Chapter 346, New Enemy, Chisato Abe

At this time, Abe Seimei faced Jiang Chen's area, and it was an atomic breath.

"go to hell!"

A black ray of light rushed towards Jiang Chen's side, at this moment Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand to catch the original ray of light.

Andrew was shocked: "You want to die, this is atomic breath, you can't resist it at all."

Liz also looked puzzled.

Use your hands to pick up the atomic breath?

Is there something wrong with your brain?
But at the next moment something magical happened.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them. Jiang Chen's right hand actually caught the black light, and he still caught the black light without any injuries.

What the hell is going on with tnd?

Why can a swordsman be able to catch someone else's attack without getting hurt?
Among magicians, there is a skill called magic transfer, which can transfer the opponent's magic, and space occupations can also do the same.

But he is clearly a swordsman!
It is neither a magician nor a space-type occupation.

The magic scene is yet to come.

I saw Jiang Chen stretched out his left hand, facing the front in parallel, facing the base camp of the corpse-eating clan, a black light shot out from his left hand.

This ray of black light shot out with the force of thunder.

Wherever it passed, the surrounding trees were wiped out.

bombarded the walls.

The moment it touched the city wall, the entire city wall exploded, a mushroom cloud appeared above the city wall, and the entire city wall was completely destroyed.

The soldiers on the city wall died one after another.

It was this blow that killed tens of thousands of corpse-eating warriors.

Experience +2400...
Experience +2400...
Experience +2400...
Experience +2800...
Upgrade Level 122·····
Upgrade Level 123···
Upgrade Level 124····
Upgrade Level 125····
Upgrade Level 130·····
Jiang Chen laughed, is this okay?

The function of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is to turn the enemy's attack into his own attack, which is equivalent to killing a soldier with his own attack.

The experience value is also counted on his own head.

What did Andrew understand at this moment!
This is a transfer attack, similar to the transfer of a space magician, transferring from one place to another, but Andrew doesn't understand that Jiang Chen is obviously a swordsman.

How can there be such a skill?
Did he learn the magician's space transfer?
But there is no spatial fluctuation.

Using a space transfer attack will definitely produce magic fluctuations, space fluctuations, it seems that one's own body withstands the attack and then transfers out.

This swordsman is too perverted.

At this moment, Abe Seimei was dumbfounded.

What exactly is going on?

His own attack was actually bounced back, killing tens of thousands of corpse-eating soldiers?
At this time, Abe Seimei was still thinking about attacking again.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

What if this guy is transferred!

That must not kill more soldiers.

Jiang Chen looked at Abe Seimei in the sky.


attack me!

Hurry up, I'm waiting for your attack!

Andrew said: "Let's go, Abe Chisato was not killed, he must be guarded by strong people, kill Abe Chisato first and say, don't worry about Abe Seimei."


100 people quickly attacked and rushed into the enemy camp. Now half of the city wall has been destroyed, and the corpse-eating army has been exposed before their eyes.

Jiang Chen looked at the corpse-eating army, this is experience value!

Jiang Chen flashed in the air, rushed into the enemy camp, and then it was the Wanjian Guizong mode and the vitality enchantment mode, and countless corpse-eating soldiers lay on the ground.

Waiting to be harvested by Jiang Chen's sword energy.

I only saw white light shining in the entire camp, and I don't know how many enemies died.

Upgrade level 131...

Upgrade level 132...

Upgrade level 133...

But at this moment, all the sword energy flew out of control and flew in one direction. It was a small black hole, and the strong suction directly absorbed the sword energy quickly.

Jiang Chen stopped steadily.

What kind of ghost skill is this?
Andrew frowned: "Sure enough, there is a master beside Abe Qianli. This is Hezi [black hole]. This black hole is very terrifying. It can absorb energy attacks. Not only that, but it can also suck enemies into it."

"Once it is sucked into the black hole, it will die instantly, and there is no hope of escaping."

Just as Andrew finished speaking, some soldiers behind him couldn't resist, and their entire bodies were directly absorbed into it, turning into pieces of meat in an instant, with no chance of survival at all.

Jiang Chen was startled.

Does this work too?
Jiang Chen looked at the opposite side, the three women were standing together, at this time the woman on the right stretched out her right hand, apparently controlling Hezi [Black Hole]

Nine tails emerge from behind the woman on the left.

It's Kazuko [Nine Tails].

As for the woman in the middle, it should be Abe Chisato. At this time, Abe Chisato closed his eyes tightly, as if he was brewing a certain skill.

Liz said: "The woman in the middle is Chisato Abe, she is brewing the magic eye."

Just now.

Abe Chisato opened his eyes.

And the magic eyes in the sky also opened their eyes. The blood-red eyes revealed infinite strangeness. The red light radiated from the magic eyes, and the brave men in the city had a magic eye mark on their foreheads.

The same is true for the people behind Andrew, with the mark of the magic eye appearing on their foreheads.

At this moment, the brave man behind Andrew stabbed Liz.

Liz's face changed drastically: "No, her skill was activated successfully, and the magic eye opened."

With a casual strike of the sword, Jiang Chen killed the brave man who had sneaked up on Liz.

With a wave of Liz's hand, an enchantment enveloped them, and the magic eye on the brave man's forehead disappeared, enveloping dozens of people in it.

Liz said: "This is a defensive barrier, which can prevent you from being controlled. Don't step out of the barrier, otherwise you will be eroded by the magic eye and enter the illusion."

The rest of the people moved closer to Liz.

At the same time, Abe Seimei also flew down and stood behind Abe Qianli.

Four masters.

Hezi is [Magic Eye], [Black Hole], [Nine Tails], [Atom] illusion, attack, defense, and abnormal attack.

And that black hole is particularly important, as if there is a suction pulling people into it.

Even Jiang Chen's sword energy will be restrained.

Not only can it absorb energy, but it can also absorb any substance. Once it is inhaled, it will die immediately.

All four are masters.

Not only the four of them, but also a large number of ghouls behind them.

Andrew frowned: "It's a bit troublesome. I didn't expect that there are four masters. They can't fly, otherwise they will be absorbed into it by the black hole."

Liz can only restrain Ampe Qianli.

As for the others, there is no way.

She has illusions, and Abe Chisato also has illusions.

Jiang Chen swung his sword, and the 30-meter-long Evil Light Slash shot out and shot towards the opposite side. At this time, a black hole appeared in front of the Evil Light Slash, and the Evil Light Slash instantly sucked it in.

Sure enough, it was the same as what Jiang Chen thought.

This thing sucks energy.

(End of this chapter)

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