Chapter 400, Beiming's supernatural powers?
There are so many masters here, and they are all people of great status and status.

Not to mention a single sword, disciple of Baiyun, Baiyun is known as the sword god of the free, one of the top masters of the free, the man who has the most hope of becoming a god, the apprentice is naturally not weak, and he is also the vice president of the Loyalty Society, his strength is unfathomable .

Li Xiang is also the vice president, the vice president of the Tiandihui.

As for the old man next to him, although he didn't know his identity, he must be a master.

Li Xiang said: "You are the Jiang Chen that Xiaochan said."

"I am."

"Your identity has been exposed, and the people in Tsing Yi Building are preparing to deal with you. I came here this time not only to protect your safety, but also to obtain more potions."

Li Xiang got straight to the point and stated his purpose.

In addition to protecting you, it is to obtain potions.

Jiang Chen said: "Not yet, but when I have one, I will contact Li Chanji, after all I am also a member of the Tiandihui."

"Okay, I will secretly protect you."

Jiang Chen said thank you.

Li Xiang left with Li Chanji and the others.

Yijian said: "Then Li Xiang is also a master. With your ability, you can compete against the seventh-level powerhouse."

Jiang Chen's heart moved, and he asked, "Senior Baiyun used to be a swordsman?"

Jiang Chen knew that Baiyun had appeared in the human world before, and his was a swordsman, he should have the power of the badge, he obtained the swordsman badge as a free man.

That is, there is a possibility that Baiyun has obtained two kinds of power.

Jiang Chen wanted to know how Bai Yun was obtained?
As Baiyun's disciple, he should know something.

Yijian looked at Jiang Chen, his wise eyes knew what Jiang Chen wanted to ask, nodded and said: "Yes, you guessed right, master was a free man before entering the Continent of the Gods, possessed the power of true energy, and obtained a badge the power of."

"Then how did senior Baiyun obtain it?"

"There is a deal with the gods. The gods mean to let the master become the sword god, join the gods continent, and become the god of the gods continent, so that the free man can completely become a brave man."

"The swordsman badge is given by the gods."

Given by the gods?

Jiang Chen originally thought that he got some miraculous medicine, some strange fruit, and after swallowing it, he awakened the swordsman badge, but now it seems that it was not at all, but the gods gave him the badge.

It allows him to obtain the badge of the swordsman while possessing the power of a free man.

Waiting for Baiyun to raise the swordsman badge to the limit, and then give up the free man and become the true swordsman god, this is the purpose of the gods, to make the free man a brave man and a part of the gods continent.

Jiang Chen asked: "Then why did Baiyun give up the badge?"

Yijian shook his head: "Not very clear, I only know that the gods asked the master to do certain things, but the master gave up, and finally gave up the power of the badge, and went to find the real mark of the true god, the mark of God that belongs to the free ones .”

"In this way, the free will have the opportunity to become a god, and lead the free to fight against the gods' continent and the evil god camp. Like other races, they will grow independently. This is not only the purpose of the master, many free masters are looking for it."

Uncle Snake guessed right.

The free man has the mark of the true god, but he doesn't know where it is now.

Either in some other unknown place.

Either it was hidden by someone.

In short, this mark of the true god is hard to find.

The only way for a free person to become a god is to fuse the imprint of the true god. As for other imprints, they have no effect at all.

Yijian continued: "I know what you mean. I want to have two different powers. I'm afraid you will be disappointed. In the Brave Continent, everyone has only one profession. It is impossible to be a priest or a swordsman."

Since you can't get it, you can only give it up.

into the night······
Jiang Chen was lying on the bed, and there was a sound outside.

"East is undefeated, I will challenge you."

Jiang Chen was full of doubts, challenging me at night?

I'm afraid it's not challenging me on the bed!

Jiang Chen got up, walked to the window, opened the window, and there was a woman in black standing outside, covering her face at night, wearing night clothes, this is standard equipment!
Who is this woman?
"who are you?"

"Just ask if you dare to accept it?"

"Don't challenge during the day, but challenge at night?"

"It's not convenient during the day."

I said big girl, challenge me at night, it is easy to be misunderstood!

The woman in black looked at Jiang Chen thinking, and said with a sneer, "Why, don't you dare to accept my challenge? The famous Dongfang Bubai, is it because he is afraid?"


"Outside the city."

Jiang Chen walked out of the room helplessly.

outside the city.

When the woman in black came, many experts were alarmed, and they all hid in the dark to observe. Among them, Bajie, Yijian, Li Xiang, Li Chanji, and even Nangong Xin were also there.

The whole town was not big in the first place, although the woman in black made a low voice, these masters had already heard the movement.

Jiang Chen also knew that in the darkness, there were many people paying attention to the battle.

I only heard the woman in black say: "Don't think that you are invincible after defeating a few free men. Let me show you a real master today."

"Where's your weapon!"

"What weapon do you need to defeat you?"

Jiang Chen smiled, this chick is quite rampant, with strong zhenqi in her body, almost around the fourth rank, as long as it is not the seventh rank, Jiang Chen doesn't take it to heart at all.

Jiang Chen yawned: "Hurry up, I have to go to sleep!"

"You're so crazy, I have to teach you a lesson today."

The woman in black flicked her wrist and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen felt that the woman in black had good speed, but he didn't know what martial skill it was?

Jiang Chen unleashed his vertical and horizontal sword energy.

Facing the fourth level, there is no need for Wanjian Guizong at all, a hundred vertical and horizontal sword qi are enough, a hundred sword qi surround Jiang Chen, and quickly attack the woman in black.

Seeing the sword energy coming, the woman in black didn't dodge but charged straight at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was full of doubts, could this woman be a fool?
Don't you know how to avoid it!

You can't bear my sword energy, but in the next second, Jiang Chen was stunned.

The woman in black emanated a different type of true energy, and the moment she touched the sword energy, the sword energy disappeared instantly.


Sword energy gone?

How can it be?

Could it be a martial skill like Huagong Dafa?Can dissipate all energy attacks?
Jiang Chen quickly retreated, this was the first time he encountered such an attack.

You must know that Jiang Chen has a passive skill that can absorb the energy form of the enemy and increase the lethality of his own sword energy, but at this moment, the sword energy has no effect, not only did not absorb the opponent's true energy, but was also dissolved by the opponent's true energy .

Who the hell is this woman!

The woman in black stopped in her tracks, with a smug expression on her face: "Why, the sword energy you thought was powerful was easily dispelled by me, use whatever skills you have!"

Eight Realms hiding in the dark asked: "Brother, what kind of exercise is this?"

One sword said: "This is Piaomiaohui's unique skill, Beiming magic skill, which can defuse all attacks. This person is a member of Piaomiaohui, and he is also a member of the Nangong family."

"Beiming Divine Art is a secret that cannot be passed on, only people from the Nangong family can learn this art."

"Is it amazing!"

Yijian nodded: "Yes, it is very powerful. It can dispel all attacks, as long as it is an attack in the form of energy, it can be dispelled."

"What about Huagong Dafa?"

"That's another kind of supernatural power, completely different from Beiming's magical skill."

the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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