Chapter 511, join the new legion

[Phantom Lislet's Laser Finger]: The lightning finger under rapid high pressure can penetrate everything... Cooling time is 1 minute...

A laser finger penetrated the sub-god's head.

One hit kill······
Experience value +3000000000...
The other three were dumbfounded.


But Jiang Chen flashed again, the sword skill of God Slayer...
A beam of sword light shot up into the sky, splitting a deity...
Asia God died.

Experience value +3000000000...
The other two were trembling with fright, how dare they fight against Jiang Chen?

Immediately escape into the space.

As for the remaining hundreds of thousands of evil brave men, Jiang Chen smiled lightly...

Ten thousand swords return to the sect...
In less than three breaths, the million army was completely dead.

Jiang Chen raised another level by 2.

Jiang Chen looked down at the golden giants, and used the forbidden spell again.

Phantom Lislet Forbidden Curse...


Tens of thousands of giants died instantly.

Experience value +100000...
Experience value +100000...
Experience value +100000...
Experience value +100000...
As for the two sub-gods of the golden giant race.

Slashing the Gods and Drawing the Sword...

Two breaths to get it done.

Experience value +3000000000...
Experience value +3000000000...
Upgrade level 405...

Upgrade level 406...

Diane Bellamy was dumbfounded.

This Nima...

Are you going to be so crazy?
It's only been 1 minute, all the enemies are dead?

I haven't made a move yet!

The heroes of the Gods Continent were also dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
This is all gone?
This is not a big battle, this is basically a one-person battle, it is simply too powerful...

One person killed so many brave men, and even killed four sub-gods.

And Jiang Chen is only level 400!

There is a 100-level difference with Yashen.

This is not just as simple as a leapfrog challenge.

Jiang Chen appeared next to Diane Bellamy, and lightly wrote: "Keep attacking!"

"What are you attacking? You've killed everyone."

"There must be other troops. I still need to upgrade. Let me see, it's only level 406 now, and the experience value is 150 billion!"

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

[Title: Prosecutor Killer]

【Level: 406】

【Experience: 5500000/15000000000】

[Physical: 12130]

【Strength: 11259】

【Spirit: 12660】

[Agility: 2135]


The corner of Diane Bellamy's mouth twitched.

If you continue to kill like this, it is estimated that you will be promoted to level 450 soon.

This upgrade speed is simply...

Diane Bellamy nodded: "Let's go, move on to the next city, you will be promoted to level 500 in a short time and become a sub-god, you really impress me!"

Diane Bellamy couldn't believe it.

It just gave Jiang Chen Huan·series suits and killed everyone directly.

With such a terrifying combat power, if he was promoted to a sub-god, even the gods would tremble.


so terrible.

Yashen is just like tofu, easily beheaded...
Diane Bellamy turned her head and said: "Philippa, you continue to go deep with 100 million troops, and I will lead Jiang Chen to find the remaining enemies and completely occupy Cecilia's country."

"Okay, Lady Diane."


Diane Bellamy followed Jiang Chen and flew forward quickly...

The speed is so fast that it disappears in a blink of an eye...
It has to be said that there are still some evil braves, but even Yashen is dead, the rest is not enough to prove, Diane Bellamy watched Jiang Chen make a move.

Often it is a forbidden spell that wipes out hundreds of thousands of evil brave men.

Jiang Chen would not let any one go.

kill all...
At this time, Jiang Chen's strength was comparable to that of a god.

A mere Rank [-] or Rank [-] brave is not an opponent at all.

a day later...

The kingdom of Cecilia has been completely destroyed...
The giant world has completely become the territory of the Alliance of Gods.

And Jiang Chen also rose to level 410 as he wished.

Diane Bellamy asked: "What's next?"

"Go to God's Domain."

"Well, come with me, go to the Upper Realm first, then to the God Realm, and what kind of ghost army did you join, the secret sword army? What the hell is this?"

Jiang Chen smiled.

When I first came out of the small world, I joined the Secret Sword Legion.

But now there is no need at all.

Now Carole's level is only 314.

It is the highest level in the Secret Sword Legion.

Jiang Chen was going to God's Domain, so he had to go to the upper realm. After arriving in the upper realm, he went to God's Domain to look for Angelina.

This is also the agreement between Jiang Chen and Angelina.

And if you want to go to God's Domain, you must upgrade the sub-shen, that is, level 500.

Complete the nine-turn mission.

Now level 410, there is nothing to upgrade here.

Only by going to the upper realm can you continue to upgrade your level.

Most of the upper realms are monsters above level 350.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You want to recruit me?"

"Yes, I want to recruit you."

"I'll give you the position of Deputy Legion, what do you think?"

"Are you the legion commander?"

"Of course, like the Bruce family, I am also a family of gods. There are thirteen gods in the family. Although it is not as good as the eighteen gods of the Bruce family, it is still a real family of gods."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Okay, but I will only improve alone, if there is any enemy that needs my help, just ask me for help."

Diane Bellamy nodded.

The Diane family is also a family of gods, and Diane Bellamy is a sub-god.

Jiang Chen replied in the army.

Jiang Chen: Ah Ling, I'm leaving.

A Ling: I see, you are already at level 410, and you are already able to go to the upper world. I know you will leave sooner or later. My brother said, you will definitely be promoted to the sub-god. Congratulations in advance...
Inside the Legion.

: As expected of the strongest person in the Secret Sword Legion, level 410, this upgrade speed is simply too fast...

: I remember Jiang Chen was only level 50 when he first came here, but now he is level 410, how did he upgrade?
: Silero is the strongest sword god in the world, the upper realm is your battlefield.

: That's awesome, boss, we will look for you in the future, please take me in!
: Sword God, can I hug my thighs in the future?
Jiang Chen smiled, and silently withdrew from the legion.

Diane Bellamy hurriedly pulled Jiang Chen into her army.

[Do you want to join the Scarlet Legion? 】


【Red Legion】

[Legion Leader: Prosecutor Diane Bellamy... Yashen]


[Deputy group leader: Jiang Chen 410]

【Members: 50】

Vianni Rose: 450 Class

Brise Caesar: Level 451

Jamie McFarlane: Class 480

Jejue Sane: Level 480

Joasim Brady: Yashen...  
Onyekashi Kramer: Level 500 …

Jiang Chen never thought that Diane Bellamy was actually a prosecutor...
Jiang Chen said: "Isn't level 500 the sub-god?"

"It's not the same. A sub-god is a sub-god, and level 500 is level 500. You need to complete the tasks of a sub-god to be eligible to become a sub-god."

Diane Bellamy continued: "Now, let's say hi to the group!"

Jiang Chen: Hello youngsters, I am your new boss...
Diane Bellamy rolled her eyes.

What the hell...

you say this?
(End of this chapter)

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