Chapter 263, Elven Archers

Arnold said: "The opponent has a rare space mage. This person is very difficult. Someone needs to kill this person. We must not lose the air supremacy, otherwise we will be beaten passively."

The rest nodded, air supremacy is especially important.

Space mage belongs to super god profession.

It can redirect the attack and direct it elsewhere.

Eleanor turned back: "Nat, you go and kill the opponent's space magician."

A person came out from behind Pielino: "Okay, my lord."

Jiang Chen glanced at it.

The archers of the elves!

It may not be the opponent of the space mage. Nat rode on the giant dragon, roared, and flew towards the enemy camp, holding a longbow, ready to fight.

At this time, the opponent's space mage flew out riding a monster.

Jiang Chen looked up at the sky.

The space mage on the opposite side was the first to activate his skills, and a transparent mirror appeared in front of him. At this time, Nat shot two arrows at the space mage.

The two yellow arrows were shot at the space mage at an extremely fast speed, and the space mage on the opposite side released the transparent mirror in front of him.

The two arrows rushed into the mirror in an instant and disappeared.

Jiang Chen stared at the space magician's skills, and used the skills to create space cracks. This is the space magician's skills.

Just now.

Two yellow arrows appeared behind Nat.

The method of space transfer, the arrow is only transferred to Nat's back, and the enemy's skills are used to attack the enemy. This is the power of the space magician.

Nat seemed to have been prepared for a long time. When the two arrows were shot at him, they changed direction instantly, whistling past Nat from left to right, and shot straight at the space mage.

Jiang Chen nodded, so that's the case.

This arrow should only have intentions, and it can be controlled by the archer just like the skill of Yulong Zaitian.

"Hey, those two arrows turned around? What's going on?"

"I still don't understand. This is the mind control of the elves. They can control the direction of the arrows. They won't disappear unless they destroy the enemy."

"Archers still have this skill? Why don't I have it?"

"This is the control magic of the elves, are you an elves?"

"Only the elves can learn this control magic."

"It's amazing, the space mage will definitely die."

The space mage on the opposite side also noticed something strange, watching the two yellow arrows attack from two directions one after the other, stretched out his left and right hands, and emitted two beams of light.

The two yellow arrows only rushed into the light mirror and disappeared again.

No, it didn't disappear, but behind Elinor.

Elinor felt the change, a ray of light flashed, and the magician's magic shield covered herself.

At this time, everyone understood that the space mage moved the arrow behind Eleanor and wanted to sneak attack Eleanor, but it was a pity that he failed.

Jiang Chen frowned, the perception distance of this space magician is also very strong, it is at least 500 meters.

Nat fired two more arrows.

Repeat the action just now.

This time, he was not so lucky. He only heard two screams, which were from the brave man's side.

This is to transfer the space to the brave to deal with and shoot the brave.

Now Nat understood.

This kind of attack is not good at all, and there is a chance for close combat. Thinking of this, riding a giant dragon to charge over, the elf archer is not only good at arrows, but also powerful at magic.

Only by using the melee method can we completely kill the space magician.

At this time, the two began to fight in the air.

The space magician drew out a long knife and slashed at the front.

But Jiang Chen felt that this knife unexpectedly appeared behind Nat.

An arm fell from the sky...
This knife cut off Nat's arm directly, and Nat suffered pain, and then the space magician made another knife, this knife chopped on Nat's head, and a head flew up...

What is this operation?
The two didn't fight at close range at all, so why did their heads fall off.

Arnold frowned: "It's so strong."

"It's really strong. He used his own space to shift and cut in front. In fact, he cut on Nat."

"This guy is not just a space magician, but a fighter."

"Whether this guy is in a long-range attack or in a close combat, he can be called an invincible existence."

"How to do?"

Eleanor frowned, failing.

The brave men were shocked, who is the opponent of such a terrifying space mage?

Just now.

The space magician looked at this side, holding a saber in his right hand, and a mirror in his left hand. He stabbed at the mirror, and a scream broke out from the crowd.

A hero's body was split in half.

The brave men around scattered one after another, all looking terrified.

Obviously, this guy is not a magician, but a space warrior.

If a spell comes down, that's fine.

At this moment, the space warrior returned to the city wall, with a mirror in his right hand and the League of Braves in his left hand. The brave man's face changed drastically.

As if he knew what he was going to do!

Jiang Chen also frowned.

This is······
Seeing the archer shoot at the mirror, all kinds of magic arrows shot at the mirror, Jiang Chen felt the spatial fluctuation.

Sure enough, just as he thought, he used space transfer to open a gap on the side of the League of Braves, so that the attack was directly transferred to the League of Braves.

Jiang Chen held Angelina's hand, ready to run away at any time.

Space transfer is really awesome. This Perus has the same skill, using space transfer to attack and using space transfer magic.

A crack appeared just behind the hero.

Countless arrows rushed out of the crack, and then there was a scream...
Arnold's face changed drastically: "Disperse immediately."

Jiang Chen waved his hand like a sword.

It was not the people on the wall that attacked, but the cracks.

This sword qi rushed into it, and someone on the opposite side was strangled by the sword qi and died instantly.

Jiang Chen's guess was correct.

When the space crack opens, the person on the opposite side can attack the brave, and the brave can also attack that side from the crack.

The space magician instantly turned off the light mirror.

A Nuo said loudly: "Jiang Chen, are you sure you can kill that space mage?"


"Okay, then please."

Jiang Chen walked forward, held the sword in his right hand, and looked at the space warrior. At this moment, the distance was at least 1500 meters. If he wanted to kill the space mage, he must be within 1000 meters.

Pulling out the sword and chopping is Jiang Chen's furthest attack distance.

Can kill him when he is not using the space to transfer...
At this time Jiang Chen walked forward.

Countless brave men looked at Jiang Chen.

Eleanor also stared at Jiang Chen, she wanted to see what Jiang Chen was capable of?
The Nether tribe looked at Jiang Chen coming alone.

Countless people yelled...

One of them jumped down from the high wall, and rushed towards Jiang Chen with a saber in hand.

Jiang Chen just glanced at it.

Waiting for the Nether warriors to rush over, he took a sword casually.

A sword pierces out...

All I saw was a flash of white light, and the Nether warrior was instantly killed.

【Experience +800】

The League of Warriors is very excited.

"Good job, finally killed a person."

"It's such a strong sword energy, it can be instantly killed with one move."

"Who is that person?"

"You don't even know him. He is Jiang Chen who blocked and killed 20 evil troops. He once stopped a million troops with his own power."

"He is the guy that the sons of gods in the evil camp will kill."

"What a terrifying sword energy."

At this time, the Nether clan camp watched Jiang Chen instantly kill the warrior with a single sword, and roared angrily. Ten warriors jumped down from the sky, and only one rushed towards Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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