Chapter 344, Fighting and Star Shifting Skills

Bertram took out a skill book from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Chen.

Bertram smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, this is a skill book for you swordsmen. I haven't expressed my gratitude to you for saving me last time. This skill book is for you."

Jiang Chen smiled, yes!

The boy has a future.

Jiang Chen took a look and was dumbfounded.

What is this ghost?

[The art of star shifting (legendary level)]

[Skill description: Absorb any energy attack, and the absorbed energy can be reflected back. The absorbed damage depends on one's own ability... Cooldown time is 10 minutes...]

This is actually Murong Fu's star shift?

It seems to be awesome, but it's a pity that such skills are not needed!

But it is also possible to learn!
【Do you study? 】



[Increasing by a hundred times, the increase is successful...]

[Absorbs a hundred times the energy attack, and can bounce back the absorbed energy a hundred times...Cooling time is 4 seconds...]

Wait a minute?
A hundredfold increase?
This seems a bit strong!
Increase the absorbed energy and bounce back at a hundred times. If the opponent throws an atomic bomb, if I bounce back, it will be a hundred times the atomic bomb?
This damn, is not ordinary tough!
This skill is interesting!

Jiang Chen asked: "Where did you get the skill book?"

"There is only this skill book in the warehouse of the Titan Alliance. I spent all the merit points and exchanged it for you. How about this skill?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "It's okay."

Absorb any energy attack, that is, as long as it can attack energy, magic and sword energy are all energy attacks, so the next time you encounter a falling person, you can use your strength to attack.

Even gods have to die.

But obviously this is impossible. Absorbing damage has its own conditions. If the conditions are exceeded, it will be Barbie Q, and you will definitely be exploded to death.

And Jiang Chen is a rank two swordsman, the damage he absorbs is equivalent to a rank two profession, the four dimensions on his body, plus the four dimensions brought by the equipment, have a certain ratio.

Of course, after a hundredfold increase, this ratio has increased by a hundredfold.

It is equivalent to the magic attack of a sixth-rank magician.

The other party came over with a forbidden spell, absorbed and bounced back, that was a hundred magical forbidden spells.


Don't be stingy, magicians, just hit me.

The mighty army rushed to the front line, staying in the city 3000 meters away from the crack, and the corpse-eating tribe had gathered hundreds of thousands of troops.

Countless black shadows gathered in the opposite sky.

Although there are no contract beasts in the corpse-eating tribe, Hezi is ever-changing and can transform into wings to fly, and some are born with wings, so their combat effectiveness in the air will not be weak.

Not every corpse cannibal is very strong, just like the Silero world, it is divided into professions.

The powerful ones are just one or two.

At this time, the corpse-eating army on the opposite side began to move here.


"Their air units are coming."

"Is this an attack?"

"Sure enough, it is probing the attack from the sky."


"Hey, the sun in the sky seems to be different!"

At this time, everyone looked up at the sky, only to see a small red ball beside the sun, and that red ball gave off a strange and strange light.

At this moment, riots suddenly broke out in the army.

A brave man shot at the person next to him, slashing wildly like crazy, and the rest followed suit.

Burtram's face changed drastically: "No, this is Abe Chisato's Kazuko [Magic Eye]. Her magic eye can disturb the mind and affect the five senses and six senses. As long as you see the magic eye, you will enter the illusion, mistakenly thinking The enemy ghouls around."

Angelina: "But why don't I feel it!"

Bertram lowered his head, not daring to look at the red ball in the sky.

Jiang Chen didn't feel anything special like Bertram.


It is [Heart Realm].

Jiang Chen feels the enemy not with his eyes, but with the [Heart Realm], so the magic eye has no effect on him.

As for Angelina, she is the reincarnation of a god, so naturally she will not be affected.

But ordinary braves suffered, and most of them entered the illusion.

Once entering the illusion, it is very scary, shooting at the teammates next to him.

"Come to my senses." With a sudden loud shout, everyone was stunned, with a knife still in their hands, and their faces were full of doubts.

who am I?
where am I?
What am I going to do?

After these people regained consciousness, they didn't know what they were doing just now. They were killing their teammates. Isn't the teammate a corpse eater?

Jiang Chen looked back, two middle-aged men were standing in the air, a middle-aged woman stretched out her magic wand, a ray of light shrouded the entire city, and an enchantment surrounded the city.

Bertram whispered: "The middle-aged man is Andrew, one of the highest commanders in the Titan world, and the woman is Liz, who is also the commander of the alliance."

"Andrew is a rank six magic swordsman, and Liz is a rank six illusionist."

Jiang Chen: "What is the profession of illusionist?"

"A profession that relies on illusion. The type is somewhat similar to the [Magic Eye] of the Corpse Race. She is also very scary. She can dispel the illusion of the enemy."

"This time it's a battle between Chisato Abe and Liz, a battle between illusions. Whoever wins will have the upper hand."

Jiang Chen looked at the fat aunt, weighing two hundred catties, with blue hair and blue eyes.

Aren't illusionists all slim?
Why is it like this?
Jiang Chen asked: "You said that fat aunt is an illusionist?"

"Yes, are you fat?"

I don't know if it was louder, Liz looked over here, and glanced at Bertram and Jiang Chen. At this moment, Jiang Chen seemed to be in an illusion, and everything around him changed.

No longer a battlefield.

Instead, he was in an abyss of hell, and countless demonic hands stretched out from the abyss of hell, grabbing at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was startled.


Is this fucking illusion?
Jiang Chen closed his eyes tightly.

See with your heart, feel with your heart, cut the body with the sword, and cut the soul with the heart...
wake up.

At this time Jiang Chen woke up from the illusion, Liz looked shocked, who is this kid?
To be able to wake up from the illusion.

Bertram was different. He pressed his teammates next to him to the ground, and then made indescribable movements, never tired of it.

Jiang Chen was taken aback, good guy, this is a live broadcast!

The people around looked at Bertram with strange eyes.

At this moment, Bertram didn't know what happened. At this moment, Liz released the illusion, and Bertram came to his senses.

Looking at the male compatriots who were pressed on the ground, and then looking at the strange eyes around him, he looked puzzled.

What am I doing!

The male compatriots on the ground looked at Bertram in surprise.

Burtram wanted to die.

"Prosecutor Bertram, I'll wait for you at the hotel at night."


Bertram roared;

Jiang Chen coughed: "Just now you got an illusion."

(End of this chapter)

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