Chapter 352, dead friends don't die
Yellow pupils, like snake eyes.

Uncle Snake, don't think that if you change your name, I won't know you anymore. I know you even when you turned into ashes.

Burtram greeted with a smile: "Uncle Rodney, I brought you something good."

Bertram took out a transparent jar, and there were a pair of eyes inside.

Rodney glanced at it: "The eyes of the Takano Protoss, this is indeed a good thing, the blood of the Takano Protoss is in the eyes."

Rodney took it and admired the pair of eyes carefully.

"Your technique still needs to be improved, it has damaged the nervous system, but it doesn't matter, it can still be transplanted, although a lot of blood is missing."

Rodney looked back at Jiang Chen: "Your friend?"

"My big brother, Jiang Chen."

"Sit anywhere!"

Rodney didn't say anything, and turned to invest in high-tech research.

Jiang Chen looked around, this is a laboratory, where is there a place to sit?

"Uncle Rodney, he is a free man. Let's see if he can gain the power of the badge and at the same time gain the true energy of a free man."

Rodney turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, carefully studying.

free man?
Jiang Chen watched Rodney size him up.

I have a bad feeling in my heart.

Was taken for research?
I'm so crazy?
Rodney said: "True Qi is the unique power of free people. This kind of true Qi can only be obtained by free people. It is the same as the Gaoye Protoss, the same as the Titan Protoss, and the same as the Elves. It is inherited by blood."

"The only pity is that the free ones have no gods and cannot be integrated with the badge."

"You should be a swordsman. It is very difficult to obtain the power of a freeman."

Bertram asked, "Is there no chance at all?"

"It's not like there's no chance."

Jiang Chen hurriedly asked: "What chance is there?"

"Baiyun used to be a swordsman, but also a free man. You capture Baiyun and let me study him, his cells, and his body. Maybe there will be a breakthrough."

Jiang Chen was completely speechless.

Catch Baiyun?
I'm so crazy!

That is an existence comparable to a god, not to mention that he has no chance now, even if he becomes a sub-god, it is better to catch him and ask him directly!
Bertram shook his head: "That's impossible, unless it's a divine move that gives us this chance, aren't you asking my elder brother to die!"

"Then it won't work."

"I have studied the true qi of free people, and found that their true qi comes from a place called Dantian. Storing true qi in Dantian is the same as badges."

"The free man's attack is not only aimed at the body, but also at the soul."

Jiang Chen asked: "What if the free ones are allowed to completely join the Continent of the Gods! Is there a chance to obtain two kinds of power?"

Rodney nodded: "Yes."

Sure enough, this method works.

Same as Takano Protoss, Titan Protoss, and Elves.

But in the next second, Jiang Chen couldn't laugh anymore.

Rodney shook his head: "This method is feasible, but the gods will never agree."


"The gods will never want to have someone around them who can kill them at any time, which is why the gods did not create a mark of God for the free."

"There are many gods in God's Domain, and they didn't kill each other, but the free ones broke the rules and broke the rules. The gods will not allow such existence."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

The true qi of the free man can attack the gods, and once he has the mark of the gods, he can kill them with his true qi.

This is a disaster for the gods.

Devastating disaster.

Sure enough, there is still no hope!

"I recently researched a potion that fuses the cells of the ghouls and the cells of the Titans. It produces a strange power and has two attributes at the same time. Bertram, why don't you try it?"

Bertram gave him a blank look: "I'm not going to do it! You're using me as a test subject."

Bertram would not do it even if he was beaten to death.

He knew what Rodney was doing, doing research.

Does anyone know if there are any side effects.

Although the ghouls are strong, Burtram doesn't want to take any chances.

Rodney looked at Jiang Chen, smiled and said, "Brother Jiang Chen, what about you!"

Looking at Rodney with a mysterious smile.

Jiang Chen refused without hesitation.

Are you kidding me?
Treat me like a guinea pig?

Am I such a fool!
"Little brother, technology is infinite, and you should dedicate yourself to it."

Fuck your devotion.

I believe in you so much.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is very dangerous, even breathing is dangerous, so run away quickly.

Jiang Chen was just about to turn around and leave.

Thinking of a question, I turned around and asked: "The free people all have the word 'slave' on their foreheads, can this be lifted?"

Rodney nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Chen's heart moved, this might be the only way to help them.

If it can be lifted, it will be no different from ordinary people.

You can also live in the human world and lead a normal life.

Can help a little is a little.

This is also the only thing Jiang Chen can do.

Jiang Chen asked: "How to cancel it?"

Rodney said: "The free man is cursed by the cursed god. There are only two ways to get rid of it. The first is to kill the cursed god to get rid of it."

"The second is to cleanse the soul."

"What do you mean?"

Rodney nodded and said: "The free man has been cursed from birth to now, and this curse penetrates deep into the soul. Only a master who has reached the eighth level or above can completely destroy the curse with true energy."

"If you want to completely remove the curse, you need a kind of water called blessed water."

"This kind of divine water is often used to cleanse the cursed, and the curse of the free is so deep that it needs to increase the efficacy of the blessed divine water, and it needs to be adjusted."

"Where is the blessed water?"

"It exists in the corpse-eating world, and it is the only place where there is blessed water."

"Can you deploy?"


Jiang Chen smiled, this method is not bad.

Rodney smiled and said, "But I don't intend to help you, because this will offend the god of curse, and if you want to get benefits, you have to pay the price."

Jiang Chen was speechless.

This man is old and cunning.

Seeing Rodney's smile, Jiang Chen panicked.

There is a creepy feeling.

This guy is not playing my mind!
Is he going to let me be an experimental product?
Just then.

Rodney held a bottle of potion in his right hand, and said with a chuckle, "How about trying this potion first?"

Jiang Chen looked at the dark potion.

My heart trembled.

Blistering tiny blisters.

Can this stuff be drunk?
I would rather drink arsenic than this stuff.

"Are there any side effects?"

"Don't worry, nothing at all."

This is obviously something you just prepared, and you told me that it has no side effects?

I really believe you are an idiot.

Jiang Chen asked: "Do you want to try what effect this potion has?"


Jiang Chen looked at Bertram, and said sympathetically, "Little brother, I'm sorry."

Bertram: ? ? ? ? ? ?

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Jiang Chen took the potion, grabbed Pertram's throat with one hand, and then poured it in suddenly.

Bertram: (⊙o⊙)...

Rodney didn't want to pay attention to these, watching Bertram's changes.

(End of this chapter)

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