Chapter 335, Was Discovered So Soon

A group of people entered near the crack in twos and threes.

Around the cracks, there are also ghouls.

And those corpse-eating tribes didn't notice the difference between Jiang Chen and others.

Angelina followed Jiang Chen into the different world, and just after entering the different world, she met corpse-eating guards, and at the same time smelled the rotten smell on their bodies.

Evans is right, ghouls are pretty much the same as humans.

Apart from the difference in body odor, there is no difference at all.

And the corpse-eating guards on both sides didn't notice anything strange about Jiang Chen, as if in their eyes, Jiang Chen was their kind.

For the smell, the cadavers are very sensitive, and they can smell it tens of meters away.

Angelina was startled, smelling the rotten smell, she almost retched, at this moment Angelina's heart beat faster, and she held Jiang Chen tightly.

Jiang Chen patted Angelina's right hand with his hand.

and me!
Jiang Chen smelled the smell of stinky tofu all over the street.


Jiang Chen swallowed, and whetted his appetite.

This is a small town, where corpse-eating tribes gather in twos and threes, and they seem to be discussing something.

"I caught a chick today, his meat is so delicious!"



"Where's the brain!"

"I ate it too."

"Is there any seasoning?"

"When I eat it, it's still alive."

Jiang Chen was speechless, chatting on the street, can you pay attention, Jiang Chen felt as if they were all chatting about this, and most of them were eating raw.

Eat it raw?

Do not put some cumin, allspice or something!

It can also be made into barbecue!
The two walked through the main street and walked out of the small town. Jiang Chen glanced at the north, where there was a small hillside, and took Angelina to the north, shuttling through the dense forest.

After walking for a while, Jiang Chen saw clearly that Evans had been waiting for a long time.

At this time in the small town.

As the two brave men were walking, they collided with a group of corpse eaters. The brave man hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry."

It was originally just a small thing.

But in the eyes of the ghouls, this is a big problem.

A ghoul would not say such a thing.

Just as the brave man was about to leave, a feathered arrow pierced through the brave man's arm, which was immediately bloody. In an instant, the corpse-eating tribes around seemed to smell something, and looked at the two brave men one after another.


Delicious blood.

This is the smell of blood.

Although they have the rancid smell of ghouls on their bodies, once they are injured and the blood flows out, it is delicious blood.

"They are brave."

"Damn brave, dare to break into our territory."

"Delicious blood."

"I need his heart."

"I want his brains."

The faces of the two brave men changed drastically, and they immediately took out their weapons. One of the brave men was an assassin, who activated his stealth skill instantly, and immediately began to hide.

But a moment later, he was grabbed by a terrifying big hand.

Then came a group of ghouls.

Evans counted the number of people, and suddenly frowned. Just when he was counting the number of people, two people were missing. What does it mean to be two people, it means danger.

There are only two possibilities.

The first is to escape.

The second type is dangerous, that is, they are discovered and then killed by corpse-eating tribes.

"No big deal, I think they got away."

"These two certainly didn't enter another world."

"Captain, don't wait, they probably left."

Jiang Cheng turned his head to look in the direction of the town, and heard screams clearly just now. It seemed that they had been discovered, and they were unlucky enough to be discovered so soon.

No wonder the rewards are so generous, it really is an SS level mission.

Too dangerous.

Evans' plan is very simple. After entering the different world, set up a teleportation array not far from the town. Once in danger, he will be sent back through the teleportation array immediately.

Use potions to infiltrate the town and leave the world of ghouls.

It would be the best if Bertram could be rescued, and if he couldn't, he could leave here easily.

In the small town, there were still bloodstains. As for the two brave men, they had disappeared, and there were no bones left, only the broken clothes, a lot of equipment, and a few bottles of gray medicine remained.

A ghoul guard stepped on the gray potion, which gave off a rancid smell. The guard squatted down and dipped in the gray potion, as if he understood something!
He quickly picked up a few bottles of medicine and walked towards the camp.

in the camp.

Marjorie looked at the potion on the table: "This is a magical potion made by Titan World. It can possess our breath in a short period of time. It seems that they have sneaked into our world."

"Immediately send an order to everyone to strengthen their vigilance. Some enemies will sneak into our camp and look for the heroes of the Gods Continent."


Evans ordered: "Teleporter, build a teleportation array immediately. This is our only way out. Once the teleportation array is destroyed, we will stay in the corpse-eating world."

Jiang Chen said: "I heard the brave man's screams just now, it is very possible that the two missing brave men have already been found."

Evans' expression changed drastically.

The same goes for the rest.

If they are discovered, it means that their whereabouts have been exposed. How can they save people if this continues?

"No way, why didn't we hear the sound?"

"If this is the case, wouldn't this task be impossible to complete?"

"The next step is to continue the rescue plan, or leave the corpse-eating world?"

"If we are discovered, can we still leave?"

"Now that we have just entered here, before they react, we go back and kill them by surprise, so that we can leave the corpse-eating tribe world."

Dozens of people started talking.

I didn't expect to be discovered as soon as I came in. What kind of mission is this?

How to rescue?

Evans looked serious: "Are you sure?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "I'm not sure it's the brave man, I just heard screams, and there were two screams, there is a high probability that he was discovered."

"Of course it's also possible that the corpse-eating tribe captured other people."

Evans ordered immediately.

The three teleporters quickly chanted and established a teleportation array.

Evans ordered 20 people to stay and protect the teleportation array.

With the rest of the people, leave the town and go to the Pokhara area by the small road.

Dozens of people passed through the dense forest and walked quickly to the north. What came into view was the rolling mountains. In order not to attract attention, they could only walk on trails, let alone summon mounts.

Angelina whispered: "Jiang Chen, I feel that this time is very dangerous!"

"The prize is a set of legendary equipment, it must be very dangerous, but don't worry, with me, the prize is just a bonus, we are here to upgrade the level."

Evans' mouth twitched.

Good guy, come to Titan World to upgrade your level?
Titan world has high experience, but it is extremely dangerous, far more dangerous than other worlds. Corpse cannibals can eat people. They kill people directly. Some people even become food before they are completely dead.

He watched helplessly as his body was dismembered.

Several people hurried on their way to the Pokhara area.

Two hours later.

A black shadow flies across the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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