Chapter 286, Customize Level 100 Legendary Suits
Walker walked up to Jiang Chen, and excitedly said: "You are so awesome, you killed 1 people in the first confrontation, your record is enough to be recorded in the annals of history."

"It's okay, it's not yet 100 million."

The corner of Walker's mouth twitched, what do you mean it hasn't reached 100 million yet?
How embarrassing you are for us to say that.

The rest were startled.

"My God, killing 99 soldiers by one person is 99 military achievements."

"When will the 100 million army be killed?"

"It's just unimaginable."

"Such a record is enough to go down in history."

"I heard that he hasn't turned [-] yet."

"It's only level 92, and it has such terrifying combat power. If it's the second rank, it's fine."

"After one more battle, it can turn two times."

Walker said with a smile: "Let's go, the commander-in-chief wants to see you, your outstanding performance on the battlefield is really beyond our expectations."

Jiang Chen nodded, followed Walker, and entered the general command room.

I also saw the commander-in-chief Harvey Franklin, a six-turn Seraph, sitting next to two deputies, who are also 6-field Angels.

There are experts in the room, including Milton and Christie Burton.

There are others, and they are all sons of God.

Harvey Franklin looked at Jiang Chen and said with a smile: "Come and see, this one is Jiang Chen, a master who killed 99 Nether warriors on the battlefield, and also a swordsman."

"Your Commander, you are joking."

"With you, you are able to stop the attack of the Nether Race's million-strong army. You have contributed a lot. You can ask for any equipment you want."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Do you have mythical equipment?"

Harvey Franklin: (⊙o⊙)…

A good boy said that it is a mythical equipment, and you treat it as a Chinese cabbage. Mythical equipment can only be worn by gods, and ordinary people cannot obtain it at all.

Harvey Franklin didn't know what to say.

Walker whispered: "Mythical equipment can only be worn by gods."

"Actually, I was joking." Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly;
"I don't have mythical equipment, but I do have legendary equipment. When you turn two, I will apply to the League of Gods to get you a second-rank legendary suit."

"A suit?"

"Yes, you heard it right, it is indeed a suit, and it is a suit customized for you, only you can wear it."

Can also be customized?
This Nima...

This is too cool!

Harvey Franklin said with a smile: "This is the equipment specially applied for you in order to praise you."

"Thank you so much, but..."

"But what?"

"However, I'm only level 92 now. If I reach level 99, I need to complete the second-rank mission, and I may leave for a while."

Several people smiled.

Owen, the deputy commander next to Harvey Franklin, said with a smile: "You don't have to leave, as long as you reach level 99, I'll give you the task of rolling up your sleeves for the second job, and then you can just go for the second job."

Jiang Chen was stunned.

Does this work too?
That is to say, you don't need to take the second-rank task, you can directly use the second-rank roll-up sleeve to complete the task?

This is too cool.

Wouldn't it be that there are still three rotations, and there are still four rotations to complete the task of rolling up the sleeves.

Harvey Franklin said, "We'll talk after the meeting."

Walker retreated to the side, and Jiang Chen also stood on the side.

Harvey Franklin looked at the crowd and said: "The Nether has a full army of 800 million, and now it has lost 150 million, leaving 600 million."

"This is just my estimate, and even the Nether Race will have a large army to come to support."

"After this battle just now, we also lost about 80 brave men. You have also seen the strength of the Nether warriors. You must repel them to the Nether world. This is the goal of all of us. We must not let them invade Tin List the world."

"Every Son of God must reach the combat target, and must be more than [-]. If you don't kill [-] Nether Race, then I will apply to the alliance to deprive you of the position of Son of God."

When the Son of God heard this, his face changed drastically.

Fifty thousand Nether Army?

This... how to kill this?

The rest of the people looked at Jiang Chen one after another, this guy killed 99 people by himself, how terrifying it was at that time.

It would be great if I could ask him for help.

"I know what you're thinking, recruiting Jiang Chen, if he joins any of your Sons of God teams, then there will be no legendary suits."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

What the hell...

Does this have anything to do with me!
Old man, you don't talk about Wude.

Jiang Chen was actually thinking, to help these so-called sons of gods, and then ask for some profits, but now it seems that this plan will not work.

The legendary suit is still important!

Harvey Franklin said: "This is a test for you as the sons of God. As the sons of God, you must contribute to enjoy the benefits brought by the alliance of the gods."


Everyone left one after another, while Jiang Chen stood aside.

Harvey Franklin shook his head: "These so-called sons of God are not as good as you."

"Your Commander, you are joking."

"Don't worry, the sleeves will be sent to you immediately after completing the second-rank mission. When you reach level 99, you can use it directly."

"Commander, I have a few friends who also need a second turn."

Harvey Franklin laughed, "How many do you want?"


"You are really a lion, and you just ask for 6 second-professional roll-up sleeves. Only you can do it, and your friends can't."

"Forget it, when I reach level 99, I will leave for a while."

Harvey Franklin was pissed off.

"Stinky boy, are you threatening the old man?"

"I can't leave my friend behind."

Harvey Franklin rolled his eyes: "You now have 130 million merits, 20 merits for one, exchanged for a second-rotation task scroll sleeve, and now your 120 million merits are gone."

It's gone so soon.

Harvey Franklin greeted the Inspector beside him and said, "Let's customize a set of level 100 legendary equipment for him."

"Okay, my lord."

"Jiang Chen, tell him your requirements, if you have any ideas, he will record them and customize a set of equipment for you."

Harvey Franklin turned and left.

"Hello, my name is Lisa, what kind of attributes do you want?" Ackerman Lisa asked;

"What does this customization mean?"

"Customizing legendary equipment is to customize a set according to your needs. They will have legendary attributes. Many children of God are customized suits."

"And the customized suits are specially made by the dwarves, which meet your own requirements."

"Only the protoss have the qualifications to customize, Commander, this is an exception for you."

Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat.

"What attributes?"

"Increase defense, attack power, recovery, penetration, armor, magic shield, flight, agility...etc."

"If you are a fighter, you will often choose defense, attack and armor."

"If you are a magician, you will choose the effects of magic shield, flight, agility, and mana recovery."

Jiang Chen's heart moved: "If I want them all!"

"This is also possible, but the data will be much less. For example, if you can choose all of the defense power, then the defense power will be very high. If you want all of them, if they are averaged, then the defense power will be very low."

"Legendary equipment has certain data, and this data cannot exceed a certain limit, otherwise the production will not be completed."

The inspector smiled and said, "It's like you want to make a legendary suit, and hope that the legendary suit has the same attributes as the mythical suit."

Jiang Chen smiled, you are truly a genius, I thought so too.

(End of this chapter)

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