Chapter 412, This is a hive

Ningshuang Iron Leopard roared in pain, obviously this time the attack worked.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, his body is too big, and his butt is also relatively big.

Just right for the attack.

Jiang Chen's attack worked, and the nano-worms of the scorpion quickly got in, gnawing on the body of the Frost Iron Leopard through the inside, which is the most vulnerable part of the Frost Iron Leopard.

And Jiang Chen's sword energy quickly circulated in the body of the Ningshuang Iron Leopard, cutting through the internal organs of the Ningshuang Iron Leopard.

Ningshuang iron leopard beast roared, spraying white thick mist at Jiang Chen frantically.

Jiang Chen dodged.

Know that the Ningshuang Iron Leopard is dying.

Within a few minutes, the Ningshuang Iron Leopard was lying on the ground.

Experience +100000·····
"Finally dead."

Several people returned to the cave, Alice said: "Be more careful in the future, we have gone deep into the world of giants."

"Do you want to go deeper?"

"We must continue to go deeper, we have already cleaned up the surrounding area."

"Just be careful and you'll be fine."

In the early morning of the next day, a group of seven people continued to go deep into the world of giants. The whole world was covered by huge trees hundreds of meters high, and they walked on the ground like weak ants.

There are countless dangers lurking in the giant world. These are not only giants from the giant world, but also strange beasts from the giant world. A group of seven people just walked a certain distance.

Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks and felt the surrounding air vibrate, obviously there was danger approaching.

Jiang Li and the others also stopped: "Is there any danger?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Well, there are many strange beasts around, flying towards us in groups."

"What is it?"

"I don't know for the time being, it looks like it should be a herd of alien beasts."

Alice said: "Be careful."

Several people paid close attention to the movements around them, and Jiang Chen also activated the Wanjian Guizong skill, forming a protective shield that surrounded several people, and the six thousand sword qi were arranged in a regular manner, and if there was any movement, he would immediately kill them.

Just as the few people were walking forward cautiously, countless black shadows appeared in the air in front of them. These black shadows fluttered their wings and rushed towards Jiang Chen and the others.

When they got close, they realized that it was a mosquito.

A palm-sized mosquito with a pointed mouth swooped towards them.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, six thousand sword qi spun, and quickly killed the mosquitoes that rushed towards him.

Angelina opened her eyes wide: "What a big mosquito."

"It's really big. If you take a mouthful of blood, you'll probably be sucked dry."

"Even the mosquitoes in the world of giants are this big?"

"Yeah, everything in the Giant Clan is huge." Mu Lier nodded and said;
Several people looked at Mu Lier suspiciously.

Vampire, you mean something!

Jiang Chen looked at this loli, as expected of an old driver, he could imagine everything...

Jiang Chen said: "Let's go, this is the world of giants, it's normal for the mosquitoes to be bigger, anyway, be careful, if you really meet a mosquito, it will not only suck up your blood, but it will also suck up your menstrual blood."

Several people looked contemptuous.


A few people walked forward, and unknowingly came to a valley. There were several huge cages hanging on the valley, like a hill. They were full of doubts, wondering what it was.

And in Jiang Chen's perception, this is a hive.

It is the lair of alien beasts.

And inside are thousands of wasps.

Angelina looked up and asked, "What is that?"

"That's a hive."


"Yes, it is the nest of the wasp. The wasp is also a strange beast, the size of a palm. We must avoid these nests."

Jiang Li asked with a smile, "Is there any honey in it?"


Are you kidding me?
Do you still want to eat honey.

"It can't be said that there is honey in it."

"Want to try?"

Alice shook her head: "I still don't want it."

Jiang Li said, "You can try."

Gracilaria launched its own skills, and dense fog filled the air. This is a nano-worm. Gracilaria launched its skills again, and a black mist rose into the sky and quickly entered the hive.

"There is really honey, Jiang Chen, use your sword energy to cut off the rope above, and knock down the beehive."


You are never finished.

We are here to improve the level, not to swim in the mountains and rivers, but also want to eat honey, Jiang Chen's sword energy is quickly dispatched, a sword cuts the rope above, and the huge hive falls down.

"I heard that eating honey can beautify your skin!"

"real or fake."

"of course it's true."

"Do we still need to maintain our beauty? We are naturally beautiful."

"makes sense······"

Jiang Chen was speechless, he could only watch them break open the honeycomb, take out the golden honey inside, and each taste the taste of honey.

"Well, it's delicious."

"So sweet!"

Angelina nodded: "The taste is indeed different."

Several people looked at Angelina suspiciously, and then turned their heads to look at Jiang Chen, the look in their eyes was indescribably strange.

At this moment, the beehive fell from above and caused a huge shock. Countless wasps came out of the beehive and killed Jiang Chen and the others. Jiang Chen said, "This is the consequence of tasting honey."

"Oh my god, so many."

"Go quickly."

"A lot of hornets, hurry up and get out of this place."

Jiang Chen's six thousand sword qi spun, forming an airtight defensive wall, surrounded several people in it, palm-sized hornets swarmed in, and died miserably under the sword one after another.

Fortunately, the defense of these wasps is not enough, so they can be killed easily.

But the wasps flying all over the sky startled them.

"The wasps in the world of giants are all this big."

"Everything is big in the world of giants."

"How to talk and talk and talk crookedly."

"Stop making trouble, there is still a younger brother here!" Jiang Li hurriedly stopped several people from chatting, and when the chatting continued, it became crooked again.

A group of seven people left the canyon and walked deep.

Walking out of the dense forest, a huge city appeared in front of it. This city stretched for thousands of miles, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance. The city wall reached a terrifying 300 meters, surrounding the entire city.

A few people stood on the thousand-meter-high mountain, looking at the huge city below.

There are thousands of giants in the city. You must know that each giant tribe has only a few dozen people, which is the total number of hundreds of tribes.

"Go around, or go into the kill?"

"It's better to go around, here only Jiang Chen has the ability to enter and kill, once we enter, we will definitely die."

"A lot of experience points!"

"I didn't expect there to be such a huge city in the depths of the giant world."

"They seem to be building fortifications. Could it be that they are resisting something?"

At this time, several people noticed that the giants were busy in the city, building various machines, and there were even dwarves guiding them.

Alice wondered: "Isn't it because I want to break into the world of Titans?"

"If it's Titan World, then Titan World will be in trouble."

"Their powerful attack power is impossible for the Titans to resist."

Jiang Chen shook his head; "It's not necessarily an attack on the Titan World. Although the giant race is very strong, the Titan World is not weak."

Several people discussed for a while.

At this moment, a group of brave men appeared on the other seat. These people also saw Jiang Chen and the others, and immediately flew towards this side on a flying dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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