Chapter 389, Li Chanji is here
The three major families of the Loyalty Society, the Dong family, the Xu family, and the Qin family...

The senior members of the Loyalty Society will arrive soon.

People from the three major families had arrived, but after arriving at the village, they discovered that there was only half a bottle of the original fifth-grade curse-removing potion left, and half a bottle was only enough for hundreds of people.

People in eighteen villages have successfully lifted the curse.

The 17 people stood behind the Eight Realms and were questioned by the three major families.

Bajie just said one sentence: It has been used, so much is left...

"Bajie, do you still take the Loyalty Society seriously?"

"Don't think that your master is Baiyun, and just act recklessly. Your master is no longer a member of the Loyalty Society."

"Where is the person who gave you the potion!"

Bajie said: "He has already left."

"What's his name?"

"Chen Jinnan."

"Since he has the potion, he must still have the potion. No matter what method he uses, he needs to get this potion. You should contact him immediately."

"He is gone, and the remaining five medicines are handed over to me."

"Then how did this Chen Jinnan get the potion?"

"I don't know."

"Why don't you ask?"

"Why should I ask?" Eight Realms asked back;

An elder roared angrily: "Do you have the Loyalty Society in your heart? Don't you know that this potion is very important to the Loyalty Society? If you can get this formula, you can let the free people remove the mark."

"And you used the potion privately. We don't need to pursue this matter, but under the premise, we must contact your friend Chen Jinnan and let him get a new potion."

"Bajie, don't forget your identity, you are a free man, you are not a brave man."

Bajie said: "I can't get in touch."

"Then you must come with us."

Bajie nodded: "Okay."

"Captain, you can't go."

Bajie smiled and said: "It's okay, I have already informed my master about this matter, and the old man already knows about it."

The elders of the Loyalist Church heard this.


white cloud.

The top master of the Loyalty Society, who once challenged God's freedom, is what they call the existence closest to God, and Bai Yun's title is Sword God.

Eight circles are his disciples, even if they go to the Loyalty Society, it won't matter.

Who would dare to embarrass Bai Yun's disciples.

Just for this title, free people have to give three points.

Jiang Chen hurried over, arrived at the village, saw Chen Haiming, and asked, "Where's the Eighth Realm?"

"He was taken away by the elders of the Loyalty Society."

"Where to?"

"Dongfang, it took about an hour or so, but don't worry, the Eighth Realm is Baiyun's disciple, and even the vice president's junior. They dare not do anything to the captain."

Jiang Chen asked: "Does the Eight Realms have any arrangements for you?"

"Not yet, when he comes back, he will lead us to another world."

Jiang Chen nodded, turned around and headed east...
Follow up and have a look first.

At this time, Bajie followed a group of people.

Several people looked at the white clouds ahead and discussed in low voices;

"What to do, if we really return to the main hall, we have no way to do anything with the Eight Realms."

"Forget about Bai Yun, he is originally a member of the Loyalty Society, but don't forget, he also has a senior brother, who is also the vice president in name."

"What do you two mean..."

The three made eye contact and reached a consensus.

Bajie sensed that the three elders were approaching slowly, and suddenly had a bad feeling. This was about to be done. The release of the potion was of great importance, and he must want to know where the potion came from.

Want to know the secret of dispelling the potion.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him, and Eight Realms laughed.

Why did he follow.

Eight Realms stopped.

The rest of the dozen people also stopped.

Jiang Chen said: "You can't go back to the main hall of the Loyalty Society at all."

"seems like it."

"What's your plan next?"

"Being a tavernkeeper."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "That's a good idea."

"who are you?"

"My name is Chen Jinnan."

The rest of the people turned pale with shock. Is this young man Chen Jinnan?
Is he the one who gave the Eight Realms medicine?
An elder stepped forward and asked, "Did you give the potion to the Eight Realms?"


"Do you still have the potion on you now?"

"Sorry, no more."

"Is this the potion you made?"

"That's it!"

"What do you mean? Did you make it?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "If I say that I made it, you are going to kidnap me to make the potion for you, right? But you are overthinking it, this is a potion made by my friend."

"Who is your friend?"

"My friend is your grandfather's son."

An elder was puzzled, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment; "Boy, you dare to tease me, this is not a place for you to be presumptuous, this is not the land of the gods." The elder was about to make a move, but was stopped by the people around him.

Another elder stepped forward: "Chen Jinnan, we are members of the Loyalty Society. We, the Loyalty Society, want to make you a friend. If you need anything in the future, just ask."

"such a pity!"

"What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, I don't want to make friends like you."

"It's either a friend or an enemy, Chen Jinnan, think it through."

"It's better to be an enemy than a friend."

"So you are determined to become an enemy?"


More than a dozen people drew out their long swords with murderous intent. They were either friends or enemies, and the sword always spoke to the enemy.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, he immediately launched the Wanjian Guizong skill, and various states were superimposed, three sixth-level powerhouses, and more than a dozen third-level powerhouses.

In particular, these three people, like Granny Jinhua, have strong true energy and already have domains.

Swords are on the verge of breaking out.

"Why, Elder Dong, Elder Xu, and Elder Qin of the Loyalty Society want to attack the helmsman of our Tiandihui?"

Jiang Chen didn't look back, she knew who it was.

Golden Flower Granny.

Why are these old ladies here?

bah bah...
It's my wife.

The people who came were not only Granny Jinhua, but also Li Chanji, followed by two people, both of whom were sixth-level masters, walking in front of Jiang Chen.

At this moment, the three elders frowned solemnly.

People from Tiandihui?
Chen Jinnan turned out to be a member of Tiandihui.

The Eight Realms were also stunned, he never thought that Jiang Chen was a member of the Tiandihui, when did he join the Tiandihui?
Jiang Chen asked; "Why are you here?"

"I heard that the Loyalty Association has a potion, so I knew it must be your masterpiece. It seems that I came at the right time."

"you are wrong."

"I was wrong?"

"You came at the wrong time."

If they don't come, Jiang Chen is going to kill the members of the Loyalty Society, but if they come, it means that the chance to do it is gone.

The Loyalty Society and the Tiandi Society belong to the Freedom Alliance, and they are also the five giants. If there is a war, it will be no less than a large-scale battle between the Gods Continent and the evil gods.

Elder Dong stepped forward: "He is a brave man, how could he be a member of your Loyalty Society? What evidence do you have?"

"My young master is in front of you, you are blind."

Elder Dong was momentarily at a loss for words.

He doesn't know Li Chanji, but he does know Jinhua, he is a famous elder of Tiandihui, and there are two elders behind Jinhua, they also know each other.

(End of this chapter)

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