Chapter 513 Your lover?
Diane Bellamy continued: "Many Rank 7 masters enter the Upper Realm, and they will look for strange beasts here and sign new contracts."

Diane Bellamy pointed to a fox and said, "That's a nine-tailed fox. It's very weak now. When it grows up, it will have powerful lethality, comparable to a god."

"His nine tails are magic, which can emit magic of five attributes. In addition to this, there are attributes such as wind, thunder, and space."

Jiang Chen looked, it was a half-meter-long fox with nine tails dangling outside.

Jiang Chen asked puzzledly: "Since it's comparable to God, it should be very precious?"


"Then why is no one buying it?"

"That's because cultivating an adult nine-tailed fox requires a lot of materials to advance her. Unlike giant dragons, they can grow up by eating dragon crystals, and dragon crystals are very common in the dragon clan."

"So most dragons are flying. Few people regard dragons as combat power, but there are also some dragons with special attributes."

"Destruction system, life system, darkness system... These giant dragons grow up, and they are also comparable gods."

"Not all giant dragons are worth cultivating, but yours is fine. It is the royal family of dragons. Once it is integrated with magic, it is also very powerful."

Diane Bellamy points to a four-horned monster.

"It's a gluttonous beast, and it's also very powerful. It devours any living thing. Once it enters the body, it will be digested immediately."

Jiang Chen took a look, this Taotie looked like a fish, with four corners on the outside.

Teeth are sharp.

There are horns on the head.

The whole body is black.

Diane Bellamy continued: "When you face the gods in the future, be careful, the gods are not as easy to kill as you think."

"It doesn't matter that you are wearing epic equipment, but in the face of gods, you have absolutely no chance to come back. This is to warn you that that kind of power no longer belongs to mortals."

Diane Bellamy cautions again.

I'm afraid that Jiang Chen will not pay attention to the gods by relying on his own strength and relying on his god-slaying and sword-drawing skills.

That is definitely a place to die without a burial.

Jiang Chen nodded.

This... Diane Bellamy has said this many times.

Diane Bellamy continued: "You must not take it for granted. The power of the gods does not lie in the mythical equipment, not in the four dimensions, but a kind of magical power."

"Even if your current four-dimensional is a hundred times higher than the gods, you are not an opponent."

"Someone once tried to raise their four-dimensionality to the limit, and then challenged the gods, but died in a second."

Jiang Chen asked: "What about Baiyun!"

"Baiyun is different. Although you have inherited the art of killing gods and drawing swords, you have not grasped the essence. Baiyun is a mortal, comparable to a god. That's because he controls the power of a god."

At this time Jiang Chen understood.

The power of the gods is the law.


The law is above everything else, and the skills of gods are rubbish in front of the law.

Only by mastering the laws can one fight against the gods.

And Jiang Chen now has a little power of law.

Destruction Sword Skills...
This is a power that devours the comprehension of divine spar.

Jiang Chen didn't completely control the law.

Instead, use a little law.

Diane Bellamy took Jiang Chen to visit many places, most of them were exotic beasts, and Jiang Chen also saw a little octopus.


It was in the world of giants that he encountered an extraterrestrial demon.

a day later...

When the spaceship enters a space-time.

Finally reached the upper bound.

The Upper Realm is also a continent.

Jiang Chen followed Diane Bellamy into the teleportation array, and soon arrived at the ancient city of Mass.

To the inside of the Legion.

The legionaries are here.

They were all above level 450, and they were all Rank Nine masters, only Jiang Chen had the lowest level. They all looked at the man beside Diane Bellamy.

"It's really handsome."

"It's good to be handsome, you have to be manly, and you have to be strong!"

"How do you know that they have no strength? Maybe they are stronger than you!"

"How many lovers is this boss?"

"do not know."

"Should it be the No.90 nine, or the 100th."

"so little?"

When Jiang Chen heard this, he was instantly speechless, is it the 99th or the 100th?
So many Diane Bellamy lovers!

Diane Bellamy said: "Okay, stop arguing, I asked you to come here today to meet him, so as not to die at his hands in the future, and I will collect the corpse for you, you haven't met a brave man from the Cthulhu Continent recently, right? "

Diane Bellamy's assistant came forward.

This person was called Valerie, and was also Diane Bellamy's lover.

But a woman.

Only Valerie said: "No."

Diane Bellamy smiled and walked to Valerie: "Valerie, my woman, I miss you so much."

"me too."

A French kiss that made everyone laugh...

"Public places, are you going to come here once?"

"Haha... Boss misses the old lover and forgets the new lover."

"Hurry up and find a room."

Everyone laughed.

Diane Bellamy smiled: "Your kiss has improved again, who did you learn from?"

"I learned it from me."

"What, you obviously learned it from me."

"Go away, all of you, I learned from me. I taught Valerie to learn the winding kung fu."

"Come on, you all step aside."

Jiang Chen secretly complained: The upper realm is even more chaotic than the Silero world...
Valerie looked Jiang Chen up and down, and said with a smile, "Your lover is also my lover."

"Don't make trouble, is he different from us?"

"What's the difference?"

"You will understand in the future, Valerie, you take Jiang Chen to the stable alien space to have a look, let him feel the warmth of the upper world."

"I'll call a few people to lead him."

"Just you are enough."

Valerie: ? ? ? ? ?

A person?

Is this person strong?
Diane Bellamy nodded and said, "Yes, he is very strong, and now he wants to upgrade to level 450, or even level 500 as soon as possible."

"He's only level 410 now, I'm afraid it will take a while..."


Diane Bellamy looked back at Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, I need to return to God's Realm to return to my mission, let Valerie take you with me, so that you can understand what's going on in the Upper Realm?"

"it is good."

Diane Bellamy disappeared in an instant, probably returning to God's Domain.

Valerie waved her hand: "It's all gone, it's all gone, I'll take the newcomer."

Valerie took Jiang Chen's hand, turned and left.

Everyone was left laughing.

"I bet Valerie will definitely open a room and fight for three days and three nights..."

"It's such a waste to open a house, I guess I can just find a place!"

"I left in such a hurry."

"This rookie seems to be quite strong."

"Valerie is a priest, so she won't be hurt!"

"Valerie is still strong."

Only then did Jiang Chen know that Valerie was a level 500 priest through the inside of the legion.

It's already level 500.

This is to be promoted to sub-god.

Jiang Chen asked: "You haven't completed the task?"

"What mission?"

"A sub-god mission."

"This is more difficult. I need to kill 20 sub-gods from the evil god camp to be promoted. I am a priest. Although I have attack skills, I am still not sure about facing the sub-gods from the evil god camp."

Valerie looked at Jiang Chen, and teased, "Do you need to go to the room? Let you know me better?"

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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