Chapter 380, in the same way, return to him
The sword energy that has been strengthened dozens of times can't break through the defense?
It can be seen that the Taoist Dalang in front of him is undoubtedly a master.

As the lord of the corpse-eating clan, Dalang is naturally an absolute strongman, crushing any ordinary corpse-eating clan, and he also has Hezi [armor] thunder attribute.

It is six ranks, which is equivalent to a level 300 monster.

Even wearing level 300 epic equipment.

Such a strong person can't handle even a super god professional rank six master.

Without saying a word, Taoist Dalang rushed towards Jiang Chen.

There was a sound in the air, and the speed was extremely fast.

Just when Dao Shi Dalang rushed towards Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen pulled Angelina and ran quickly, the speed was also extremely fast, Jiang Chen turned his head to look at Da Lang Da Lang.

This speed is actually about the same as him.

Jiang Chen was startled.

How could this guy be so fast?
At this moment Dalang was also shocked, he wanted to kill Jiang Chen immediately, but after seeing Jiang Chen's speed, Yama was stunned for an instant.

Who is this?
Why do melee occupations have such a fast speed.

Angelina exclaimed: "He's so fast."

"Well, it should be the equipment on his body, and his Hezi [armor], it should be thunder-attribute armor, which can enhance his vitality, activate the cells of the whole body, and increase the speed to the fastest. This is the strongest enemy I have ever encountered .”

"Then what should we do? Your sword energy seems to be unable to break through his defense."

"It's okay, I have learned new skills, and my sword energy will not disappear."

Jiang Chen watched as Da Lang chased after him.

With a thought, the sword energy quickly struck out and killed the past...

It was still quickly blocked ten meters away.

Jiang Chen sensed that these sword qi did not disappear, but were absorbing the lightning attribute from Dalang's body.

Jiang Chen suddenly realized: he has the attribute of lightning, and I am also of the attribute of lightning, so it is a pity that the same attribute absorbs energy and strengthens my sword energy.

This is the new passive skill effect.

While absorbing energy, it transforms into its own energy, enhancing its lethality.

Shi Dalang became angry instantly. He had already caught up with Jiang Chen and the two, but suddenly countless sword qi attacked him. Although they couldn't hurt him, they slowed down his speed.

Damn, who the hell is this guy?
How could there be such a powerful lethality.

And these sword auras seem to be the sword aura of free men.

Could it be that the one in front of you is a free man?
This is not right either.

Why doesn't the free man's sword energy disappear?
Soon, the two chased and fled, and appeared outside the city.

And Jiang Chen commanded the sword energy to continuously attack.

Shi Dalang seemed to feel something strange. Originally, the sword energy was ten meters away, but with the continuous attack, it has advanced two meters away.

Could it be that these sword qi can absorb energy?

Shi Dalang quickly dodges.

Shi Dalang is not a fool, after discovering that there is a problem with the sword qi, he no longer lets the sword qi attack him, but avoids the sword qi attack.

Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks, and turned his head to look at Master Dalang.


Was this discovered?
As expected of a strong man, he must have discovered that sword energy can absorb energy, so he avoided the attack of sword energy. This person has very rich combat experience!

What a formidable enemy.

Angelina also unfolded Kazuko [Nine Tails] and entered a fighting state.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, he surrounded Angelina with a thousand sword qi. Even though Angelina has Kazuko [Nine Tails], if this guy attacks Angelina, she may not be able to resist it.

Angelina said, "I'm fine."

"No, since this person attacks with the thunder attribute, his power is extremely powerful. Don't underestimate it. Your [Nine Tails] Kazuko may not be able to resist it."

Jiang Chen was not at ease.

Shi Dalang frowned: "The free ones? There is no conflict between us and the free ones, and we are even allies."

What the hell?

Allies with the free?

Could it be that there are free people who have turned to the corpses?
Free people can take refuge in the continent of the gods and the camp of the evil gods, but they may not be able to take refuge in the corpse-eating tribe.

"I am a free man."

"You are not a free man, a free man is not as powerful as you, who are you?"

Good guy, I admit it all, and you say I am not?

Make fun of me!

Angelina blessed Jiang Chen with a BUFF.

Shi Dalang suddenly realized: "It turns out that you are a brave man from the Continent of the Gods. It seems that you are the priest of the Continent of the Gods. When did a master like you emerge in the Continent of the Gods?"

Dalang, with a puzzled face.

Such a master has never been seen before.

Shi Dalang suddenly thought of a person.

Exclaimed: "You are Jiang Chen?"

"It seems that you have heard of me! Is my name so resounding!"

"It's really you."

Shi Dalang was expressionless, but he was extremely shocked in his heart. According to the investigation data, the so-called swordsman was only a second-rank job, not even a third-rank job.

A profession that can't reach the third rank is comparable to the lethality of a sixth-rank master.

Such a person must be killed.

Never let him grow up.

At this moment, Jiang Chen sensed that Da Lang suddenly had a powerful killing intent, and it seemed that he was about to strike.

Sure enough, in an instant.

Da Lang launched an attack on Jiang Chen.

The speed was as fast as before, like lightning flashed across the ground while running, leaving a series of blue traces, and quickly arrived in front of Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's speed was also very fast.

It disappeared 200 meters away in an instant, as fast as a magician's teleportation.

At the same time, Jiang Chen's sword energy was also attacking Da Lang.

Obviously Dao Shi Dalang would not give Jiang Chen a chance.

Dodge quickly.

Shi Dalang turned around and attacked Angelina.

Appeared in front of Angelina.

Jiang Chen was startled.

At this time, Angelina surrounded herself with nine tails, and a thousand sword qi formed a shield to block Dalang.

Shi Dalang clenched his fist with his right hand and punched the shield.

The sword energy was shattered, and this blow hit Hezi, and Angelina was knocked out.

Jiang Chen frowned tightly.

It is impossible to kill him with sword energy. This guy's speed is so fast that even sword energy can't keep up with his speed. Apart from sword energy, there are only dangerous moves.

Jiang Chen rushed towards Dalang, the magistrate.

Shi Dalang smiled coldly, worried about the comfort of his companions, are you going to fight me in close combat?Killing your companion is nothing, but a mere district priest. Killing you is my real purpose.

You are fast, but your melee attacks are weak.

Toshi Dalang knew very well about free people, freedom is a powerful qi, but physical strength is very weak.

The two hit each other face to face.

Shi Dalang swung a punch, and this circle contained a huge amount of blue energy.

And Jiang Chen stretched out his palm.

Get ready for the strongest attack from Toshi Dalang.


Shi Dalang let out a roar...

Jiang Chen grabbed Dalang's left hand with his right hand, and violent power entered his body, but Jiang Chen stood in front of Dalang safely.

Shi Dalang was stunned.

Attack invalid?

How can it be?

Jiang Chen completed the transformation in an instant, a burst of blue energy violently shot out from his left hand, and hit Dalang's chest, the armor on his body was broken inch by inch, and his whole body evaporated instantly.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

With his way, he also gave his body.

The art of turning stars and moving stars.

[Absorbs a hundred times the energy attack, and can bounce back the absorbed energy a hundred times...Cooling time is 4 seconds...]

This is the real killer feature.

(End of this chapter)

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