Chapter 345, the power of star shifting
Bertram nodded, he understood what happened just now.

This is a trick.

To actually do this kind of thing in public, if the woman is okay, but the object is still a man, it's going to die.

If this spreads, you must not be laughed to death!
Burtram wanted to draw his sword with hatred.

Turning his head to look at Liz, he gritted his teeth angrily.

He muttered softly, "Damn it, sooner or later I'll get her to bed."

Jiang Chen was speechless.

Your hobbies are very special. Auntie, don't you let them go?

Truly a role model for my generation...

Bertram asked in a low voice: "Brother, how are you doing? Did you get tricked too?"

"I do not have."

"how is this possible?"

"Illusions are useless to me."

Burtram's jaw dropped in shock, the clown is only me?
"Bertram, if you dare to say that I am fat next time, it will not be so simple. I will let you strip naked and run naked."

Bertram turned around with a flattering face: "Sister Liz, I didn't say that, it was my elder brother who said that."

Jiang Chen looked at Bertram.

Good guy.

Betrayed teammates?

You can do it!
Liz looked at Jiang Chen: "My illusion has no effect on him, if he speaks ill of me, you will also be punished."

Bertram: (⊙o⊙)...

Are you being unreasonable?

Big brother talking, does it have anything to do with me?
Bertram was indignant: "Why?"

"You just said that he is your elder brother."

"Did I say that? I didn't!" Bertram had an innocent face, and refused to admit it.

Andrew said: "Okay, now is not the time for you to fight among yourself, the enemy is coming, think of a way to deal with each other."

Liz looked at the sky and frowned: "Abe Chisato is on the opposite side. The illusion of the magic eye is very powerful. I can barely handle it. You can only ask for luck."

Jiang Chen asked: "Can't you cast illusions on Abe Qianli?"

Liz shook her head; "She's hiding, I can't find her body, and even if I find her, I can't cast illusions, I can only help you resist her illusions, but once the red ball is opened, even I can't help it .”

"The only way now is to kill Abe Chisato and kill her body."

Andrew looked at the red ball and asked, "How about destroying that magic eye?"



"It's an illusion, it can't be destroyed, it can only be done by killing the main body. I know Hezi's [Magic Eye] skill better than you. Only by killing the main body can the illusion be released."

"Once the eyes are opened, everyone will enter the illusion and kill each other. Before the corpses attack and kill us, we will kill each other and die."

Liz frowned tightly;
Jiang Chen looked at the red ball, it was Hezi [Magic Eye].

It's a bit similar to the skill of unlimited monthly reading.

Use illusion to let everyone enter the illusion, thus completely destroying.

How could the corpse-eating tribe have such a Hezi weapon.

It's simply terrifyingly strong.

Liz looked at Jiang Chen: "Only if you are not controlled by the illusion, you have a chance to enter the enemy's camp and kill Abe Chisato. This is also the only chance."

"Once the magic eye is opened, there is no chance."

Bertram immediately stood up and retorted; "How can it be done, there are hundreds of thousands of corpse-eating troops on the opposite side, and there are so many masters, aren't you asking my elder brother to die!"

Liz rolled her eyes: "This is the only chance, otherwise everyone will die together."

Andrew glanced at Jiang Chen, and suggested: "I'll bring a few hundred people with you, Liz joins our team, rushes into the local camp, and kills Abe Qianli."

"Once Abe Chisato is killed, the meritorious reward will be 100 million."

Jiang Chen thought for a while: "Okay."

"What's your name?"

"Jiang Chen."

Andrew's face was full of doubts; "Jiang Chen, this name is so familiar."

Bertram looked proud: "My elder brother is Jiang Chen, the swordsman in the Silero world. He once single-handedly killed an army of millions of Nether tribes and blocked Jiang Chen from the Nether army's attack."

everyone exclaimed;

"What, it turned out to be him."

"It turns out that he is Jiang Chen from the Silero world, No.1 in the battle of geniuses."

"Is it true that one person killed a million-strong army of the Nether Race?"

"Nonsense, of course this is true. It has been recorded in the Continent of the Gods, and even killed the son of the evil god camp."

"It turned out to be him, no wonder he is so powerful."

Andrew: "It seems that you are very famous and powerful. I believe you can lead us to repel the corpses and kill Abe Chisato. If you have the [Magic Eye], I can decide to give you the [Magic Eye]. "

This is very interesting.

Why do I have Sharingan too?
Andrew quickly summoned the masters, and together with Liz, a team of hundreds of people rushed towards the army of corpse-eating tribes, and Angelina also followed.

Now that Angelina has Nine Tails [Keiko], it is quite strong.

Only need strong mental power?
Angelina is the reincarnation of a god, and her spiritual strength is much stronger than anyone else's. She can only turn six to nine tails, and she can control it at all.

Even if it is Jiuzhuan Hezi [Nine Tails], it is no problem.

The bastard Bertram also followed, his strength is not very good, but it is safer to follow Jiang Chen...

100 people rushed to the enemy camp.

Jiang Chen took the lead in opening the mode of returning to the sect of thousands of swords, the mode of flashing in the sky, and the mode of vitality enchantment...

Bertram was very excited.

The boss is indeed the boss, this skill is too good.

Andrew took a look and said nothing!
It is said that a swordsman appeared in the world of Silero, stronger than the fallen man. Now it seems that this statement is true. Countless sword qi swirls, transforming into a tornado and rushing forward.

Seimei Abe watched as 100 people attacked in a mighty manner.

I also understand their plan, and they are going to forcefully attack and kill Abe Chisato, and the people who come here are all masters.

Abe Seimei said: "To block the enemy's attack, once the sister's skills are activated, they will only have a dead end."


Tens of thousands of corpse-eating tribes rushed into the battlefield, and charged towards Jiang Chen with 100 people.

Jiang Chen's thoughts moved.

The sword energy shot out quickly, only a flash of white light was seen, and tens of thousands of corpse-eating tribes died quickly, they couldn't resist Jiang Chen's sword energy at all.

Experience +2400...
Experience +2400...
Experience +2400...
Experience +2800...
Upgrade level 121...

Abe Seimei exclaimed, what kind of ghost skill is this?
Tens of thousands of soldiers died just like that?
Is this guy's attack distance and attack damage so terrible?

Abe Seimei soared into the sky.

Stretching out his right hand, a black light appeared on his right hand. The powerful force affected the surrounding space, and even the space was shaking.

Feeling the powerful force, Jiang Chen looked up.

Jiang Chen asked: "Who is that person?"

Andrew looked at the sky, his face changed greatly: "That's Abe Seimei, his Hezi name is [Atom], and his power is terrifying."

"No, he is condensing the power of atoms."

"Damn it, he's targeting us."

"What should I do? Although this person is Rank [-], the power of atoms is more powerful than forbidden curses."

Facing Abe Seimei Atomic Ray.

Everyone felt fear.

(End of this chapter)

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