Chapter 303, meeting the succubus

Lin Yangze sighed: "He is not the only traitor, there are many free people who have joined the Alliance of Gods, even the free people of the seventh and eighth ranks, they can no longer be called free people, they can only be called fallen By."

Jiang Chen didn't say anything, but left the black market.

Returned to the world of Silero.

three days later...
The battle of geniuses begins. The evil god camp, the Nether tribe, and the alliance of the gods, each with 100 people, is the pride of heaven. The rules of the battle of geniuses are the same as those of the qualifiers.

Within a certain period of time, enter the next enchantment.

It is equivalent to the international Jedi survival game.

Those who came here were all the best of the best, but they just died, that was real death, and they would not be sent out.

Only the winning side will end the battle of geniuses completely.

Jiang Chen checked the terrain, and was teleported to an unknown place again, the sky was gray, the forest was gray, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

Jiang Chen looked at the map, and it appeared outside the barrier.

[Time: 29:59:59 end]

Once the time is over, the range of the barrier will be shortened, and one must enter the barrier to survive. Jiang Chen is not in a hurry, but feels the movement around him.

Within a kilometer, no place can escape his perception.

Feeling that there was no danger, they walked in the direction of the barrier. Only 300 people participated in the battle and did not encounter any enemies. They flashed into the barrier and found a corpse lying on the ground.

Jiang Chen felt carefully, there was no fluctuation in the corpse, it was undoubtedly a corpse.

Jiang Chen passed through the corpse and stopped.

Jiang Chen felt strange, there was not a single drop of blood around, and there was no sign of a fight around, how did this brave man die?

At this time, the corpse was lying on the ground, Jiang Chen turned over with his feet, a smile appeared on the corpse's face, and Jiang Chen frowned.

Die with a smile on your face?
What the hell is going on?

With blue hair and blue eyes, he is the brave man of the Gods Continent.

It's a bit strange to die!

I don't know if it was the Nether tribe or the evil people from the evil god camp who killed it.

Jiang Chen squatted down and inspected carefully.

There really aren't any wounds.

Sensing someone rushing this way, Jiang Chen stopped, looked at the person, and a woman in black came into Jiang Chen's field of vision.

"It's you."

The person who came was none other than Gemma, a strong member of the Medusa clan that he met in the preliminary round.

Jima looked at the brave man lying on the ground and exclaimed, "You killed him?"

"What do you think!"

"Didn't you do it?"

"Nonsense, he died before I had this chance, come and see, how did he die?"

Gemma stepped forward.

Jiang Chen explained: "There are no traces of fighting around, and there are no wounds on his body, his death is unclear, and the corpse still has a smile on his face. Could there be other creatures here?"

Gemma was thoughtful, and then directly took off his pants.


Dead, you still have such thoughts, I am standing here as a living person!
Harmless, highly insulting...

Geema got up and said, "It was done by the evil brave."

"how do you know?"

"The enemy is a succubus. Obviously he was unlucky. He met the succubus and died."

"How did you die?"

"Exhausted people die."

Jiang Chen:...

There is really such a way to die, and I will do less in the future, maybe I will burp that day, and it really confirms that sentence, peony flowers die, and ghosts are also romantic...
Jiang Chen once heard Daphne say that there are succubus in the evil camp. The succubus is very powerful in the dream world and can be called invincible. The succubus is also very powerful in the real world.

Jiang Chen asked; "What characteristics does a succubus have?"

"Don't look into her eyes. When you look into her eyes, her skills will be activated. He will replace you in the illusion. In the illusion, you will fight endlessly until you die."

"Succubus is female."

"The skills of the succubus can be used by men and women."

The man is so dead, what about the woman!
Women will never be the same!

Is it...

Jima looked at Jiang Chen with an evil smile, and asked, "What are you thinking about!"

"How did the woman die?"

Jima gave her a blank look: "I don't know about that. In short, women are the same. In short, when facing a succubus, don't look into her eyes, and don't listen to her temptations. Every word she says will make you want to stop."

Gemma looked around: "I don't know if the enemy is around."

"No, there is no movement around."

Jima breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, let's enter the final together?"

"Whatever." Jiang Chen responded lightly;
"Together there is also a care. If you encounter a succubus, I can remind you at critical moments and wake you up to leave the illusion."

Jiang Chen nodded, one more person is fine.

"Our Medusa family is born with the ability to resist succubi. You are lucky to meet me."

Jiang Chen continued to move forward, going deep.

I don't know if it was luck, but I didn't meet any enemies along the way.

It was only after 10 minutes that we met a three-person team.

These three people are the Nether Race powerhouses.

Just when the three of them stepped into Jiang Chen's range of perception, Jiang Chen's thought moved, and several sword qi rushed over, quickly killing the three of them, and even the three Nether tribe fell to the ground before they could react.

A hundred meters away from the three of them, two Nether tribes stopped.

"What's going on? Why did he die so well?"

"Someone attacked them from a long distance, could this guy be the swordsman?"

"It is very likely that it is him. I saw a flash of white light, and it is this person."

"This swordsman is really powerful, but the prince Abak will definitely attack him."

At this time, another place.

Abak stayed where he was, surrounded by eighteen brave men.

"The hero of the League of Gods is nothing more than that. I just don't know if that swordsman is here. Killing this person is my goal."

Abak's eyes were cold.

In the battle between the Nether Clan and the Alliance of Gods, Jiang Chen killed more than 100 million warriors, which caused an uproar among the Nether Clan. Such a strong man must be eliminated.

Never let him grow up.

Jiang Chen looked at the message.

[Alliance of the Gods: 56]

[Cthulhu faction: 89]

【Netherworld: 100】

The Alliance of Gods has already lost 44 people. This is just the beginning, and they have lost almost half of them!
Jiang Chen asked: "One look at the succubus and you've been tricked, why do I not believe it?"

"The succubus can arouse your potential desires, and such desires can be infinitely magnified, which is equivalent to an increase of dozens of times. In your heart, you only want to fight, and you don't think about anything else."

This is the so-called sperm on the brain?

"What if there is no desire!"

"Impossible, don't tell me, you have no desire."

"Yes, I am that kind of person."

"Are you still a boy?"

Jiang Chen coughed: "Does it have something to do with this!"

"Of course, if you are, then congratulations, you can't hold it for three seconds, if you are not, you can only hold it for ten seconds."

Who do you look down on, how the hell can I hold on for half an hour.

"Even if you are gay, you will still be recruited."

"Then how can I resist it?"

"Someone once castrated himself in order to resist the succubus' ability, but he still couldn't escape the succubus' control."

What the hell, even the eunuch was tricked?

This Nima...

Kind of strong!

(End of this chapter)

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