Chapter 381, Daphne's Fast Seventh Turn

Angelina got up and patted the clothes on her body.

Jiang Chen walked over, and asked with concern; "Are you all right?"

Angelina shook her head: "It's okay, his strength is really strong, even [Nine Tails] Kazuko can't defend against it, but fortunately my physique is also very strong, otherwise this punch is really irresistible."

After Angelina drank two springs, her physique increased by a terrifying value of 2.

A hundred times more than Jiang Chen.

Angelina's physique is even comparable to that of giants.

Coupled with the resistance of a thousand sword qi and the defensive power of Kazuko Kyuubi, Angelina has no scars at all.

But luckily Jiang Chen killed Da Lang.

"Let's go, it's time to leave, I've completed the third round, now it's time for you to complete the third round."

The two left the ghoul world.

As for Shi Dalang, He Zi did not explode, and his whole body was destroyed. If a complete He Zi exploded, he could be fused with the equipment to obtain the ability attributes of He Zi.

Angelina's mission is to kill Jeffrey.

This is a son of god from the evil god camp, listed on the must-kill list by the mainland of the gods, the magic swordsman profession, and also a three-rank master.

The hell-level task is to kill the master.

Whether it is the evil god camp, the world of corpses, or the world of giants, they are all masters in killing places, even Jiang Chen is also the target of others.

The two had just returned to the world of Sillero.

Then I received a message from A Ling.

A Ling: Jiang Chen has some sad news to tell you.

Jiang Chen: Tell me.

A Ling: You have already been blacklisted by the evil god camp, the fifth-rank hell-level mission, many masters from the four-rank evil god camp want to kill you.

Carole: The same is true for the Nether Race, which is also a fifth-rank hell-level task, and even rewards a set of legendary equipment.

Jiang Chen smiled.

All threatening enemies will be on the kill list.

It is the law not to allow the person on the other side to grow up and kill them in the cradle.

The hell-level task is to kill the enemy's master, and the opponent is the same.

He is also a master at killing the continent of the gods.

Jiang Chen: I know.

A Ling: In short, just be careful, and the other party knows that you are very strong, and the task is to complete the task in a team. I received news that the evil god camp took the task and came to kill you. have no idea.

: Hey, you have turned three times, your speed is so fast.


Jiang Chen asked: "Jeffrey, where is it?"

"Silero World."

Half of the world of Silero is ruled by the continent of the gods, and half is ruled by the camp of evil gods, and Jeffrey is on the side of the camp of evil gods. Jeffrey is the son of the city lord Barlow.

They are in Preet City.

Go deep into the city of three thousand kilometers of the evil god camp.

When brave men from the Gods Continent go to the evil god camp, they will be polluted by dark aura. This kind of pollution can easily invade the body, or even the entire soul. People who are polluted will lose their strength.

There are only two ways to go to the evil god's camp. The first is to carry the moonlight god stone, which can protect the brave from the dark breath.

Another method is to carry a priest. The priest's ability to dispel darkness can prevent the pollution of the dark aura for a period of time, and can also expel the dark aura on the body.

Jiang Chen found a hotel.

Have a good night's sleep.


Sunshine, beach, sun umbrella... Jiang Chen lay on the chair, thinking of Daphne in his heart, and soon Daphne appeared in Jiang Chen's dream.

"Miss me."

"I have something to trouble you."

Daphne smiled: "Have you encountered a difficult problem?"

"It's not very tricky, just kill a person, that person is from your camp, named Jeffrey, a magic swordsman, the son of Barlow in Prieter City."

"You took the third-rank mission? No, you have already passed the third-rank mission. Did the woman next to you take the mission?"

This woman can't hide anything from you.

Daphne laughed and said, "Let me help your lover complete the job change, it's a bit unreasonable!"

"One day, one day, one hundred days of grace!"

"Fuck you, I'd be jealous."

"Just tell me if you can help me or not."

Daphne smiled: "What's wrong, are you still angry? It's just a mere magic swordsman, just wait."

"You shot?"

"I can help you kidnap him and send him to you."


"That's okay too?"

"no problem."

Jiang Chen looked puzzled: "You don't have much strength in reality, how can you kidnap him?"

Jiang Chen knew that Daphne was a succubus.

In the dream, the strength is very strong, and most people are not opponents at all, and they can kill at will, but in reality, the strength is not so good, even people who are lower than her level can easily kill.

This is the ability of succubus.

"Did you forget that I have a servant, just let the servant take action, and then I will let the servant take action and kidnap him in front of you, it's simple."

"Many of the Sons of God over there complete their missions in the same way. They made a deal with the people here, and then kidnapped them."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Did not expect this task to be so simple.

Jiang Chen asked; "Do you know where there is some spring water that can permanently enhance the four-dimensional divine water."

"What are you asking about this?"

"Naturally, it is to improve the strength."

"The spring of power in the world of giants, the divine water of blessing in the world of corpse-eating tribes, the divine water of agility in the world of elves, and the divine water of spirit in the land of darkness. These four divine waters are all permanently improving attributes."

Jiang Chen already knew the spring of power in the world of giants and the divine water of blessing in the world of corpse-eating tribes.

"The world of elves has agile magic water, why didn't I know about it?"

"That's on the other side of the dark elves, and belongs to our side of Shenshui. Of course you don't know."

"What about the dark place!"

"The dark land is relatively far away. It is going through the Dragon Realm. It is said that there is a black dragon guarding there. It used to be a royal family in the Dragon Realm. It used to join the evil god camp. Later, it was suppressed by the Dragon Clan. It also belongs to our side. It is very powerful. The leader of the Bilong world."

"It's not easy for you to obtain this spring water."

"Have you ever drank?"


Jiang Chen thought about it, and helped Angelina succeed in changing jobs, go to the elf world to find agile spring water, and then go to some dark place to find spiritual spring water to improve the four-dimensional attributes.

Two to three hundred points in four dimensions is equivalent to raising dozens of levels!
Daphne said; "I'm almost turning seven."

"So fast?" Jiang Chen exclaimed;
"Nonsense, our succubi belongs to the super god profession. We have no opponents when we kill enemies in our dreams. My task should be to kill the seventh-rank profession of your Gods Continent. I will need you to take action at that time."

"You let me deal with rank seven?" Jiang Chen was quite shocked.

Hell-level difficulty is very likely to be a strong player in the [Order] series. Jiang Chen is now in the [Natural Disaster] series, which is quite different from [Order].

And this is the following offense!
What if it is immune to 99% of the damage!

That would be the end of the calf.

No, absolutely not.

Jiang Chen opened his mouth and said, "You can just accept the mission to avoid the Gods Continent, what about the world of giants and the world of corpse-eating tribes, I'd be more than happy to help you out."

"Only a brave man from the Continent of the Gods, and he's also a prosecutor."

Jiang Chen was completely speechless.


(End of this chapter)

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