 50?"

"No, it's 100 million."

Jiang Chen: "..."

This is simply robbery. If I had known that I would have awakened some kind of fortune teller, it would be 200 million.

The old man smiled and said, "Brave man, aren't you curious about the next fate? The first card determines your growth, and the second card determines your status."

Well, a mere 20, trivial.

Jiang Chen turned over the second card.

The second card is a queen with a page next to it.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Could it be that I will become a god?"

"No, you will become God's attendant. Don't you see clearly that this god is a woman, and you are the attendant next to God. In the future, you will become an attendant and guard by God's side."

Fuck you, I became a servant?

I seriously suspect that you are fooling me.

But I have no proof.

The prophet smiled and said: "This is only your second card, your status is definitely not the case, you still have a third card, do you want to continue to be a hero?"

Jiang Chen flipped over the third one.

The third one is standing alone on the ground.

Jiang Chen asked in confusion; "What does this mean?"

"It means you are lonely, you have no friends, you have no family, you have nothing, if you want to solve the mystery, you have to turn over the fourth card."

Jiang Chen is so angry, good guy, you are sincerely fooling my purse, right?
The fourth one is 40.

This trick of fooling people has to be said to be a must.

If you want to know the future, just pay for it.

Isn't it just 40, I'm going to be a fool for a while.

Jiang Chen turned over the fourth card.

The fourth card has a different face. There are two attendants standing next to one, pressing down on one attendant. The queen sits high above the throne, and the pressed attendant has a dagger on his chest, and blood is left from the dagger.


Jiang Chen didn't need to be told by a prophet, he could guess the general idea.

he died.

The prophet said: "You were killed by the queen, but you still have a chance when you turn around."

"what chance?"

"Open the fifth page and you will understand."

fuck you
A big liar, I really believe you, you bastard, you are a very bad old man.

I really believe you are an idiot...

The prophet said with confidence: "Everyone has five chances, and you turned over the fourth one. The fourth one symbolizes death, and the fifth one symbolizes the final outcome."

"Death is not the end, maybe it's rebirth from the ashes!"

"Young man, don't miss this opportunity."

Jiang Chen hesitated.

Well, I'm such a fucking idiot.

Jiang Chen flipped over the fifth sheet.

The fifth one is a coffin, Jiang Chen was stunned...

I'm such an idiot.

The prophet coughed: "This... This is your burial place."

Jiang Chen is about to draw his sword.

Lost 100 million, just exchanged for a coffin, is this the final outcome?

The seer sensed the danger.

Young people don't talk about martial arts, they don't give money for fortune telling, and they still want to draw their swords...
The prophet was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, he quickly explained: "There is an event recently, and I will give you a [-]% discount."

Jiang Chen frowned tightly.

"5% off?"

"2% off?"

"Brave, you don't want to be free!"

"This is what you said, not me. Since it's free, forget it. I don't care about you anymore. Let's go!"

Jiang Chen turned and left.

The prophet was unlucky for a while, and cursed in his heart, good boy, I will predict the future for you, but you still don’t pay me, no wonder my eyelids are twitching so much, and my relationship is in danger.

It would have been better if I had known about going out to calculate a divination.

The prophet looked at the Tarot cards and was shocked. The coffin was red, which meant it wasn't his own, but someone else's.

Red represents killing, and there is a throne on the red coffin, isn't it the coffin of the gods?
Angelina excitedly said; "Jiang Chen, I'll go back and do the math too?"

"Don't go, I paid 200 million for a coffin. If you go back, you have to be like me. This old man is obviously talking nonsense. I will go back and remove its sign later."

Arnold smiled and said, "The prophet is not talking nonsense."

"How did they improve their level?"

"They are helping people to predict the future and improve their level. There was a prophet 60 years ago, a sixth-rank prophet. I remember that at that time, a son of God came to him and asked the prophet to tell his fortune. As a result, the prophet did a fortune-telling, and finally It's just a coffin."

"The son of God was so angry that he cursed at that time, and wanted to kill the prophet at that time."

Angelina asked, "And finally!"

"In the end, the Son of God died, and the prophet was also wanted, and his whereabouts are unknown now. He was quite accurate. He calculated that the Son of God would die, so he ran away with a bucket."

Angelina looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's last card was the coffin.

Could it be that······

Jiang Chen saw Angelina's worry: "Don't worry, I never believe in any prophecies, my fate is up to me, I only believe that fate is in my own hands."

(End of this chapter)

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