Chapter 411, Millennium Kill...
Except for super god professions, no one will come to the giant world to upgrade their level.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's speed, he wouldn't dare to come alone.

The giants, like them, increase their level by killing monsters, and there are many monsters in the giant world, and these strange beasts are also very powerful.

Several people surrounded the fire and fell asleep.

At this moment, a black figure stood on the canyon, looked down at the canyon, and let out a low growl.

Jiang Chen suddenly opened his eyes and became alert: "Everyone wake up, there are enemies coming."

Upon hearing this, Alice immediately got up and started the battle mode.

"There are enemies?"

"Where is the enemy?"

"Could it be that the giants are back?"

This is a tribe of giants, after they killed the giants, they planned to spend the night here, but just now, Jiang Chen felt the danger and felt a strong heartbeat.

This heartbeat sound was not Alice's, the powerful heartbeat sound was as surging as a thunder drum.

Several people looked at each other.

Jiang Chen said while walking: "You guys wait first, I'll go out and see the situation, and if anything goes wrong, you all get out immediately."

Jiang Cheng walked out of the cave and looked at a black figure standing on the opposite valley.

The black figure stood on the valley like a giant.

The body is 200 meters long, and the height reaches a terrifying 80 meters. A pair of crimson eyes are staring at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was startled.

The monster in the world of giants, the strange beast in the night, the Frost Iron Leopard.

The Frost Iron Leopard belongs to the alien beasts of the giant world. This alien beast is stronger than the giants, its skin is stronger than the armor of the giants, and its body is as tough as iron.

What's even more frightening is that this strange beast can use magic.

Born with ice attribute magic.

They often hunt giants and eat them.

Frost Iron Leopard knows that this is the habitat of giants. When it comes out to hunt at night, it intends to bite one of its heads back for another meal, but when it arrives here, it only sees the corpses of giants all over the ground, and a few small ants hiding in it .

Alice and the others came out of the cave and looked at the terrifying shadow opposite.

"Not a giant? What is that?"

"It seems to be a strange beast from the world of giants, the Frost Iron Leopard Beast. I have seen such a strange beast in the illustration book before."

"Fuck him to death."

"Be careful, the Frost Iron Leopard is very fast, faster than the giants, and his skin is hard, not afraid of weapons, let alone any magic."

"Fuck, so strong?"

Alice's face was serious: "It seems that we have penetrated into the world of giants, and there is some trouble now!"

Jiang Chen said: "You all go back first, once the Ningshuang Iron Leopard beast attacks, find a place to hide immediately, I'll meet him and see if I can kill him."

Angelina whispered; "Be careful."

Jiang Chen stared at Ningshuang Iron Leopard, and Ningshuang Iron Leopard also looked at Jiang Chen and the others. In the eyes of Ningshuang Iron Leopard, they were like little ants.

In the world of giants, every strange beast is very powerful, even a mosquito is the size of a palm, a wasp is one meter tall, and a weak ant is the size of a foot.

In the world of giants, the brave man is the size of a small ant.

Even being bitten by a mosquito would bleed profusely to death.

Several people spent the night in the giant world, all cautiously, for fear of encountering danger.

When Jiang Chen saw the Ningshuang Iron Leopard, he also didn't dare to neglect it.

The Ningshuang Iron Leopard roared in a low voice, a trace of white mist came out of its mouth, jumped down from the [-]-meter-high mountain, and reached Jiang Chen with a single breath.

Incredibly fast.

Jiang Chen dodged in the air, quickly dodged, and at the same time activated the skill of returning to the sect of ten thousand swords, six thousand sword qi charged towards the Ningshuang iron leopard beast.


When the sword energy impacted on the body of the Frost Iron Leopard, a burst of flames splashed out, and the powerful sword energy could not penetrate the body of the Ningfrost Iron Leopard, such an attack was completely ineffective.

It can be seen how abnormal the defensive power of the Frost Iron Leopard is.

Ningshuang Iron Leopard roared, turned around and snapped at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen dodged again, and instantly dodged the attack of the Ningshuang Iron Leopard.

Good perverted defense.

Jiang Chen stared at the eyes of the Ningshuang Iron Leopard, and once again cast his sword energy, this time no longer facing the Ningshuang Iron Leopard's body, but at the Ningshuang Iron Leopard's blood-red eyes.

Seems to feel the danger.

Ningshuang Iron Leopard spit out a mouthful of white mist at the flying sword energy. When the white mist touched the sword energy, it instantly turned into an ice sculpture, shattered and disappeared.

With just one breath, all the sword energy was destroyed.

The Ningshuang Iron Leopard attacked Jiang Chen again, and the huge beast claws took it down.

Jiang Chen quickly dodged.

The Frost Iron Leopard roared and roared, unexpectedly, a small ant flickered in front of it, facing the ground was a white mist, where the white mist passed, the surroundings froze into ice blocks.

The stone was stained with white mist and instantly turned into gravel.

The ice attribute magic of the Frost Iron Leopard is very lethal, and its range is extremely wide. Within a hundred meters around it is thick white mist.

Jiang Chen dodged again and appeared 500 meters away.

Looking at the tall Ningshuang Iron Leopard Beast, it once again used the Wanjian Guizong skill, and six thousand sword qi quickly struck out, shooting at the Ningshuang Iron Leopard Beast's eyes, which were flaws.

Ningshuang Iron Leopard flicked its head and smashed the sword energy with its huge head.

Jiang Chen also had no choice, and Ningshuang Iron Leopard also had no choice.

Just now.

Thorns protruded from the ground, and these thorns quickly branched out, wrapping around the limbs of the Frost Iron Leopard.

Ningshuang Iron Leopard looked down at the vines, raised its legs slightly, broke free with a little force, and turned its head to stare at Mu Lier.

At this moment, Mu Lier was stunned.


This guy has such a strong body.

Ningfrost Iron Leopard raised its leg and slapped Mu Lier, a black mist quickly struck out, and Jiangli shot out, using the black mist formed by nano-worms, causing Ningfrost Iron Leopard to lose its direction.

The two hid back in the cave again.

"Be careful, this Frost Iron Leopard is not that easy to deal with."

"Damn it, it broke free of me with ease."

"The Frost Iron Leopard is fed by giants, and its strength is stronger than that of giants."

"What now?"

"His skin is tough, but not impossible."

"any solution?"

Jiang Li immediately cast magic, a black mist dispersed in Jiang Li's hand, and quickly struck out, entangled in the back of Ning Frost Iron Leopard. fog.

The black mist quickly climbed up, onto the right thigh of Ningfrost Iron Leopard.

This is not the black mist, but the nano-worms of Gracilaria.

Nanoworms are Gracilaria's skill.

It is also one of the most important skills.

Jiang Li said: "His skin is very strong, and it is very difficult for nano-worms to bite through the skin of Ningshuang Iron Leopard."

"Then it's gone?"

"No, there is a way. After all, the Ningshuang Iron Leopard is a strange beast, and it also needs to eat and drink."

Mu Lier was startled.

Eating and drinking Lazard?

At this time Jiang Chen was outside, saw Jiang Li's attack, and understood Jiang Li's thoughts, and launched the Wan Jian Gui Zong skill again, this time it was no longer the eyes, but shot at the Ning Frost Iron Leopard's ass.

Six thousand sword qi were like an arrow, attacking the hindquarters of Ningshuang Iron Leopard.

Millennium Kill...
(End of this chapter)

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