Chapter 388, Danger Comes

Zhou Zun fell to the ground.

Completely lost combat effectiveness.

Jiang Chen said: "I will leave the rest to you."

Bajie nodded, stepped forward and looked at Zhou Zun: "Let me ask you, how did you know that there is a curse-removing potion in my body."

"You thought I'd tell you?"

"You are already a prisoner, just tell me, and I will let you live."

"It's Shouhu."

Bajie looked back at Shouhu, and the rest of the people looked at him one after another, glaring at him;

"I didn't expect you to be the traitor."

"Shouhu, you dare to betray the Loyalty Society?"

"Damn it, you actually spread this news to the members of the Luohu gang. What good will they do for you?"

Faced with several people's questioning.

Shouhu draws his sword to be vigilant: "So what? The Loyalty Society has long existed in name only. What loyalty and righteousness have long since ceased to exist. The current Loyalty Society is guarded by rich children, and I am only thinking about myself. Wrong!"

"Tomorrow, the top leaders of the Loyalty Association will come, do you think you can keep the curse-removing potion!"

"They will definitely take the potion away, and we will stay here."

"They don't care about us at all."

17 people stared angrily.

Loyalty is a belief, a belief on which to rely.

"It's just nonsense."

"Damn it, for your own selfish desires, you contacted the Luohu gang to attack your own people, do you still have a conscience!"

"What are you talking about with him, just tie it up and hand it over to them."

"Yes, there is no need to show mercy to the traitor."

Eight Realms looked at Shouhu and said, "Everyone has their own interests, which is understandable. Even if you want to leave, we won't stop you, but you shouldn't expose the whole information."

Shouhu snorted coldly: "Hmph, then just wait and see. The senior members of the Loyalty Association will come tomorrow and they will definitely take away the potion. They will use this as a bargaining chip to let you join the family."

"The current president of the Loyalty Society is just a puppet. It won't be long before the entire Loyalty Society will be disbanded."

"Now the Loyalty Society is no longer fighting for the free, but for the family. I don't want to be a victim, I just want to leave here."

"A traitor is a traitor, it's useless to say more."

"Do it."

Shouhu holds the rapier in his hand, ready to kill the fish and kill the net.

Swords are on the verge of breaking out.

"and many more."

"Captain, he betrayed the Loyalty Society, what are you waiting for?"

"Catch him and hand it over to the headquarters."

Bajie looked at Shouhu, took out a bottle of medicine from his arms, tapped out a drop, and flicked it on Shouhu's forehead. A dozen people watched the writing on Shouhu's forehead disappear.

Bajie said: "You go!"

Shouhu couldn't believe this.

really go?
The complexions of a dozen people changed drastically.

"He betrayed us, he betrayed the Loyalty Society."

"Captain, you must not let him go."

"Captain, how could you do this?"

Bajiedao: "Shouhu is our brother, has always been, and you too, don't you want to see brotherhood? He has his own life, I can't stop it, you go, and don't come back in the future, in the gods The mainland is hidden, and you have a place."

"Live the life of an ordinary person in the Continent of the Gods, and don't reveal your identity."


"Let him go." The voice of the Eight Realms was unquestionable.

The rest of the people stepped out of the way.

Shouhu turned and left.

Looking back, he reminded: "Bajie, you should understand that the current Loyalty Society is no longer worthy of your allegiance. Since Bai Yun left, it has lost its original spirit."

"Everyone has their own selfishness. We will also follow the example of the Gods Continent, and the Loyalty Society will also become a family situation. This is irreversible."

"No, with my senior brother here, absolutely not."

Shouhu laughed.

Turn around and leave, disappearing in front of everyone.

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

The Loyalty Society doesn't seem so united either!
It's just that Jiang Chen didn't expect that Eight Realms would let Shouhu leave.

The Eight Realms gave an order.

Bind Zhou Zun and put him in prison.

Zhou Zun looked at the few potions, and immediately said: "Let's work hard and remove the curse mark from the eighteen villages, regardless of men, women, or children!"

"No matter where they go to live, at least let them be truly free."

One of them stood up and said, "Won't you hand it over to the higher-ups?"

"Just hand in the rest."

Thirteen were silent.

"But in this way, the superiors will definitely blame you for using it indiscriminately."

Eight Realms smiled, but did not speak.

this night

Eight circles brought potions back and forth in the villages, and lifted the seals of more than 8000 people in eighteen villages. Only half of the original five bottles of potions remained.

Wait until the morning of the Eight Realms before returning.

Jiang Chen looked at the exhausted Eight Realms, and asked, "Finished?"

"Well, the 8000 people have all been unsealed, and they will be able to live in the Gods Continent in the future. That's all I can do."

"Is what that Shouhu said true?"

"You are a brave man, there is no need to care about these things."

Look at the expression of the Eight Realms.

Jiang Chen knew that it was almost the same.

Now the Loyalty Society, the first meeting of the Freedom Alliance, has indeed become a private property, and the president of the Loyalty Society is actually a puppet?
This Nima...

Forget it.

This has something to do with me!
Bajiedao: "If a free man wants to have his own power, he must have a free man who becomes a god, a real god, in order to control the situation, otherwise the free man will fall apart."

"I'm leaving a way for the free."

"It won't be all extinct."

Jiang Chen said; "You'd better go back and be your tavern owner."

Bajie smiled: "I think so too, this time should be my last mission, next time we meet, I'll buy you a drink."

"Are you letting me go?"

"Aren't you leaving yet? This is the world of the free after all."

"makes sense."

Jiang Chen greeted Angelina: "Let's go."


Angelina followed behind Jiang Chen, walking towards the crack...
There is a crack.

Entering the Continent of the Gods, Jiang Chen said: "Crush the scroll and wait for me at home."

"What are you doing?"

"You don't care about men's affairs."

Angelina stuck out her tongue: "Is there danger in the Eight Realms!"

Jiang Chen remained silent.

Angelina's guess was right. The Eight Realms have used up all the stuff, and there is still half a bottle left, which is probably only enough for a few hundred people. The high-level members of the Loyalty Society will definitely trouble him. The Eight Realms are his friends. Chen didn't want to lose this friend.

"This has nothing to do with you!"

"Yes, he is my friend."

"So you're going to save him?"

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "Yes, people in Jianghu can't help themselves."

"Be careful here, I heard that there are many masters in the Freedom."

"They're not as fast as I am."

Angelina took out the rolled sleeve, crushed the rolled sleeve, a burst of white light enveloped Angelina, and quickly disappeared...

Jiang Chen watched her leave, and then went back in peace.

Only when the free man becomes a god can the struggle be resolved.

I don't know how long it will take, there are so many free people, there are so many masters, and they haven't become gods. It can be seen that it is extremely difficult for free people to become gods.

It's better for a swordsman to become a god...
Jiang Chen used the skill of flash in the air, and quickly returned to the crack.

Enter the free world.

(End of this chapter)

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