Chapter 285, killing 99, so terrifying

Alice and the others were dumbfounded. Seeing the continuous increase in experience, how many people did they kill, and they didn't see Jiang Chen make a move? This guy was standing in the middle, so the experience was increased?

Jiang Chen had already made plans, if he showed off on the battlefield, he would be easily spotted by the enemy.

Still low-key.

Use the sword qi to hide behind the brave man, as long as the brave man rushes over, the sword qi will kill the enemy without hesitation and complete the fatal blow.

In this way, not only can you hide your identity, but you can also increase your experience value.

The experience points belong to me, you just charge.

At this time, the masters of the Nether tribe also noticed the situation here, tens of thousands of people rushed into the formation like a sharp knife, and the Nether tribe fell to the ground and died one after another wherever they passed.

What legion is this?
Has such a powerful combat capability?

"What the hell? Before I even made a move, the enemy died."

"I still want to improve my experience, how can I improve this?"

"Have we become scapegoats?"

"I have rushed into the center of the enemy, and I haven't drawn my sword yet!"

"Not good, the enemy elite is coming."

"Damn it, the elite is here."

At this time Jiang Chen felt that the elite troops within a thousand meters were rushing towards this side, Jiang Chen sneered, the elites would die too...
The elite troops of the Nether tribe rushed over, which also ended in death.

Every sword qi passed through the heads of the elite troops.

Jiang Chen looked at the number of kills he had killed.

Good guy, there are 20 heads in just a short while.

There are too many people!

20 is more than 4 million experience points.

Level up 77...

Upgrade level 78...

Upgrade level 79...

Upgrade level 80...

Upgrade level 81...

Alice and the others were dumbfounded, watching their own levels continue to increase, and it took only a while to increase by 4 levels, which is not bad.

The seven crazily leveled up on the battlefield.

The masters of the Nether tribe finally couldn't sit still, they came to check the situation one after another, Hisoka and Theo rushed up, they followed the command of the commander in chief to protect Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen also felt that the two people in the sky were protecting him.

If someone protects him, he's afraid of a hair.

keep on killing...
He continued to raise the level crazily, with [-] sword qi, each sword qi killed a Nether tribe, and Jiang Chen was killing wildly on the battlefield at this time.

There are no enemies within a kilometer.

At this moment, a huge red light rushed over, the forward fighters couldn't resist at all, and were quickly killed, and a huge deep pit appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

Hundreds of brave men fell to the ground and died in an instant, and Jiang Chen's sword energy was also wiped out at the same time.

Thousands of sword qi were shattered by the aftermath.

Jiang Chen resolutely led a few people back immediately, and a master of the Nether tribe appeared, and he was a magic master who could use a large-scale attack.

Jiang Chen said: "Go back immediately."

Seven people hurried back.

Harvey Franklin led the army to charge up to confront the enemy. Jiang Chen watched the army fighting in the sky, stopped and said, "Alice and Angelina are going back, I'm going to the battlefield."

"Okay, be careful."

Watching the six people leave, Jiang Chen returned to the battlefield again. This time, Jiang Chen no longer hid, and rushed directly into the enemy camp by himself, and once again activated the Wanjian Guizong mode.

The [-] sword qi charged on the rampage, and the Nether tribe fell to the ground and died wherever they passed.

"Okay, the swordsman finally stopped hiding and made a move."

"It's really amazing, one person can resist the army of millions of ghosts."

"With him fighting on the ground, it seems that the millions of Nether Army are not enough to kill him."

On the ground, the army of the Alliance of Braves followed Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen beheaded all the enemies without leaving any survivors for them.

"Who is this person? One person can stop a million troops."

"He is Jiang Chen."

"Is that the legendary swordsman? It's really amazing!"

"With him alone, it is enough to face the army of millions of ghosts."

"This guy is too strong."

"A person who rushes into the enemy's camp alone is invincible."

Level up 82...

Upgrade level 83...

Upgrade level 84...

In just a few breaths, Jiang Chen raised another three levels, and before the enemy even had time to react, he died under Jiang Chen's sword.

At this moment, the masters of the Nether Clan rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Yelling at Jiang Chen...
Jiang Chen felt a huge wave of magic, and fled the battlefield in a few breaths...
At this moment, the army of brave men behind Jiang Chen fell to the ground one after another, bleeding to death one by one, and some even exploded directly. This blow directly killed thousands of brave men.

Jiang Chen frowned tightly.

What kind of magic is this?
Jiang Chen looked at the strong man on the opposite side, at this time the distance was a thousand meters away, even with the technique of returning to the sect of ten thousand swords, he could not kill this man.

At this time, the strong man on the opposite side also found Jiang Chen, and roared at Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen fled instantly.

Sonic attack?

Using the vibration of the air to kill the enemy, Jiang Chen finally understood the enemy's attack method, this attack method is simply more terrifying than the forbidden curse.

Harvey Franklin's figure flashed, and he stabbed at the man just now, the powerful light flashed away, and the strong Nether clan roared again...
Instantly shattered the yellow light.

Harvey Franklin's face changed drastically. This is a master. He stretched out his right hand while waving his hand, and a huge barrier appeared, surrounding all the brave men.


The rest of the braves retreated one after another and entered the barrier.

At this time, Jiang Chen was still outside the barrier, frantically killing enemies.

Seeing the master coming, Jiang Chen flashed in the air, quickly flashed into the barrier, looked up at Harvey Franklin, and cast the barrier alone, this person is also a master!
Christie Burton flew over: "Jiang Chen, a master has appeared on the opposite side, retreat immediately."

"it is good."

The brave men on the Alliance of Gods side retreated, and the Nether Race also retreated in an orderly manner. The first wave of battle was finally over.

Jiang Chen watched his level change.

I didn't know this one, but I was shocked when I saw it.

Level 92.

Look at the number of people I killed, 99...
Nima killed 99 soldiers, are there so many?
Jiang Chen returned to the No.30 Eighth Army, the Gregory Army.

The rest looked at Jiang Chen.

When the legion participated in the battle, everyone knew how many people they had killed, only then did they suddenly discover that Jiang Chen killed 1 people in the first place.

So terrifying.

One person killed 99 people, what is that concept?
This man is simply a butcher.

Kill God.

The most exciting thing is Walker. He is the commander of the No.30 Eighth Army. The number of people he killed is only a few thousand people.

Each legion will have an indicator.

Now the 38th Legion has killed a total of 100 million people, becoming the veritable First Legion, among which Jiang Chen killed 99 people alone.

(End of this chapter)

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