Chapter 336, Disbandment mission

Everyone looked up at the sky.

Their faces changed drastically, and they saw the black shadow hovering in the air, and heard the black shadow in the air roar, obviously conveying an order.

Jiang Chen unfolded his skills, a sword energy quickly flew into the air, pierced through the body of the corpse eater, pierced the chest with a sword, beheaded the corpse eater, and fell to the ground.

It's not good to be a teacher!
Before he had gone far, he was taken over by a pot.

It's fine now.

Evans said solemnly: "Now that we have been discovered, there are only two ways to go. The first is to crush the teleportation sleeve, return to the side of the town, and launch a surprise attack on the town together."

"The other is to continue the rescue mission and rescue Bertram."

Evans looked at the crowd and offered his opinion.

The rest of the people did not expect to be discovered so soon.

They all spoke freely.

"I think it's better to go back. It's not far from the town now. Squeeze the teleportation sleeve and go back directly. Let's break through the town together and return to Titan World."

"This is the best way."

"Then go back!"

"What about the mission!"

"The mission can only be abandoned. We have all been discovered. Now we are going deep into the enemy's camp. There is no way to rescue Prosecutor Bertram."

"That's legendary equipment."

"My life is gone, I still think about equipment."

Facing everyone's discussion, Evans looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Jiang Chen, what do you think!"

Jiang Chen said: "If you want to continue the mission, continue the mission, if you want to go back, go back, it's as simple as that."

Evans nodded: "Those who want to go back now, smash the sleeves immediately, break through the town together, and enter the Titan world."

As soon as Evans opened his mouth, some people couldn't sit still. They took out their rolled sleeves, crushed them, and returned to the hidden teleportation array in the north of the town, ready to break through in one fell swoop.

The rest of the people followed suit. Although legendary equipment is important, their own lives are even more important.

Evans looked at Jiang Chen: "Are you going to continue the mission?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Yes."

"I hope you can rescue Prosecutor Bertram." Evans took out the map and handed it to Jiang Chen.

Evans turned and left, disappearing in front of the eyes of the two of them, the team of dozens of people would be gone if they said nothing, only Jiang Chen and Angelina were left.

Jiang Chen took out the rolled sleeve and threw it away casually.

Angelina was puzzled: "Why did you throw it away?"

"This is useless."

"How do you know?"

"Since the hero was discovered at the beginning, the corpse-eating tribe may have known about our plan, and now it has been discovered by the corpse-eating tribe in the air. It is obvious that the teleportation array next to the town has been discovered, otherwise it would not be possible to find it so quickly. "

Angelina suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this, no wonder Evans didn't use his sleeves either! He must have known in his heart that he had been discovered, so he went on foot, but why didn't he remind the others!"

Angelina was puzzled.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "There are too many people, and it is easy to become the target of others. When these people crush their sleeves and return, they will definitely be massacred."

"And Evans can take the opportunity to leave the different world and return to the Titan world."

Angelina exclaimed: "Is he going to sacrifice them to save himself?"

Jiang Chen silently nodded.


Evans planned this way from the beginning, let them divert the pursuers, and mixed himself in to escape their pursuit.

Jiang Chen said: "If he crushes his curled sleeves and goes back, he will definitely die."


"So don't trust others easily. You are just too simple. If you hadn't met me, you would still be counting money for others."

Angelina nodded and smiled: "Then what should we do next?"

"move on."


"Of course, the purpose of my coming to another world is to increase my level, not to save people. Saving people is just a side mission."

Jiang Chen continued: "And now that we're going back, the town must be tightly guarded, and there must be troops waiting there. After a while, we can go back quietly."

"Evans may not be able to return to Titanworld."

"He's not going to be a target on his own now and it should be easy to go back."

Jiang Chen analyzed; "If I were someone from the enemy, I would definitely catch one or two for questioning. How many people are there? What is the purpose of coming here?"

"I believe that the brave can't bear it, and will definitely say it all."

"Once the brave men who returned just now are killed, they will determine how many there are and how many escaped the net. Do you think Evans can return?"

Angelina nodded: "You mean that they will capture the brave man and then identify him on the spot. The brave man will definitely betray Evans in order to survive?"

"It should be so."

Jiang Chen casually looked at the map, and led Angelina forward.

At this time, in the north of the town.

A corpse lay beside them.

"Captain, there are ninety corpses in total."

"There are ten people left out of 100 people. We caught seven people, and the remaining three people did not return. It seems that they already know that there is a problem here, and they should return on foot."

"Strictly guard and control the town immediately. These three people must be caught, and they must not be allowed to escape back to Titan World."

Jiang Chen's prediction was correct.

Since the death of the two brave men, they already knew about Evans' rescue operation and their purpose, and immediately sent people to search for it. Sure enough, they found a hidden teleportation array on the north side.

After the battle, several teleporters were captured and all the rest were killed.

Once the brave return, what awaits them is death.

Jiang Chen pulled Angelina, immediately cast a flash in the air, quickly left the mountain, and appeared on the vast grassland, where there were other monsters besides the corpse-eating tribe.

Along the way, I also encountered other corpse-eating tribes.

They didn't find Jiang Chen and the other two, but were hunting around. After killing other prey, they quickly ate the prey. As expected of a corpse-eating group, Angelina took a look, then turned her head and couldn't bear to look directly at them.

For Angelina, it was too bloody.

Jiang Chen was full of doubts: Wouldn't it be fragrant to put some cumin on it?

However, Jiang Chen also noticed their attack method, which is very unique, extending a weapon from the back to attack the enemy, this is Hezi, and it is also their unique weapon.

Some are arms, some are heads.

There are even thighs.

In short, their Hezi weapons are hidden in the body. Not all corpse-eating tribes do not use weapons, and some corpse-eating tribes use weapons, such as broadswords, long swords, and weapons similar to scissors.

Angelina whispered: "Their attack methods are unique."

"Well, it's really different. Their Hezi can change in a thousand ways, just like their own flesh and blood, they can expand and contract at will, and they can also use skills similar to magic, and they don't need to sing at all."

"They're really strong."

Jiang Chen had to admit that the Corpse Eaters were very strong.

Change form at will, and you can learn a lot from their battles.

(End of this chapter)

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