Chapter 512, Upper Boundary

you say this?
Diane Bellamy rolled her eyes.

At this time, the Scarlet Legion exploded.

: Fuck, is this the new boss?Why is it only level 410? The level is a bit low!

: must be the boss's lover, it's over, the boss abandoned us and found a new lover.

: Hello new boss, take care of me in the future!

: At level 410, I became the deputy head of the army?The relationship with the boss must be unusual!

: What the hell?swordsman?
: Is this a new job?
: I heard that this is a job created based on the Fallen. It's quite powerful, but I don't know if it's true or fake?

: It must be a handsome guy, betting on an epic piece of equipment, who dares to bet?

Various comments in the Scarlet Legion group.

Become a legion commander at level 410?

This clearly has an affair with Diane Bellamy!

Most people in the group understand what's going on now!
Diane Bellamy replied immediately: "Don't be noisy, this is a master I hired with great difficulty, you all take it easy, remember, he is not my lover."

: I don't believe it... unless you let me, I will believe it.

: We all understand, we all understand...
: The boss said that he is not a lover, so I have a chance?
: You dare to snatch a man from the boss, you are crazy!Be careful that the boss peeled your skin...
: Boss, aren't you in the giant world?When are you coming back?
You are a liar!

Who would believe it!

Level 410 has become the deputy army commander. If it weren't for someone you know well, who would be the deputy army commander!

Diane Bellamy said: "Let's go, go back to Titan World first, and then enter the upper realm through a special passage. This time it's not a teleportation array, but a new place."

"Not a teleportation array?"

Diane Bellamy nodded: "From the world of Titans to the Upper Realm, you need to go through many places. There are space-time wormholes there, and you will know when the time comes."

Jiang Chen followed Diane Bellamy back to the world of Titans.

Enter the main city.

It was also the first time for Jiang Chen to come to the main urban area. Most of them here are rank-[-] professionals, even rank-[-] masters. They all entered the upper realm through the space-time wormhole.

If you want to enter the upper realm, you must be above level 350 to be eligible.

And Jiang Chen is already level 410, so he is naturally qualified.

After showing the badge, the ticket was purchased.

Diane Bellamy simply ignored any tickets.

This is the benefit of prosecutors, no matter where they go, they are free.

The two entered a specific cabin.

When people gather...

The spaceship started slowly and entered the teleportation array.

Only then did Jiang Chen realize that this place is really different, there are countless planets around, and these planets are passing by in a hurry.

And standing in the cabin, you can see the entire Titan continent.

Boundless endless......

The spaceship flew to the upper realm at an extremely fast speed.

Diane Bellamy said: "It takes a day's flight from here to the Upper Realm to reach the Upper Realm completely. You can go to the Colosseum to have a look."

"You can also choose a new beast, but your contracted beast is the royal family of dragons. Once it grows up, it can be compared to a god. It is also a good choice for you."

"The upper world is even more cruel. There are battles every day, and the alien beasts come from different time and space. We have been fighting for many years, but we can't completely occupy the different time and space."

Jiang Chen said: "So difficult?"

"You don't understand what a different time and space is. It is completely different from Titan World and Silero World. You can reach it by establishing a stable teleportation point."

"Alternative time and space cannot be fixed, sometimes it will open for 10 minutes, a day, or even a few years."

"Once you can't fix the different time and space, you can't go back after you go in."

"So it's even more dangerous in the upper realm."

Jiang Chen asked: "What about the battlefield of the gods?"

"That's in God's Domain. After you turn nine, you can go to God's Domain."

"Not a sub-god?"

"It's not a sub-god. You can qualify after the ninth rank. Many people go to the battlefield of the gods to find the lost mark of God, but it's more dangerous there."

"Once you encounter a demonized god, there is only one dead end. It is best not to enter before you have been promoted to the sub-god."

Jiang Chen was puzzled: "What does it mean to be a demonized god?"

"The Battlefield of the Gods used to be a place where gods fought against each other. There is demonic energy there, which can make even gods unable to escape, or even become lunatics. Moreover, after the gods die, they will also become demonized gods. The attack power is terrifying. "

"Don't go to the battlefield of the gods lightly, I know what you are thinking, go to the battlefield of the gods to find the lost mark of God, and exchange it for yourself."

Jiang Chen was taken aback: "Can we still exchange?"

"Of course, the mark of God is a treasure, and it is the ultimate goal that everyone pursues. Even if it is not your own, you can go to the Alliance of Gods to exchange for your own mark of God."

"Even if you don't have one, you will create your own God's mark."

"To put it bluntly, the Continent of the Gods is the place where the seals of gods are exchanged."

Jiang Chen became interested: "How to exchange?"

"One hundred coins for my own."


One hundred god marks exchange?

This is too pitiful!

Jiang Chen thought it was a coin exchange!

Diane Bellamy continued: "I want to tell you that there are many gems in the upper realm, such as the soul stone, the vitality stone, the physique stone, and the skill stone. These things are priceless."

Jiang Chen nodded, and heard Zhu Fei mention it.

Soul God Stone: It is a kind of skill god stone, let yourself enter the state of epiphany... develop your own skills.

Vitality God Stone: A kind of God Stone that is similar to the God Stone that increases attack power, which is the so-called enchantment...
Physique God Stone: That is the God Stone that increases the four dimensions, which is the same as the God spar.

Skill God Stone: It is also a seal god stone. When killing an opponent, it can seal the enemy's skills and transfer them to oneself.

The rules of the Upper Realm are the same as those of the Silero World.

It's all about killing strange beasts and leveling up.

And the alien beast became an extraterrestrial demon, an extraterritorial alien beast.

Strength cannot be underestimated.

Diane Bellamy told some things about the upper world. She knew that as long as she was strong, she could get along anywhere.

Diane Bellamy continued: "There are a total of 108 true gods in the position of gods, and there are many gods. If there are not ten thousand, there are eight thousand, so the giant gods and the evil gods joined hands to kill 13 gods. What a big deal."

"Don't think that after they join forces, they will be able to completely devour the continent of the gods."

Jiang Chen nodded.

At first I thought that there were very few gods, but it turned out that there are still many gods in the upper realm.

Only when he reached the Upper Realm did he know that the whole **** was a Rank [-] master.

Rank [-] masters walk all over the place, and rank [-] masters are as numerous as dogs.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Colosseum."

Jiang Chen nodded and followed behind Diane Bellamy...

Jiang Chen saw what the so-called Colosseum looked like.

All kinds of strange beasts look strange.

The strength is very weak.

They didn't dare to lock in the powerful beasts at all.

(End of this chapter)

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