Chapter 361, Eye transplantation

Li Chanji dripped on her forehead, and now she is just like a normal person, as long as she doesn't show her strength, she is no different from an ordinary person.

You can also walk on the street swaggeringly, even if you appear in the world of Silero, there is no problem.

Li Chanji asked: "Where did you get this magical potion?"

"Uncle Snake."

"Who is Uncle Snake?"

"a friend."

Jiang Chen thought of a possibility, that is, whether the free people can also transplant the eyes of the Gaoye protoss, transplant the Hezi of the corpse-eating tribe, whether they will have such abilities.

It seems that I will find an opportunity to ask in the future.

Li Chanji didn't ask anything, which was a great favor to them.

You can live in the world of Silero in the future.

No longer hiding.

Li Chanji: "Be careful recently, the Cangsheng Council is looking for you."

Jiang Chen nodded, he knew this, it wasn't just because of that bullshit legend, but Jiang Chen didn't care, Jiang Chen also thought that one thing was not done properly.

After Jiang Chen bid farewell to Li Chanji, he saw Lin Yangze, who was still in the black market.

Still in the Cloud Tavern.

Jiang Chen handed over a bottle of potion, and said, "Master, use this potion to drop on your own head, it will be able to lift the curse of the cursed god on you, and remove the marks on your forehead."

"It seems that you have improved a lot during this time!"


After Lin Yangze took it, he dripped it on his forehead, and soon the mark disappeared, and the word "slave" disappeared on his forehead, just like a normal person.

Jiang Chen said: "I'll take you to find someone who can help you heal your eyes."

"My eyes have been blind for many years, and there is no cure. Don't worry about me."

"It's not a cure, but a pair of eyes transplanted, and someone else's eyes are transplanted into your eye frame. Now you don't have to worry about being discovered."

Lin Yangze thought about it.

Can it be transplanted?

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "When we go to the restaurant to be chic in the future, at least we can see what the other person looks like?"

"Am I that kind of person!"


"Can it really be transplanted?"

"Of course, you have to believe me, I've lifted the curse, and I can't help you transplant eyes, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it,"

Lin Yangze agreed.

Jiang Chen took Lin Yangze to Titan World.

knocked on the door of the villa.

Xiaoxi saw Jiang Chen return, and brought back an old man.

"come in!"

"This time I'm going to trouble Uncle Snake again."

"whats the matter?"

"He is my master, I want to ask Uncle Snake to heal his eyes."

Xiaoxi looked at Lin Yangze: "A master of freedom?"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"follow me."

The three of them went deep into the basement, Rodney was still working on the experiment, when he saw Jiang Chen coming and Lin Yangze coming, he instantly became interested.

"Powerful Fallen, you really have something to do with Fallen."

Lin Yangze asked: "A strong man from the Medusa clan?"

"Huh... You are blind and you can guess that I am a member of the Medusa race?" Rodney became more and more curious.

"My eyes are blind, but my heart is not blind. I can smell your breath."

"I see."

Jiang Chen coughed: "Uncle Snake, can you transplant my master's eyes?"

Rodney stepped forward, looked at Lin Yangze carefully, nodded and said: "Yes, although the eyes are very blind, but the eyes can be transplanted, just in time you brought back the eyes of the Gaoye Protoss last time, I haven't used them yet!"

"It's just right for your master."

"If the eyes of the Gaoye Protoss are transplanted, can they obtain their abilities?"

"This will not be cleared up. I don't know if the blood of the gods can be obtained for the human race, but I think it should be impossible."

Rodney explained: "The Fallen is not a hero from the continent of the gods. It is impossible for the blood to merge, and you humans also have blood, but after the eyes are transplanted, the basic functions are still there, and you can see the world clearly."

Regardless of whether he can do it or not, Jiang Chen has to repay Lin Yangze.

Repay him for teaching [Heart Realm].

Although this is not the skill of the Gods Continent, but it can detect the traces of the enemy, especially the emotional changes.

Rodney said: "Old man, you are lying on the test bench, and I will transplant it for you."


"Otherwise, your strength should be very strong. When helping you transplant, just don't do it."

Jiang Chen helped Lin Yangze walk to the test bench.

Rodney laughed: "I didn't help for free."

What the hell...

Uncle Snake still gets paid?

It's a bit unreasonable!

"What can I help you with?"

"There is a crown in the world of giants, and I need you to get it."


"It can also be called equipment. This equipment was once made by a true god. There is a gem in it. I need that gem."

Giant world?

Never heard of it.

"You are already level 140. Help me get back the crown this time. You should be able to rise to level 150, and then turn three times. The experience value of the giant world is higher than that of the corpse world."

"Killing a giant should be about [-] experience points."

Jiang Chen was stunned

One hundred thousand?

Are you kidding me?

Now it has 4 million experience points, wouldn't it be possible to level up by killing [-] of them?
Is such a high experience value true or false?
Jiang Chen expressed doubts.

If the experience value is really that high, it must be very dangerous, even more dangerous than the corpse-eating world, but Jiang Chen doesn't care, so what about the danger, the experience value is high!
Jiang Chen nodded: "Okay, I'll go to the giant world immediately."

"Be careful, the world of giants is still very dangerous, of course you should not be a problem."

Jiang Chen walked out of the secret room.

Xiaoxi followed behind and explained; "The giant race lives in the giant world. Their average height is about 100 meters, and they are extremely powerful. They are known as war machines and the nemesis of melee professions."

"I think you understand the Titan world, they are more terrifying than the Titan Protoss."

"They possess unparalleled physical strength."

Jiang Chen asked: "They also have ranks?"

Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes, they are also divided into levels, and they also have gods, but their gods are in the domain of gods, not in the world of giants. Your speed is very fast, so there should be no problem."

"I used to upgrade my level in the giant world."

"They are wearing armor. The armor is extremely thick and can withstand most attacks. However, there are gaps in their armor. Your sword energy can shuttle through the gaps and kill giants."

"I see."

"By the way, there is also a secret place in the giant world. There is a spring of power, something that can increase strength, and it is also something that can enhance the four dimensions. Although it is not as good as the blessed water, it is not bad."

Jiang Chen silently nodded.

Looks like level 150 is coming.

Originally planning to go to the Corpse Clan to raise the level, now it seems that it is more appropriate to go to the Giant World.

Xiaoxi told the road map to the giant world.

Jiang Chen took Angelina into the world of giants.

(End of this chapter)

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