Chapter 262 Goddess Eleanor exploded in anger

Eleanor was annoyed: "You are questioning my decision."

Jiang Chen yelled loudly: "That's right, it's not just me, they are all questioning your decision, but they dare not say it. You think that you are the Son of God, and your decision is wrong. Of course I want to question it."

"I am fighting for the alliance of the gods, not for you to die."

The rest laughed.

They really questioned Eleanor's decision, and just attacked and killed them like this, and they didn't know how many people would die.

They stood on the city wall and were able to release magic from a long distance. Obviously this was a wrong decision, but no one dared to question it. It was the aloof son of God, Elinor.

Jiang Chen really wanted to say, how the hell did you level up.

Is it suitable to lead a group of brave warriors to fight fiercely?

Will there be a war?
Eleanor trembled with anger, this damned brave man.

Dare to question her decision.

Eleanor said angrily; "Then what do you say?"

"It's not up to me to decide. You should discuss with the [-] legion commanders and make suggestions, instead of you commanding alone. To put it bluntly, you are not suitable to be a coach."

Eleanor looked at them.

After a moment of contemplation: "Let's discuss how to capture this small town."

Arnold stood up: "The melee warriors are ready and stand by to prevent the enemy from rushing over. The magician stands behind and is ready at any time. The archer rides the dragon and forms a defensive formation."

After Arnold finished speaking: "Let's discuss the countermeasure together, how can we capture this small town."

The seventeen legion commanders nodded.

Obviously, rashly attacking is the wrong choice.

"Jiang Chen, you are so awesome, you dare to scold Lord Son of God."

"I have to say, you are right in scolding."

"Keep your voice down, I can't be heard by Eleanor."

"You are the first person who dares to question Eleanor, he is the Son of God from the Upper Realm."

Jiang Chen smiled; "Why don't I dare, I'm obviously an idiot, dare to be a commander, if I don't say that, you will all have to die."

Jiang Chen looked ahead: "Look at the fighter on the opposite side, it's close to five meters away, it's obviously a master of melee combat, if you rush over so rashly, you will definitely die."

"Siege, how to attack? Do you attack with your hands?"

Jiang Chen is also speechless, this woman has no eyes at all, she is the son of God, I am...
Eleanor gritted her teeth angrily: "Who is that person? What's his name?"

"My lord, his name is Jiang Chen, and he is a human being."


"Yes, one-turn swordsman."

When Eileen Nuo heard this, she became even more annoyed, a swordsman with one turn dared to question her.

who do you think You Are?

I don't want face?

Eleanor said angrily: "This kid dares to question my decision, I must..."

"My lord, he is the fifth rank of [Apostle]."

Eleanor sneered and said, "I remember that only Rank 2 can be promoted to [Apostle]. After returning, check immediately. This person must have gone through the back door and get rid of him."

"My lord, I'm afraid this is very difficult."

Eleanor frowned: "What's the difficulty?"

"My lord doesn't know, this person killed 20 evil warriors in one battle against the evil god camp last time."

Eleanor exclaimed: "What?"

"My lord, this person also killed Gresham, the son of God of the evil god camp. Although he was a first-rate swordsman, he was specially promoted by the Alliance of Gods, and he has made great achievements in battle."

Eleanor, startled, kills Gresham.

How did he do it?

Eleanor looked at Jiang Chen's message:
[Kill 20 evil brave men, promoted to [Apostle]]

[Kill the Son of God, Gresham, and advance to the fifth rank of [Apostle]]

Although Elinor is the son of God and possesses certain rights, if she wants to exempt Jiang Chen from the position of [Apostle], she must apply to the Alliance of Gods.

"But he insulted the Lord in public, even if this person has great military exploits, he cannot be exonerated."

"Who would dare to question the decision of the Son of God in public?"

"I'll kill him on the spot and give all legions a warning."

"No, the other party is the [Apostle] after all, and he is still a person that the alliance is optimistic about. If you kill him, you will be in great trouble."

"He is the [Apostle] sequence, and I am still the [Natural Disaster] sequence!"

Eleanor stood up: "Wait a minute, let's talk about capturing the town and see how they negotiate?"

A dozen people had a brief meeting.

Eleanor asked; "Tell me, do you have any plans?"

Arnold stood up: "Send some ultra-long-range attack professions, hover over the town, check how many enemies there are, and formulate countermeasures."

"Is this the result of your discussion?" Eleanor frowned;

A Nuo said with a smile: "Attacking rashly will only result in heavy losses. After checking the number of opponents, we should consider the air superiority on the battlefield. We have a lot of dragon knights. After we can eliminate the Nether Race's air superiority, it is not too late to attack."

More than a dozen legion commanders echoed.

"In this way, victory can be exchanged for very little price."

"The opponent's situation is unclear, and a rash attack will only result in heavy losses."

"Although the enemy also has air mounts, they don't seem to have as many as ours."

"We have a lot of dragon knights, and the air is our advantage."

Eleanor nodded: "Then do as you say!"

"Follow your lord's orders."

Eleanor turned and left.

"Arnold, you should make a suggestion to establish a joint command."

Arnold shook his head; "Now is not the time, wait until the town is captured."

Propose now?

You are trying to seize military power!

Although this woman is stupid, she is not stupid.

A Ling looked at Jiang Chen, and stared fiercely: "You are crazy, she is the child of God, you scold her, do you know what it means?"

"You've scolded me, what else do you want? Pull me out and kill me?" Jiang Chen laughed;
"I want to kill you ten thousand times."

"One time is enough."

Soon, a group of ultra-long-distance attackers flew to the city on a giant dragon, and Jiang Chen stood by. This was the best choice, using the air superiority to find out the enemy's situation.

Attacking rashly will only lead to death.

Just as the dragon knight flew over, the enemy monsters also rose into the sky...
The two sides fought.

Jiang Chen looked at the changes in the sky, most of the dragon knights are ultra-long-distance professions, archers, sharpshooters, magicians...
The same is true for the other party.

There are also archers, magicians, and more magicians. In addition to the five types of magic, their magic also has a form similar to space attack.

Countless people are watching the battle in the sky.

Arnold frowned: "Their monsters also have magic attacks, not inferior to giant dragons."

"Yeah, the opponent has a strong man, who seems to be a strong man of the space system, who can defuse all attacks."

"It's almost unbearable, Arnold, quickly withdraw."

Arno nodded, and an order was issued, and all the dragon knights returned.

(End of this chapter)

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