Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 399, The Immortal Golden Body and Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect

Chapter 399, The Immortal Golden Body and Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect
A hundred sword qi can feel obstacles within three feet, and it is even more difficult to make an inch of progress when entering within three feet. Like a sixth-level master, a protective shield is formed outside the body, which belongs to its own domain, and everything in the domain .

Nangong Xin said with a smile: "This is the Immortal Golden Body Magic Art. Its defense is extremely strong. Ordinary attacks can't break his defense at all. The warrior's sword energy is very strong, but it can't be broken."

"Grandpa, how do you know?"

"Just keep reading. Freeman has a lot of martial arts, and there are many unique skills among them. These unique skills are extremely difficult to cultivate. Once they are mastered, the so-called levels no longer exist."

"A free man is not like a brave man, he needs to upgrade his equipment."

Jiang Chen frowned.

The protective cover cannot be broken, and this protective cover is stronger than everything, and it can't absorb the true energy of Iron Fist.

Sure enough, they are all masters!
Iron Fist raised his brows, charged towards Jiang Chen with the sword energy attacking.

Jiang Chen quickly retreated.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's speed was very fast, Iron Fist couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's speed.

At this moment, Iron Fist made a move, swinging his fists with both hands, and bombarded the sword qi wildly, quickly destroying the sword qi, and the sword qi quickly shattered.

Jiang Chen is thoughtful, has strong defense and attack power, and his speed is not slow. It is equivalent to the heavy armored warriors of the Gods Continent, much stronger than them.

At the whole time, Jiang Chen no longer stayed behind.

Exercising the technique of returning all swords to the clan.

Six thousand sword qi quickly surrounded Jiang Chen.

"Come out, this should be his strongest skill."

"My God, this is full of sword energy, how did he do it?"

"This is the skill of Dongfang Bubai. It has thousands of sword qi."

"What a terrifying sword qi, I feel that these sword qi are much stronger than the one just now."

"This person is simply a sword god."

The melon-eaters watching the battle were stunned, only to see countless sword auras emerging from Jiang Chen's side, and these sword auras revolved around Jiang Chen, enveloping him in it.

This man is simply invincible.

At this time, Bajie and Yijian also arrived.

Eight Realms exclaimed; "It really is Jiang Chen."

Yijian nodded: "It's a very strong skill. Each sword qi is equivalent to the true energy attack of a sixth-order free person. There are a total of [-] sword qi. It is indeed the unique skill of the sword sect."

"The Continent of the Gods is really powerful. The brave profession has been developed to such a strong level that it is equivalent to the ninth-level technique of returning ten thousand swords to one's clan."

"Under the sixth level, he is indeed invincible, and can even resist the attacks of seventh-level masters."

Bajie jumped: "So strong?"

Yijian nodded: "Very strong, but it's a pity that we don't have attribute bonuses when we are free. Otherwise, once we have attribute bonuses, it will surpass any other profession."

"Attribute bonus?"


"What do you mean?"

"The land of the gods has assassins, warriors, knights, priests, and archers. They all have equipment attribute bonuses. Do you know why?"

Isn't this normal!
This is a well-known thing.

Yi Jiandao: "Master once told me that if a free person finds the mark of the true god that belongs to us and integrates the mark of the true god, then we can also wear equipment and have attribute bonuses."

"Just like the heroes of the Gods Continent, we have also become heroes."

"Master has been looking for the mark of the true god. Originally, he wanted to become a swordsman and enter the land of the gods to find opportunities. Unfortunately, the master failed, and Zhongyi will stubbornly believe that the master betrayed the free people and drove the master out."

"Then why didn't the master explain?"

Yijian smiled: "Who is the master, and he doesn't even bother to explain to those people. He knows that he can't become a god in the world of free people, so he has been looking for the mark of the true god in the battlefield of the gods."

"This is also the goal of many freelance masters, to become a true god."

"The reason why Gods Continent develops the profession of swordsman is to use the status of swordsman to curb us free people, because we free people are stronger than any profession."

"This person is very likely to become a god, the god of swordsmen in the continent of the gods."

The Eight Realms are thoughtful.

The god of swordsmen.

There is no god in the profession of Swordsman of the Gods Continent.

Only Yashen.

Eight Realms was worried about a question, if Jiang Chen became the sword god of the Gods Continent, would he be a free man or a brave man?
Will it stand on the side of the free?Or the side of the Gods Continent?
If it is on the side of the Gods Continent, then the legend...

That legend is true.

A swordsman will emerge in the Brave Continent, and this swordsman will become a god. After becoming a swordsman and becoming a god, it will be the grave of the free...
This is a legend that has emerged in the free world.

Bajie was originally a swordsman. He knew the strength of a swordsman. Since he became a free man, he knew the strength of a free man. It was impossible for a swordsman to challenge a free man.

It can be seen that after seeing Jiang Chen's skills, he has changed his whole mind.

It is unimaginable to be able to challenge a sixth-order free person with the strength of the third rank.

It is equivalent to the strength of a Rank [-] powerhouse comparable to that of a Tier [-] powerhouse.

Tiequan Yannan frowned as he looked at the sword energy all over the sky.

Do you want to return to the sect with all the swords!
Iron Fist Yannan has also seen Wan Jian Guizong, Jiang Chen's sword energy is far stronger than Wan Jian Guizong, not only in quantity, but also in quality.

Iron Fist Yannan watched Wan Jian Guizong attack.

With a roar, a yellow light shot out from his body, and he resisted with his strong true energy: "My immortal golden body will definitely be able to resist the return of thousands of swords."

"That's not necessarily true. My sword energy is much stronger than Wan Jian Guizong."

Sword Qi danced all over the sky, striking Iron Fist Yannan.

Directly force Iron Fist Yannan back.

Iron Fist Yannan couldn't resist the powerful sword qi at all. One sword qi could resist it, but it was six thousand sword qi, and the sword qi did not disappear.

In an instant, the immortal golden body shattered instantly.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"I can't resist it at all."

"It's such a powerful Wanjian Guizong skill, and it broke the defense of the immortal golden body at the same price."

"This man is simply invincible."

"What should I do? Is it true that no one can resist Dongfang Bubai, that is the immortal golden body that has been famous for a long time, and now it is completely defeated."

"Only when Jianxin makes a move can he resist."

"But Jianxin is not here!"

Tekken Yannan was defeated, the battle ended...

Jiang Chen returned to the restaurant.

At this time, Bajie and Yijian followed and sat opposite Jiang Chen.

Bajie introduced: "Jiang Chen, this one is my brother Yijian, and also the vice president of the Loyalty Society."

Baiyun's big disciple!
Jiang Chen: "I have admired you for a long time."

"Haha... You look like a free man. Only a free man would say this."

Jiang Chen chuckled.

Jianghu is not fighting and killing, but human beings.

Obviously they wanted Jiang Chen.

Bajie said: "To be honest, I'm looking for you this time, and I need your help with something?"


Eight Realms nodded: "Yes, you know that we free people are a group of cursed people, and we need to remove the mark on our foreheads. I hope you can help."

"Although I didn't refine this, I can introduce you to a person who has fused the curse-removing potion. You can just find him when the time comes."

"Thank you."

"Too polite, but he's not that easy to talk to."

At this time, another person came over.

He glanced at Yijian: "Yijian?"

"Li Xiang?"

Li Chanji said: "Dongfang Bubai, this is the vice president of my Tiandihui, and also my uncle. He is here to protect you."


So many bosses!

This person gave him an unfathomable feeling, just like that old man, he was a master.

(End of this chapter)

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