Chapter 387, Killing the Luohu Gang

Bajie was full of doubts, what kind of skill is this?
Can even feel the killing intent?

Killing intent is not a skill, nor a martial skill, but the only skill that Lin Yangze taught him.

Jiang Chen has perception skills, he can sense the wind and grass around him, he can even sense the sound of his heartbeat, but the [Heart Realm] is different, he can perceive the movements and expressions around him, even the slightest movements.

At the same time, it can also perceive danger, perceive various emotions, and feel killing intent.

Eight Realms thought to themselves.

Before there is no conclusive evidence, the Eight Realms cannot act without authorization.

Just when the Eight Realms were thinking hard.


Dozens of figures appeared on the opposite side. These figures were all holding rapiers and wearing black robes. The leader was a middle-aged man with a strong figure and strong true energy in his body.

The person clenched his hands into fists and did not use a weapon.

"Sure enough, he is a master of the Luohu Gang."

"They really wanted to come and attack our village."

"Someone must have accidentally leaked the news."

"What to do with so many thoughts now, we just need to resist them and wait until the masters of the Loyalty Society come to support them."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for the experts from the Loyalty Society to come, and then we will be dead."

More than a dozen free men showed worried expressions.

In the free world, they have all heard of the Luohu Gang. They were originally just a group of rabble, but suddenly a master appeared, and this person was Zhou Zun.

This person is completely different from other masters, relying entirely on a pair of fleshy palms to resist.

There are many martial arts in the world of free people, most of them use swords, and they only use rapiers to exert their miraculous effects, but there are also a few people who do not use swords, but knives, sticks, or sticks.

It's even possible without a weapon.

A brave man needs weapons, and the powerful attributes of weapons are needed to exert powerful lethality.

But the free ones are completely different. Even without weapons, the free ones are very powerful. They rely entirely on their own true energy. The stronger the true energy, the greater their lethality.

This is the difference between the free and the brave.

A free man without a weapon is either an idiot or a master of masters. Obviously, the leader in front of him is a master.

Bajie frowned: "Brother Chen Jinnan, the leading middle-aged man is Zhou Zun. Although I haven't seen him, I have heard of his name. His pair of fleshy palms are very powerful."

"Maybe you don't know about free people. Weapons are only auxiliary things for free people. Sometimes they are not that important."

Jiang Chen: "I know this, and I also know that the root of a free man's strength is the true energy in his body. Obviously, the middle-aged man in front of him should be a strong man of the ancient martial arts."

Eight circles nodded.

He knew that Jiang Chen was very powerful, but the Freedom Ancient Martial Arts School was also very powerful.

Freedom is divided into three factions: ancient martial arts, modern martial arts, near martial arts.

Ancient martial arts: It is to practice powerful martial arts. If a martial art has 9 layers, then the ancient martial arts will cultivate to the highest level.

This is like the skills of a brave man. Each skill of a brave man is divided into several levels. Some are from level one to level nine. It was promoted to the highest level until it could not be promoted.

The modern school is different. The so-called modern school is to practice martial arts to the first level. You only need to get started, and then improve the cohesion of martial arts, and condense the sword energy that was originally thick in a bucket to the size of your wrist. This is the modern school sword. technology.

The Close Martial Arts School is different, it absorbs the essence of the Ancient Martial Arts School and the Modern School, improves the ancient martial arts skills, and also improves the cohesion.

Zhou Zun looked at the Eight Realms and the others indifferently.

Zhou Zun sent the youngest Li Yang as a vanguard, waiting for the opportunity to move, but he didn't expect that a dozen of the youngest's people fell and died.

Zhou Zun glanced coldly at them, stared at Bajie and said, "Give me a bottle of cursing potion, I don't want much."

"Zhou Zun of the Luohu Gang, could it be that you have forgotten our identities?"

"The Loyalty Society is the number one conference in the alliance. Unfortunately, there are no masters of yours here. I can kill you guys and snatch the potions from your bodies."

Obviously, the identity of the Eight Realms made them jealous.

The Eight Realms are not only members of the Loyalty Society, but also seven senior brothers, each of whom is a famous figure, not to mention his master Bai Yun, who is a master of freedom.

Not to mention Zhou Zun, even a hundred Zhou Zun are no match.

He just needs the potion and doesn't want to do it.

"Then let's do it."

Zhou Zun raised his eyebrows, and the true energy in his body circulated.

Jiang Chen stepped forward: "This man is a master, I'll deal with it."

Eight Realms nodded.

Once upon a time, Jiang Chen was just a small swordsman, but now he has far surpassed him.

Jiang Chen first added a Tiangang sword body to himself, and a yellow magic shield covered his whole body.

Zhou Zun said: "A brave man?"


"This is an internal matter for us free people. As a brave man, you should not interfere."

"The Eight Realms are my friends."

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, six thousand sword qis danced and spun in the air.

"What kind of skill is this?"

"Is this sword energy?"

"This is impossible, how could the brave use our sword energy, this is not true energy."

"I remember that there is a profession in the Continent of the Gods called Swordsman."

"Could he be a swordsman?"

Looking at the sword qi, Zhou Zun frowned. He also knew a lot about the brave men of the Gods Continent, such as magicians, archers, and warriors, but Zhou Zun couldn't understand Jiang Chen standing in front of him.

Neither a magician nor an archer.

Much like the sword spirit of a free man.

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Zun ordered the two people around him to rush to Jiang Chen, to explore Jiang Chen's reality.

Seeing the two black-clothed men rushing over, Jiang Chen thought, and a white light flashed, instantly piercing through their chests, killing them with one blow...
Zhou Zun was taken aback.

Fast, ruthless, accurate...
This is simply more powerful than the free man.

At this moment, a sword energy rushed towards Zhou Zun, Zhou Zun's reaction was also very fast, the true energy in his body dispersed, and the sword energy stayed three inches away from Zhou Zun.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, this guy is almost at the sixth level.

Jiang Chen's sword qi spun rapidly, wanting to use the spinning sword qi to break through the enemy's aura.

But the sword energy still stayed three inches away.

no progress.

"Your attack has no effect on me."

"That's right, I just cast a sword qi. I forgot to tell you that there are [-] sword qis around me. See how many sword qi you can resist."

Six thousand sword qi rushed rapidly, surrounding Zhou Zun from all directions.

Zhou Zun's face changed greatly: "Shoot immediately and kill him."

"If you want to kill my friend, go through my level first."

Bajie led a dozen people to attack quickly.

To deal with these small shrimps, there is no need for them from the Eight Realms to take action. He can kill them all by himself, and one hundred people can be divided into one hundred sword qi.


Wherever it passes, it quickly penetrates the enemy's chest, head, and neck...

Not everyone is a master.

And there is only one master.

In an instant, all the Luohu gang brought by Zhou Zun fell.

Zhou Zun was furious: "Damn it, what is your occupation?"

"I am a swordsman."

Six thousand sword qi quickly penetrated Zhou Zun's thighs, arms, and Zhou Zun's lower abdomen.

The screams sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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