Chapter 354, Xiaoxi is a Tree Clan
Xiao Xi said, "This kind of potion can last for three days, and the effect will dissipate after three days. The demon forest is deep in the corpse-eating tribe. It takes seven or eight days to get there."

The three of them were ready to enter the corpse-eating world.

After the three of them changed their attire, they easily mixed into the corpse-eating world. There were only a few people guarding the whole town, and they didn't check Jiang Chen and the others.

Even if they checked, they couldn't find it out. After the three of them took the potion, they emitted a strong aura.

Just like the fear of the inferior to the superior.

Hierarchical suppression has absolute authority.

Jiang Chen was puzzled!
Didn't expect Xiao Xi to know so much about the world of corpse-eating tribes, even people in the world of corpse-eating tribes don't know about Nightmare Forest!

Jiang Chen not only expressed doubts, but asked, "How do you know so much about the corpse-eating world?"

"This world is not theirs, but the world of our Tree Clan. Our Protoss belongs to a race under the Continent of the Gods. Later, in the battle with the Corpse Clan, the Tree Clan was almost wiped out and was driven out of the whole world."

"They still want to annex Titan World, but Titan World is very strong, and their plan failed, so I understand this world better."

It turned out to be the case.

Xiaoxi continued: "Father once found me in the Nightmare Forest and brought me back to Titan World."

"Uncle Snake has also been to the Nightmare Forest?"

Jiang Chen asked;

Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes, he is also looking for the blessed water, which is the most mysterious place for us, and there is no way to find it without anyone leading the way. The blessed water can not only eliminate curses, but also strengthen the body. It is the most mysterious place in the world. important stuff."

The three walked out of the town and headed east.

Walk along the path, all the way forward.

Walked for about an hour.

300 meters away, an enemy appeared, Xiaoxi stopped: "There are thirty enemies ahead, we can only take a detour."

Jiang Chen looked surprised.

Can sense the enemy 300 meters away?

This Xiaoxi doesn't look simple!

Perception is strong.

Jiang Chen said: "No need, continue on your way."

"But if you hurry, you will encounter enemies."

"Enemy, just increase the experience value."

Jiang Chen unfolded his skills, the art of returning ten thousand swords to the clan, thirty thousand sword qi swirled around Jiang Chen, and then turned into white light and shot forward.

Experience value +2400 points...

Experience value +2400 points...

Experience value +2400 points...

Xiaoxi looked at Jiang Chen in surprise: "You are very strong, according to the logic, you shouldn't be only level 140! This kind of attack is so fast, it can kill enemies 300 meters away."

"I've only awakened to my profession for a few months."

"What, only a few months?"

"if not!"

"Then you level up so fast. I heard from my father that the fallen ones are very strong. They have a unique sword energy, but you are not a fallen one. How can you be so strong?"


Xiaoxi didn't ask any more questions.

Jiang Chen was also puzzled, he didn't know how Xiaoxi upgraded, according to reason, magician is a long-distance combat profession, the speed is not fast, and needs the protection of teammates, but judging by Xiaoxi's appearance, there are no teammates.

It's about fighting monsters and upgrading alone.

Jiang Chen felt very curious, could it be a super god profession among magicians?
Think about it too, how could Uncle Snake's daughter be an ordinary person!
Three people walk forward

Xiaoxi knelt down and silently picked up the fragments of [Hezi]: "We are so lucky, there are so many fragments, enough for father to do experiments."

The human world divides occupations into grades: SS, S, A, B, C, D...
But it's completely different in other worlds.

Level is just the name of the human world, in Silero World, Titan World, Elf World, Kono World... there is no so-called level.

The protoss pursue bloodlines, and when bloodlines are awakened, the corresponding profession can be awakened.

And the bloodline is the so-called talent.

The black dragons and black winds in the human world, their ancestors are dragon blood warriors. After awakening their bloodlines, they can recover their bodies even if they are injured. This is the so-called talent, but it is actually the awakening of bloodlines.

Moreover, in Silero World and Titan World, most people have awakened their talents.

It's something they're born with.

There is no need for awakening at all.

Angelina is the reincarnated god of the gods. I don't know if there is a so-called awakening of the blood.

Isn't the blood of God stronger?
Jiang Chen thought of this woman, Ruoli, who hadn't returned to the human world for a long time, and didn't know how they were doing.

Angelina quickly followed Xiaoxi, and asked curiously: "Your perception ability is very strong, can you teach me, I want to be as strong as you."

"No, this is our talent. If you want, I can tell my father and let him transform your body."

"How to transform?"

Jiang Chen coughed, he didn't want Angelina to meet Uncle Snake.

The old guy is not so easy to fool.

What if Angelina's identity is known?
And Uncle Snake can eat whatever he wants!

"Take your time, you will realize it by yourself in the future, why are you in a hurry!"

"But I don't want to be your drag bottle."

Angelina only wanted to be strong.

Jiang Chen solemnly said: "Xiao Na, you have to remember one thing, you are my woman, not my oil bottle, if you dare to say such despondent words, see if I go back and deal with you properly."

Angelina was proud of herself, nodded and said, "Oh..."

Xiaoxi explained: "I am a tree clan and a magician. I use the earth to receive information. Every plant and tree on the earth is my eyes."

"And my magic is to use the earth to create magic."

"So my perception ability is stronger than ordinary magicians, even stronger than archers in the elf world."

"I'm able to replenish my own health while draining the health of the enemy."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Try not to reveal your identity or your skills in the future, it won't do you any good."

Jiang Chen tried to persuade her, this little girl didn't have any defenses at all.

What if you encounter bad guys?
"I know you're a good guy."

What the hell...

I am a good person?

This is also the first time I heard it.

Xiaoxi smiled mysteriously: "I can distinguish between good and evil."

The three of them continued on their way, Jiang Chen had the sword energy of Ten Thousand Swords Guizong, as long as he found an enemy along the way, the sword energy would strike and sweep away everything, killing all the corpse-eating tribes.

Within a kilometer, everything is invincible.

Most of the people who came out to practice were rank three or rank four zombies.

For Jiang Chen, it shouldn't be too easy to kill.

Jiang Chen has also seen Xiaoxi make a move.

Her attack method is very unique. Within a hundred meters, unique thorns are formed. These thorns grow from the ground, quickly entangle the enemy, absorb the enemy's life, and turn the enemy into a mummy.

And the life points absorbed will be returned to Xiaoxi.

And these thorns can also absorb energy.

Transforming energy into strength, making thorns grow wildly, is a bit similar to Gracilaria's insect master skills.

(End of this chapter)

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