Chapter 514, Alien Space

Jiang Chen smiled.

It's the same in the upper world, as long as you see the right way, don't talk to me about love, and you'll be fine.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I won't refuse requests for beautiful women, but unfortunately, I already have a partner."

Valerie looked shocked.

"Partner? Only fallen people call it that. It seems that you are from the fallen side, but you will understand later that there are also many fallen people here, and they are also people above the ninth level."

"There are people like you who keep their original intentions, but most men are already like us."

"There are very few people in the Upper Realm who can maintain this mentality."

"I believe it won't be long before you refuse."

"Call me anytime you want."

Want to have sex anytime?

Is this interesting!

Jiang Chen had to sigh, such a wonderful world.

Walking hormones, humanoid hookups.

Valerie smiled and said, "Are you feeling weird?"

"A bit."

"After you live a long life, you will understand that love is meaningless. Do you only find one person in your life?"

"It's enough to find one or two, too many can't bear it."

Valerie smiled, took Jiang Chen, entered the teleportation array, and was quickly teleported to a place: "This is the place for those who just came up to practice, and the extraterrestrial demons are relatively weak, but even the weak extraterritorial demons need to form a group. Team kill."

"Let's go..."

The two entered the alien space together.

Only when Jiang Chen entered, did he know what a different dimension was.

There is no land in the whole space, but like a void, Jiang Chen is also floating in the air, there are some stars and spots around, and these stars and spots illuminate the night sky.

"Are you curious, there is no land here?"


"Alien space is like this, there is no land, and the upper world actually had no land at the beginning, it was just a big void, and finally with the help of the gods, there was land."

"There is no need to think about flying here, just like on land."

Valerie walked forward, floating in the air.

There is no gravity and it will not fall.

Jiang Chen took a step forward, this feeling is the same as on land, going up and down are the same, as long as you want to go, you can go.

Even walking upside down is fine, there is no orientation in the void.

Valerie said: "Record the coordinates with the badge. If you don't record it, you will easily get lost in the alien space."

"I will never come back. This is a relatively stable alien space, and in the alien space, new alien spaces will continue to be generated. Once you find a new one, don't go in blindly."

"Some alien spaces will disappear, and you will stay in them forever."

"Unless it is a stable alien space, it can only be entered."

"In the upper realm, there are a total of ten stable alien spaces, and most of the braves upgrade their levels in them."

Valerie chanted for a while, adding BUFF to Jiang Chen.
[Physique +25000, Strength +25000, Spirit +25000, Agility +500...]

[Physical attack power +25000, magic attack power +25000...]

[Physical Defense +25000, Magical Defense +25000...]

[Abnormal attribute resistance +1300...]

Better than Angelina.

Worthy of being a sub-god.

After Jiang Chen recorded the coordinates, he followed Valerie.

There are far fewer monsters here than in other places, and it took an hour to fly before encountering the extraterrestrial demons.

A monster with one head and two legs, with a body length of 300 meters...
Jiang Chen passed an exploratory technique.

? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
Unable to detect?

Valerie said: "It's useless, the beasts here have no grades, and the detection technique can't detect... But there is a kind of energy spar in their bodies, and this kind of thing can be exchanged for many treasures."

"That's called money."

Jiang Chen is like a beginner.

Jiang Chen unfolded the art of returning thousands of swords to the clan...


A sword energy rushed over, instantly killing the beast...
Experience value +100000...

Only one hundred thousand?
so little?
This is going to kill the year of the monkey!

【Name: Jiang Chen】

[Legion: Deputy Head of the Scarlet Legion]

【Occupation: Swordsman】

[Title: Prosecutor Killer]

【Level: 410】

【Experience: 5500000/20000000000】

[Physical: 12130]

【Strength: 11259】

【Spirit: 12660】

[Agility: 2135]


200 billion experience points need to kill 20 heads.

Valerie looked shocked.

"You actually killed the Liekong beast in seconds? Your attack power is so powerful."

Valerie looked at Jiang Chen's sword energy flying all over the sky.


Just a sword qi instantly killed the Liekong Beast. If all of them were deployed, wouldn't it be...
Valerie was secretly surprised, who the hell is this guy!
Jiang Chen asked: "Is there any lair or something? One is too few, how long will it take to kill? At least tens of thousands will do!"

"I only have 10 experience points to upgrade now."

"200 billion experience points, how long do you need to kill?"

Valerie looked at Jiang Chen.

This guy is really not an ordinary person!
Valerie: "Then go deeper, there are still many extraterrestrial demons in the depths, and there are many lairs in the alien space."


"I'll take you."

"it is good."

The two continued to fly, flying to the depths of the alien space...
Through countless planets.

There are indeed many extraterrestrial demons, but Jiang Chen is sure to kill with one blow, and Wan Jian Guizong can kill enemies within a thousand meters.

They were all dead before they approached the extraterrestrial demons.

Jiang Chen asked: "Where is the Heretic God Continent?"

Valerie stopped in her tracks.

"What do you want?"

"Just go to the Cthulhu Continent camp. Killing dozens of sub-gods should quickly level up."

After Jiang Chen thought about it, he still felt that it was more realistic to kill the Evil God Continental God.

A sub-god has billions of experience points!
It's much better than killing some extraterrestrial demon.

At this moment.

Valerie's heart was pounding in her throat.

Go to the Cthulhu Continent to kill Yashen?

are you crazy

Or am I crazy?
Didn't you ask me to accompany you to find death!

Jiang Chen continued: "Before I came to the Upper Realm, I had already killed four demigods, and the experience value made me envious!"

Valerie's mouth twitched.

Are you talking about people?

Killing sub-gods like slaughtering dogs?
At this moment, Valerie finally understood why this person was favored by Legion Commander Diane Bellamy. Such an awesome character is simply too powerful.

"When killing Yashen, I will help you complete the task by the way."

Valerie: ? ? ? ? ? ?

At this time Valerie also understood what Diane Bellamy meant, asking Jiang Chen to help her complete the task, and Jiang Chen also understood what Diane Bellamy meant.

There are too few experience points here, and only by killing Yashen can he grow up faster.

It just so happens that Valerie is level [-] and needs to complete tasks to become a sub-god.

(End of this chapter)

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