Chapter 353 Bertram became a test subject
Bertram opened his eyes wide.

Don't speak Wood.

You are so inhuman.

You actually treat me as a test subject?

The three of them stared at Bertram to see if there was any change in Bertram. After Bertram drank it, he looked angry, and you are enough.

I've had enough, I'm leaving.

Rodney said: "Don't rush away, I'll take a look at the changes first, do you feel anything?"

Bertram looked bitter: "No, what the hell is this?"

"Didn't I tell you just now, it's a combination of the Titans and the Corpse Race. In theory, after you absorb it, you can gain the power of the Corpse Race."

"Think about it, won't you be even more powerful after you have the power of the corpse-eating clan?"

Jiang Chen nodded solemnly: "Pertram, I'm doing it for your own good, you are too weak."

Bertram looked at Jiang Chen angrily.

go to your sister.

Open your eyes and talk nonsense.

Why don't you try it?
The regret in Bertram's heart, if he had known earlier, he would not have brought Jiang Chen here, it was just embarrassing himself.

Burtram clutched his stomach with a pained look on his face: "It hurts a bit."

"Pain is normal. If you want to improve your strength, there is no one who doesn't experience pain. Just bear it."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

Luckily it wasn't me who ate it.

Brother, just bear with it!

It's the big brother who can't stand you.

At this moment, Burtram couldn't help screaming, his back split open, and two arms grew out from behind, both arms were bloody.

Jiang Chen backed away in fright.

My darling...
This is the multi-handed clan who has become an evil camp?

Rodney chuckled: "Sure enough, it works. This is the [arm] Hezi. Now you have two more hands, and your strength has increased a lot!"

Bertram looked at his arm with a look of surprise.

Why turned into a monster?

And that's not all!
Bertram only felt a tremor in his lower body, and Bertram knelt on the ground in pain. After a burst of pain, Bertram was sweating profusely and took a deep breath.

Jiang Chen coughed: "Didn't you say that there are no side effects!"

"Do you think this is a side effect!"

"Is not it?"

"Bertram is a magic swordsman, who can use magic and sword at the same time, but he only has two hands. Now he is fine, with four arms, he can exert the ability of a magic swordsman, swinging a sword with one hand, and using magic with three hands .”

"And this arm can be hidden, which is equivalent to an extra skill. Don't you think this is very good!"

Jiang Chen thought about it.

What he said was so reasonable that he couldn't refute it for a while.

Burtram looked at Rodney: "I'm cracked."

"It's not cracked, but more."

Bertram hurriedly found a place where no one was around, checked his body, and then yelled excitedly...

What is this guy doing!

Entering the laboratory again, Bertram was full of excitement: "Haha..."


Burtram was definitely insane.

Bertram said excitedly: "Uncle Rodney, do you still have this potion? Prepare a copy for my elder brother."

"I do not need."

"Brother, this is very good."

"I feel like I'm a normal person."

Jiang Chen didn't want to have anything to do with Pertram, let alone Rodney, Rodney was doing experiments, that's normal.

Bertram is actually a pervert?
Rodney said to himself: "Pharmaceutical 1987, after the corpse-eating Hezi [multi-handed] mixed with the blood of the Titans, incredible changes have taken place, two more hands, one more leg... "

Jiang Chen wanted to leave the land of right and wrong quickly, and said, "I'll go to the world of corpse-eating tribes to find the blessed water."

Jiang Chen was just about to leave.

Rodney asked: "The corpse-eating world is very big, do you know where it is?"

"When the time comes, just grab someone and ask."

"Few people know where it is? If you want to get the blessed water, let Xiaoxi take you there, only she knows where it is."

Jiang Chen looked back at Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi nodded: "That place is in the depths of the Nightmare Forest. It's very dangerous there. Only I know where it is. I'll take you to find the blessed water."

"Thank you."

Bertram said, "Uncle Rodney, let's go first."

"Uncle Snake, let's go first."

"What did you just call me?"

"Your eyes look like snakes, so I call you Uncle Snake."

Rodney nodded, agreeing with the name very much: "It's a good name, I'll be called Uncle Snake from now on."

"Father, I'm leaving first."

"Go, don't disturb my experiment."

Jiang Chen was relieved, and hurriedly left the place where he was right and wrong. As for Bertram, he left directly, and found a place to relieve his loneliness. He called it a place to experiment with a new body, and Xiaoxi followed Jiang Chen through the teleportation array to prepare to enter the eating place. Corpse world.

Uncle Snake's daughter?
Don't know what occupation it is?
Jiang Chen asked: "What is your occupation?"

"Magician, level 220."

"Level 220?"

Jiang Chen looked surprised, this little girl doesn't look big, but her level is really high!Already four turn magician.

Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes, the level is not high, how many levels are you?"

"Level 140."

"So low?"

Little girl, who do you look down on!

"What race is your father?"

"He belongs to the Medusa Protoss."


No wonder the eyes have yellow pupils. It turned out to be from the Medusa family. It seems that this Uncle Snake is also quite powerful, and he should have petrification skills.

"How old is your father?"

"Level 300, exactly six rotations."

"Why don't you continue to upgrade your level?"

"I have no hope of becoming a god, I want to use another method to become a god."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that Uncle Snake is still awesome.

Use scientific experiments to achieve the goal of becoming a god.

"Your father is from the Medusa family, so are you?"

Xiaoxi shook her head: "I'm not, I was picked up by my father, I belong to the tree clan."

"Tree family?"

How come there is such a race, I have never heard of it.

Jiang Chen called Angelina, and prepared to go to the world of corpse-eating tribes to seek the blessed water.

Angelina looked at Xiaoxi with doubts on her face: "Who is she?"

"My friend, her name is Xiaoxi, and she is Bertram's younger sister. This time we are going to the corpse-eating world to find a potion. She will take us there, but before that, let's change our appearance."

Jiang Chen took out two masks, and handed one to Xiao Xi and the other to Angelina.

Most people in the corpse-eating world know that Jiang Chen, in order not to cause trouble, is going to enter the corpse-eating world in disguise. The task now is to obtain the blessed water, not to increase his level.

Xiao Xi exclaimed, "Mask? You made this?"

"Yes, if you wear it, others will not recognize you."

Xiaoxi took it, stuck it on her face, and became another person, and Angelina did the same, put the mask on her face, and became another person.

Xiaoxi took out the potion: "This is a potion that can exude the breath of corpse-eating tribes. After drinking it, no one will find out."

"Your father made it?"


Jiang Chen looked at the potion, his heart was full of doubts, it couldn't be an experimental product again!

Xiaoxi smiled and said, "Don't worry, this was made by my father, many people will buy this, and enter the world of corpse-eating people, it's not a test product."

After watching Xiaoxi drink it, Jiang Chen drank it with confidence.

From now on, it will be Uncle Snake's stuff, try to drink as little as possible.

That guy is a bit unreliable!
(End of this chapter)

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