Chapter 302, killing the traitor
Li Chanji appeared at the entrance of the cave, looked at Granny Jinhua, and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay, I received a slap, and I will recover soon."

"I don't know what happened to Jiang Chen?" Li Chanji was a little worried.

"His speed is very fast. Even in my prime, I can't catch up with his speed, so don't worry. Besides, this kid is very cunning. Zeng Kangsheng should not be his opponent."

"He has learned new skills. Although he can't kill the old dog Zeng Kangsheng, he should be able to stop him."

With a teleportation, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Li Chanji.

"The Zeng Kangsheng you mentioned is here."

Jin Hua's complexion changed drastically: "So fast?"

"No way, this guy's true energy is very strong, my sword energy can't penetrate the thick defense, and I can't get close at all."

Li Chanji helped Jinhua up: "Let's go."

Jin Hua shook her head: "I can't go anymore, Jiang Chen, you take the young master and leave, I will help you resist Zeng Kangsheng for a while."


How do you resist?

Your breath is chaotic, there is Zeng Kangsheng's opponent.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen grabbed Li Chanji, Granny Jinhua, lifted both hands, and activated the volley flash mode, and the speed dropped by two-thirds.

It's still fast though.

Zeng Kangsheng chased after him.

Li Chanji exclaimed: "Can you still bring people?"

"It's okay, the speed is a bit slower, probably about the same as Zeng Kangsheng."

"Then what is the cooldown time of your skills?"

"You actually understand this?"

"Nonsense, you heroes all have skill cooldowns."

"sorry, I do not have."

[Flash in the sky: within 100 seconds, rapidly increase your speed to avoid enemy attacks, the maximum range is 200 meters, cooling time: 0.05 minutes. 】

Cooldown: 3 seconds.

Duration: 100 seconds.

That is, there is no cooldown at all.

Zeng Kangsheng was surprised to find that Jiang Chen led the two of them so fast, Zeng Kangsheng could only see an afterimage running in the cave.

What kind of pervert is this brave man?

Zeng Kangsheng stopped in his tracks. If he couldn't catch Li Chan's opportunity, he wouldn't be able to join the alliance, nor could he gain a foothold in the Bach family, and he would have to face the pursuit of the Tiandihui.

Zeng Kangsheng had put all his eggs in one basket, and such a good opportunity must not be let go.

Zeng Kangsheng followed closely behind, not daring to stay for a moment.

Jiang Chen asked: "How long can his true energy be consumed?"

"At least for an hour."

"An hour?"

"Yes, it will take at least an hour for him to run with all his strength. You want to wait until his true energy is exhausted before making a move?"

Jiang Chen nodded, that's what he thought.

When Zeng Kangsheng's true energy was almost exhausted, that's when he made a move. A free man without true energy is the same as a brave man without blue.

Even if you have skills, you can't use them.

Zeng Kangsheng said loudly: "You are a brave man of the League of Gods, and you have the young master of the Tiandihui in your hands. Capture this person and receive a reward from the League of Gods. Didn't you miss out on such a great contribution?"

"I will immediately become a member of the Alliance of Gods. Then I will report you and you will be punished."

Li Chanji glanced at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled: "Reporting me is nothing short of a joke. You are a free man, and you really thought that the Alliance of Gods would believe your words. Even so, so what?"

"Hmph, let me tell you when you fled to, and tell you that this road leads to the camp of the evil gods. A brave man, you are not afraid of death!"

Cthulhu camp?

That's great, I'm worried about my lack of experience!

After fighting for so long, I didn't catch a hair.

Jin Hua whispered: "I can blow with all my strength, and I can break the air shield on his body. When the time comes, you can find the right opportunity to kill him with one blow."

"it's OK?"


"If it doesn't work, I can't protect you, Mistress."

"I have nothing to do with the blind." Granny Jinhua cast a stare;
"Impossible, master, he told me clearly that he has a three-legged relationship with you, and said that you still have a mole on your back."

Jin Hua became angry from embarrassment.

Damn blind man, he also told his disciples.

The blind man didn't say this, it was all Jiang Chen's guesswork, isn't it normal to have a mole on his body!

Seeing Jin Hua full of anger, Jiang Chen said, "Are you ready?"


"Take Zeng Kangsheng as a master, and strike with all the force of anger."

Jiang Chen turned around and rushed towards Zeng Kangsheng.

At this time, Zeng Kangsheng was puzzled, why did he come back?
But just took advantage of his mind.

Jin Hua roared angrily, "Scumbag, die."

Pushing out the golden flower palms, Zeng Kangsheng turned pale with shock, where did the old woman get such strength, Zeng Kangsheng didn't dare to hesitate, and waved his hands out.

Granny Jinhua flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, [-] sword qi were sent out in an instant, piercing Zeng Kangsheng's body in an instant. Zeng Kangsheng looked at his chest, and countless blood flowed from his chest.

I can't believe that I was killed by the brave man.

Jin Hua's palm broke Zeng Kangsheng's true energy, Jiang Chen seized the opportunity and killed him with one blow...
A cultivator without true energy is no different from an ordinary person.

The reason why Jin Hua asked Jiang Chen to attack was because she had seen Jiang Chen's attack, which was so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye. Based on this, Jin Hua believed that Zeng Kangsheng would undoubtedly die.

Seeing Zeng Kangsheng fell to the ground, Jin Hua breathed a sigh of relief.


finally died.

Li Chanji hurried forward, with an anxious expression on his face: "Grandma, are you okay!"

"I'm fine, I need to recuperate for a while." Jin Hua shook her head;
"Okay, I'll take you back right away."

Li Chanji hurriedly supported Jin Hua to stand up, and looked back at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "I won't go, pay attention to safety."

Li Chanji nodded: "Thank you."

"Too polite."

Li Chanji left with the golden flower, Jiang Chen looked at Zeng Kangsheng's body, felt that Zeng Kangsheng was completely dead, and slowly squatted down, searching for any treasures.

I have to say, I also found the baby.

An old book.

Jiang Chen opened it and took a look.



Is this all written mysterious stuff?

Why can't you understand?

Lin Yangze looked at the book and explained: "This is the unique skill of Jianzong, the art of returning thousands of swords to the sect. You are a brave man, so it's normal for you not to understand."

"Then if I become a free man, I will be able to understand it?"

"Yes, from the moment you are a brave man, you can't learn the true energy of the free, and you can't read their books. As for why, I don't understand."

"Then Wan Jian Guizong is not so good. The one called Zeng Kangsheng was killed by me."

"Zeng Kangsheng? This guy has not reached the highest level in his practice of returning to the sect of ten thousand swords. If he really reaches the highest level, the grass and trees are all sharp swords, and you are no match at all."

"How many years has Zeng Kangsheng practiced?"

"Four or fifty years!"


It's only been like this for 50 years. Fortunately, I am not a free person. If I practice for 50 years, I guess it will be like this.

"Then master, you can practice!"

"It's a lot of age, why do you still practice, keep this book with you first, and you will need to find me later, in case you betray the alliance of the gods in the future, you will need it too."

"Can you say something nice?"

"I'm just in case, once you betray the Gods Continent, I'll take you to find Baiyun and let him turn you into a free man."

"I don't need to be free at all, I still like bread and big beds."

Although Jiang Chen really wanted it, he still felt that the Gods Continent was better.

The fallen have no gods.

He is a man who wants to be a god.

(End of this chapter)

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