Chapter 239, Hotel of the Fallen
A Nuo took a deep look at Jiang Chen, with such a character, he was a bit like a fallen man.

This is the case with the fallen. They would rather endure loneliness and suffering than submit to the alliance of the gods. In their hearts, dignity is always the most important thing, even more important than life.

Angelina said: "Since the old man is a prophet and has seen your fate, we can ask him how to solve it."

"Need not."


"No need, what bullshit prophecy is just a liar, do you really believe it?" Jiang Chen didn't care.

Prophet, is this job awesome?

Jiang Cheng disagreed.

Angelina had no choice but to follow Jiang Chen, thinking in her heart that if she had an opportunity, she must ask that fortune teller, ask clearly, and there is any way to avoid it.

Angelina exclaimed in her heart, she is the reincarnation of a god, if she becomes a god, she will definitely be able to change the ending, she absolutely does not want to see Jiang Chen die.

The three stopped under a restaurant.

Jiang Chen turned around and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"a little bit."

A Nuo said with a smile: "Let's go, this is a restaurant, the owner is the Fallen, just to show you the food they cook, the food here is quite delicious."

Jiang Chen was taken aback, the restaurant opened by the fallen man.

"How dare they open a restaurant here, isn't the Alliance of Gods hunting them down?" Jiang Chen was puzzled;
Arnold explained: "There are not only fallen people and restaurants opened here, but also people from the evil alliance who started restaurants, so don't make a fuss, this is a black market, and there are any possibilities."

"The last time the Petty family launched a siege mission, they actually have a certain relationship with the Petty family, and this relationship was established in the black market, but such a relationship is very unreliable."

"A brave man discovered the residence of the fallen man, and then reported to the Alliance of Gods. The Petty family couldn't sit still, so they launched a siege operation."

"Among the fallen people, there are also some ordinary people, just like some of us who have not awakened professions, some people regard them as meritorious deeds, but in my heart, as long as they are not fallen with true energy, they are all innocent people .”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

That's the only true thing to hear from the brave, they're innocent.

This person also has right and wrong in his heart, not all brave men regard them as bad people.

A Nuo said with a smile: "It's better not to go to the evil tavern, their wine is not good, and the food they cook is not good, it feels like raw."

"In their tavern, evil braves are often entertained, but we are not welcome when we go."

"Is there no one who dares to do it here?"

"Of course, but here are mostly people who know the basics, and no one is willing to do anything, because you don't know how many levels the opponent is? How powerful? People here will keep a low profile."

Several people entered the tavern while talking.

The whole tavern is made of wood, which looks like an ancient restaurant.

That's not all, there are some women dancing on the stage, and there are no traces unique to the fallen on their foreheads.

Obviously they are ordinary people.

Several people sat at a table.

A deceased person came over and asked, "What do you guys need?"



A Nuo said with a smile: "Maybe it's because of their homelessness. Their barbecue here tastes good. Whenever I have time, I will come here to eat their barbecue."

Jiang Chen concentrated his mind, and soon found a master.

There is true energy in the body.

At this time, she was sitting cross-legged, as if she was practicing.

Just now.

A group of evil warriors entered here.

An evil brave man was still indignant: "I met that prophet just now, he actually defrauded me of 200 million, I almost killed him with a knife."

"He also said that I would die today, isn't that ridiculous! I want to see who dares to kill me."

Jiang Chen heard this
Turn around.

Those were five evil brave men with demon tentacles on their heads, but they didn't wear masks, but spoke loudly without restraint.

Jiang Chen's heart moved, he also wanted to see if what the prophet said was true.

The five evil brave men swept around and looked at the woman on the stage.

Immediately interested.

The arrogant evil brave just said with a smile: "This is a human woman, I haven't tasted it yet!"

"Stop making trouble, this is a black market, it's best not to cause trouble in the black market, otherwise it's easy to get into trouble."

"What are you afraid of? I don't know how many people have been killed. They are just ordinary people. It's okay to eat one."

"Isn't it just money, just buy one when the time comes."

"That's right, just give me the money."

Arnold whispered; "There are no rules for the evil brave. They eat what they have, and their best food is to eat us."

"They have no morals at all. They think that powerful forces dominate everything."

Jiang Chen nodded, these evil brave men really wanted to die.

It seems that the prophet's prediction is true.

An evil brave man took out his money and said, "I want that woman. I will boil her and serve her as a barbecue."

The waiter came over: "Sorry, we don't have this rule."

"Aren't you just doing it for money? I'll give you money. They're just ordinary people. They'll just catch one at that time. There's no need to be so wordy. I like to eat delicious food."

"We don't have that rule."

The evil brave man became impatient: "What rules, believe it or not, I will catch you and eat you. I haven't tasted the taste of you fallen people, and I don't know what it's like."

The waiter patted the evil brave man on the shoulder.

Jiang Chen obviously felt that a wave of true energy entered the evil brave man's body, and only heard a few crisp sounds, his heart was instantly shattered into pieces.

Sure enough, it is the true energy unique to the fallen.

Their most powerful power is to shatter the enemy's heart with true qi, or shatter the enemy's head. Any defense has no effect in front of them.

The evil brave fell to the ground and died, bleeding to death from seven holes.

The rest of them drew their swords.

A beautiful woman came out of the room, very fast, drew her knife and slashed.


Quickly beheaded several evil brave men.

The speed was so fast that even Jiang Chen didn't see it clearly, he only saw figures swaying, and several people died under the knife.

The beautiful woman said coldly: "Clean up quickly, don't disturb the guests' meals."

"Okay, lady boss."

There are also some diners around. They saw someone die and didn't do anything, as if it was a common thing.

This is very normal in the black market, and it would be abnormal if no one died every day.

This beautiful woman uses a knife.

The beautiful woman seemed to feel Jiang Chen's gaze, turned her head to take a look, and then walked upstairs slowly.

A Nuo whispered: "Aren't they very powerful?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Well, but there is a certain gap with Siyuan."

When the beautiful woman heard these two words, she paused and went upstairs again.

(End of this chapter)

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