Chapter 413, New City

The leader was a Titan Protoss, wearing a golden battle armor and carrying a golden sword, looked at Jiang Chen and the others, and asked, "Who are you?"

Alice responded: "Brave."

"Deep into the world of giants to increase the level?"


"You are very courageous, dare to go deep into the world of giants, and withdraw immediately."

How could it be possible to go back after finally raising the level.

Jiang Chen asked: "Who are you?"

"Commander Belloc was ordered to investigate the information of Amruh City. Now that the world of giants has changed, you can go outside if you want to upgrade your level."

Jiang Chen asked; "What change?"

"This has nothing to do with you brave men."

The seven people looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't expect to meet the commander of Titan World here, the so-called commander is to join the official army of the Gods Continent.

In the Continent of the Gods, there are generally three types, idle personnel, who have not joined any legion.

The second is to join the private legion and become a part of the legion.

The third is to join the official legions of the Gods Continent. These official legions are soldiers who fight abroad and are ordered by the Gods Continent.

Obviously, the few people in front of them are the official legion of the Gods Continent.

Jiang Chen flatly refused: "No, we went deep into the Titan world just to raise the level. How could such a good experience value be let go."

Belloc laughed.

He has seen a lot of brave warriors leveling up in the giant world, killing giant tribes, because giant tribes have no armor and are easy to kill. Once they are giant soldiers, they must be wearing armor and their defense is super high.

Unless such a giant soldier is a rank six master, he can break through the defense.

Belloc looked at the giant opposite; "Just because you want to enter the city and kill the giant soldiers?"


"Your lethality is not enough to defeat the giant's armor. You need a special sharp sword to break through the armor."

Jiang Chen glanced at them, the weapons on their bodies were all big swords.

And this kind of weapon is different from Jiang Chen's, emitting a pale golden light.

Belloc continued; "Seeing that you are holding a rapier, you should be a magic swordsman or something. Sorry, the giants wear armor and are not afraid of magic at all. You can't break through the defense of the giants at all."

"Did you see any strange beasts in the city of the giants? It's the wolf of the giants, running faster."

Several people looked at the giant city.

I also saw strange beasts, which were as tall and mighty as giants.

"Once the target is exposed, you can't escape at all, so it is the right choice to persuade you to leave."

Facing Belloc's reminder.

The few people also became a little worried. They didn't expect that the giants still had wolf warriors. The speed of the giants was already fast enough. Adding the wolf warriors, wouldn't it be faster and faster.

Except for Jiang Chen, the speed of Alice's six people here is simply not enough to escape the battlefield.

"Jiang Chen, should we go back?"

"It's the same when we go to the periphery to kill the giant tribe."

"Yeah, it's too dangerous for you to rush in alone."

Jiang Chen nodded; "Okay, let's leave here first, go to the periphery to kill the giant tribe."

Just when several people wanted to leave.

A bell is ringing...

Belloc's face changed drastically, this was the warning bell.

At this time, a group of giant soldiers rushed towards Jiang Chen on the wolf warriors.

"Commander, no, we have been discovered."

"Damn it, how did they find us?"

Belloc frowned solemnly: "Retreat, let's talk in the deep mountains."

Without saying a word, the eight of Belloc chose to evacuate and watched their running direction.

"How to do?"

"I rushed over, and it's too late to leave now."


Jiang Chen stood up, looked at the rushing giants, started the battle mode, and superimposed various skills, [Tiangang Sword Body], [Wanjian Guizong], [Vital Energy Barrier]...

The speed of the war wolf is very fast, and it is in front of Jiang Chen in an instant. The distance of 2000 meters is only a few breaths. The speed of the war wolf is a distance of [-] meters in a single jump. No one can match this speed.

These war wolves entered within a kilometer of Jiang Chen, felt a hundred times the gravity, and fell to the ground one after another. The same was true for the warriors in heavy armor, and they rushed towards Jiang Chen slowly.

Obviously, a hundred times the gravity is lower than that of their giants, which is already seriously overloaded.

Totally unbearable.

It's a pity that it's only a hundred times. If the gravity is a thousand times, it is estimated that these giants will die under the gravity.

Jiang Chen shot quickly, and the six thousand sword qi quickly harvested the life of the enemy.

Jiang Li exclaimed, "What kind of ability is this?"

"The field of gravity."

"With the whole body, there is no need to be afraid of life."

"That's right, we rushed into the city and killed every single one of them."

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Stop making trouble, these are just ordinary giant soldiers, there are still masters, their defense is very strong, especially the equipment that counteracts abnormal states, and I can't do anything about it then."

It's okay to deal with ordinary soldiers, but it's not so easy to deal with well-equipped soldiers.

And the stronger the constitution, the higher the abnormal resistance.

If it weren't for these soldiers wearing armor, Jiang Chen's vitality barrier would have no effect, it was entirely the armor that hindered the giants, just like when he killed the Frost Iron Leopard yesterday.

Jiang Chen also activated the vitality barrier, which has no effect on the Ningshuang Iron Leopard.

That is, the Frost Iron Leopard has a high physique and can be immune to most abnormal states. The higher the level, the stronger the immune state.

Jiang Chen looked at the city, and another group of giant warriors rushed out.

Jiang Chen said: "You retreat first, I will come later."

"What are you afraid of, come and kill one by one."

Alice said; "Stop making trouble, evacuate quickly, Jiang Chen can deal with it alone, we will only become a burden, we want to hide."

The six hurriedly left, leaving Jiang Chen alone to deal with the giant soldiers.

The giant race rode the war wolf, running like the wind, and the whole earth trembled.

Within a thousand meters, both the wolf warriors and the giant soldiers were lying on the ground.

The strong gravity directly prevented them from getting up.

Jiang Chen increased his experience points while harvesting.

Belloc said: "Those brave men haven't come yet?"

"It should have been killed."

"The giant soldiers are not that easy to deal with."

"It doesn't matter what they do, it's their own death, it has nothing to do with us."

Belloc nodded. They were investigating the situation in the giant world, not combatants: "Let's go, go back to the Titan world first, and report to it. It is very likely that the giants will use troops to the Titan world."

Just when a few people were about to leave.

Alice came quickly and glanced at Belloc.

Belloc was taken aback.

Not dead yet?
No, one less person.

Is that man holding back the giants?

Mu Lier said: "I've upgraded to level 146."

"me too."

"It seems that this time I have experienced a lot!"

"We'll wait here and let Jiang Chen kill the giant soldiers by himself."

"Aren't we a bit dishonest, we are enjoying the experience points, and let Jiang Chen charge into battle."

"What are you talking about, that's our younger brother, isn't that what it should be!"

"It seems to be the case."

Belloc exclaimed: Are they really hunting giant soldiers?
Who is this person?

(End of this chapter)

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