Chapter 362, Giant World

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

【Level: 140】

【Experience: 150000/40000000】

[Physical: 1300]

【Strength: 640】

【Spirit: 1350】

[Agility: 135]


Now it is 4 million experience points.

If it's 400 experience points, you can level up by killing [-]. Isn't [-] simple?

Inside the hotel.

Bertram exclaimed: "What? Are you going to the world of giants?"

"What's the problem?"

"There is a problem. Have you ever seen a giant? A 100-meter-tall giant? Our Titans are younger brothers in front of the giants. Our strength is not even one percent of theirs!"

"I'm not a Titan Protoss, and I don't know how to fight them in close quarters, and why are you still wearing a nightgown? Don't you need to upgrade your level?"

Jiang Chen was full of suspicion, why did this kid stay in the hotel.

Bertram chuckled: "I'm a prosecutor now, not a trainee prosecutor."



"Don't you need merit to become a regular?"

"After I drank the potion last time, I conquered my boss."

"A man?" Jiang Chen looked contemptuous;
"What look in your eyes, of course it's a woman."

By conquering women?
I despise you so much...
Before going to the giant world, first find out what the giant world pays attention to. As a prosecutor, Burtram must know.

As a result, Burtram didn't know either, but only knew that the world of giants was dangerous.

And it's tantamount to danger.

Of course, this is quite dangerous for the Titans.

The Titans are melee classes, and the Giants are also melee classes. No matter in terms of size or strength, the giant warriors of the Giants can suppress the Titan fighters of the Titans.

This is absolutely oppressive.

Giant warriors are known as the ceiling of the melee profession.

Bertram looked smug: "Are you envious?"

"go away."

Jiang Chen got up slowly, and left with Angelina.

Bertram: "Brother, bring me a bottle of strength spring water."

Giant world.

The two of Jiang Chen entered the world of giants, and finally saw what the real world is. The trees in the whole world are as big as a football field, and even a leaf is equivalent to the size of a human.

Trees rise from the ground and tower into the sky, like tall buildings.

Angelina was completely stunned.

Such a big tree?

Such a big leaf?

The whole world is completely different from other worlds, and the human race enters it like little ants.


Huge flying insects flew into the flowers all the time, Jiang Chen took a look.

Is this a bee?

A bee is two meters long?

This is too crazy!
Fang seemed to have entered the kingdom of giants, and his body shrunk a hundred times.

Even a simple bee is a monster.

No wonder it is said that the kingdom of giants is the ceiling of the melee profession, if the giant race is so powerful!
Apart from Jiang Chen, there are also some brave men in the giant world, hunting monsters and leveling up, they are all in twos and threes, except for the giants who have high experience points.

The experience value of other monsters in the kingdom of giants is also very high.

There are often warriors upgrading their ranks here.

As long as you don't go deep into the giant's territory, there is no danger. Once you go deep into the giant's territory, the situation will be different. The running speed of the giants is comparable to the archers of the elves and protoss.

One step is dozens of meters away...
Even the elf archers can't match this speed.

Jiang Chen watched the crowd around him killing monsters, and said calmly: "Let's go, let's enter the kingdom of giants."

From Xiao Xi's mouth, I learned that the giant tribe is divided into tribes, some form a tribe with dozens of people, and some form a tribe with hundreds of people.

There are even tens of thousands of giant alliances.

The only fortunate thing is that there are no giant magicians in the giant world, all of them are warriors in armor.

The two moved on.

After walking for a long time, they finally entered the territory of the giants.

On the vast grasslands, so-called giants were seen.

He is [-] meters tall, wearing animal clothes, and holding a giant axe.

The two stood under the two-meter-high mountain grass, looked up at the giant, and could see the huge body 500 meters away.

Angelina was worried: "What should I do, this giant is so tall, how can I kill it?"

"It's okay."

"and me!"

Jiang Chen opened up an unprecedented state, [Tiangang Sword Body], [Flash in the Sky], [Vitality Enchantment], [Wanjian Guizong]...

The vitality enchantment, within a kilometer, is boosted by a hundred times its own gravity.

But the giants acted as if nothing happened.

The vitality enchantment has no effect at all.

The giants just glanced left and right, as if looking for traces of Jiang Chen around.

no effect?
Angelina said: "The giants have very strong physiques and can resist your vitality enchantment."

"Although he doesn't have the equipment, he is very powerful. The vitality enchantment has no effect. Try returning to the sect with Wanjian."


Thirty thousand sword qi charged towards the giant, and with a flash of white light, they rushed towards the giant.

The giants screamed...

Looking back at Jiang Chen, he rushed straight towards Jiang Chen, took a big stride, and rushed in front of Jiang Chen in an instant, that running speed was almost boundless.

Jiang Chen pulled Angelina and turned to leave.

How to defend against such a pervert, isn't it easy to kill!
Thirty thousand sword qi can only cause him pain?
The sword energy entered and pierced the giant's body, just like an ant biting him.

This scene was beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

Sword Qi didn't work?
This was Jiang Chen's first reaction.

The speed of the giant race was fast, and Jiang Chen's speed was even faster, leading Angelina into the forest, the giant roared, looking for traces of Jiang Chen, sniffing the air with his nose.

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

It seems that his eyes are the same as those of ordinary people, but his sense of smell is very sensitive. In an instant, he found Jiang Chen's location, and stretched out his huge palm to grab Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Angelina's nine tails were fully unfolded.

Pierced the giant's palm.

The giants felt the pain, withdrew their right hand, and looked at Jiang Chen's two little ones angrily.


"Hey... your attack is higher than mine?"

"Of course, this is rank six Kazuko Kyuubi. Your sword attack is very strong, equivalent to a single blow from a rank six professional, but your sword attack is too scattered."

"And my nine tails attack at the same time, which can hurt him and pierce his palm."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Are you still able to analyze battles?"

Angelina gave her a blank look: "Don't underestimate me, I think the sword energy should be condensed into a rope, and attack the giant by spinning."

"His eyes should be flaws, as well as his chest, so that he can kill giants."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Angelina has improved a lot.

Very good analysis.

(End of this chapter)

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