Chapter 516, Continent of Sin

Valerie watched Jiang Chen escape, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's go, I didn't expect that there would be a giant god, and the god controls the law. It's not a god, it's not an opponent at all."

Jiang Chen nodded: "I'm also the first to fight against a god. It's really powerful, and my defense is super high. I can't kill the enemy even with the god-slaying and sword-drawing technique. It seems that it's not that simple to kill a god."

Valerie nodded: "That must be dead, do you think you are Baiyun?"

"Baiyun can kill a god?"

"Of course, otherwise you think that Baiyun is called by the sword god Bai, and ordinary gods are really no match for Baiyun. His sword energy already possesses the power of law, and can instantly kill ordinary gods."

Possess the power of law?

It seems that the power of law must be obtained!

Only by possessing the power of law can one completely contend against the gods.

What four-dimensional, defensive power, attack power, lethality...what abnormal state, these still have effects on ordinary people, but they have to deal with gods.

That's enough.

Gods are not on the same level as mortals.

Jiang Chen asked: "Then how can we obtain the power of law?"

Valerie shook her head: "I'm not sure about this, but the legion leader should know that his family is a family of gods, and he should have a clear understanding of how to obtain the power of law."

Jiang Chen nodded, now that's all he can do.

But right now.

The thousand-meter giant rushed out of the light curtain, Jiang Chen felt the danger, and fled quickly with Valerie, dozens of them flashed in the air, and disappeared...
The thousand-meter giant said angrily: "Damn it, the speed is so fast, but I will kill you sooner or later, and I will definitely not let you be promoted."


The giant gods immediately pursued in the direction of Jiang Chen, and the speed was extremely fast.

At this moment Valerie felt the giants chasing her.

Trembling with fear.

It came so quickly.

No one can escape from the pursuit of the gods.

Valerie exclaimed, "I'm chasing you."

"I know, his speed is fast, but mine is also fast. What is the law of this guy?"

"I don't know. We want to enter the Continent of the Gods in the shortest possible time. Only in the Continent of the Gods will there be no danger. The gods of the Continent of the Gods will definitely take action."

Jiang Chen nodded, fled quickly, and flew towards the coordinate point...

The giants followed closely behind, at a leisurely pace.

a few hours later......
Only then did the giant gods realize that they could not catch up with Jiang Chen, so they gave up the pursuit...
Valerie breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Chen then slowed down and headed for the mainland.

Jiang Chen looked at the badge.

【Name: Jiang Chen】

[Legion: Deputy Head of the Scarlet Legion]

【Occupation: Swordsman】

[Title: Prosecutor Killer]

【Level: 4】

【Experience: 55000000/30000000000】

[Physical: 12130]

【Strength: 11259】

【Spirit: 12660】

[Agility: 2135]


Use the badge to contact Diane Bellamy.

Jiang Chen: in
Diane Bellamy: Well, what's up?
Jiang Chen: How to obtain the power of law?

Diane Bellamy: Are you crazy, or am I crazy, that is the power of the gods, and it cannot be obtained unless you are a god.

Jiang Chen: Can't get it?
Diane Bellamy: Of course, otherwise I would have become a god, slowly promote!Your upgrade speed is really fast, how long has it passed, and you have been promoted to level 430.

Jiang Chen: Then how did Baiyun get it?

Diane Bellamy: Those are the Fallen, not like us, unless you give up the power of the badge and become free, but forget it anyway, do you know how many God-like people there are in the Fallen?
Diane Bellamy: There is only one, and that is Bai Yun. How many chances do you think you have to become a person like Bai Yun?
Diane Bellamy: Not all fallen people are white clouds, and not all fallen people can be compared to gods, you have to understand that.

Diane Bellamy: If you give up the badge, you will lose your qualifications forever. Only after you become a sub-god and complete the missions in the Continent of the Gods can you have a chance to become a god.

Diane Bellamy was so angry that she continued to reply: I also want the power of the law.

: I have practiced for so many years, and I am still a sub-god!

: If there is such a chance, have you become a god long ago, or is it in the sub-god realm?

: Do you know how many sub-gods there are in the Continent of the Gods?

: You are not a sub-god, you just want the power of law?
: How about you go to sleep with Angelina and see if she can give you the mark of God?

: Even if it is given to you, you are not a god.

Jiang Chen looked at Diane Bellamy complaining countless times.

It is estimated that there is no chance.

This Nima...

It seems that if you want the power of the law, you can only have a chance if you are promoted to the sub-god!

As for Baiyun, there is only one Baiyun under the sky.

Only Baiyun can be compared to a god with a mortal body.

: If you want to find Baiyun, you can go to the Sin Continent for a try.

: The Continent of Sin?
: Yes, there is a continent of sin in the upper realm, which is developed by other fallen gods. There are many masters among them, not only the fallen, the evil ones, but also the brave men of our gods continent.

: There are mixed fish and dragons there, but there are also many masters hidden in it. I don't know it, but it doesn't mean others don't know it.

: And many fallen people are there, such as the Loyalty Society, Piaomiao Society, Taiyi Society, Tiandi Society, Qianren Society...etc.

: And there is also the imprint of the ancient gods.

: Valerie knows, it's your reward for helping her to be promoted to sub-god.


: Well, in the future, if someone is promoted to the sub-god, I will find you again.

At this moment.

Valerie only needs to return to the Continent of the Gods to be promoted to the sub-god. In the world of giants, Jiang Chen killed [-] sub-gods, which is enough for Valerie to be promoted.

Valerie also got the information.

Valerie said: "The Continent of Sin, I know what it is, I'll take you there, but I can only send you to the entrance, that place is very evil, I won't go in!"

Jiang Chen smiled: "Okay, you take me there."

Valerie took Jiang Chen to the Continent of the Gods.

Back to the continent of the gods.

Valerie settled the task by the way, completed the trial, and became a sub-god.

Jiang Chen followed Valerie all the way.

Enter another alien space.

Passing through layers of different dimensions, I arrived at another light curtain.

Jiang Chen asked: "The light curtain ahead is the Sin Continent?"

"No, the light curtain ahead is another alien space. In that alien space, the coordinate points: #######, ####, ######."

"When you arrive at the coordinate point, you will be able to see the entrance to the Sin Continent."

"I can't go there with you, the monster inside is very strong, if you go in, I can't come back alone."

"I can only send you here."

Jiang Chen nodded, knowing that Valerie is a priest and cannot fight the enemy: "Okay, after I am promoted to the sub-god, I will take you to become a real god."

Valerie looked overjoyed.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Chen: "Go back!"

Jiang Chen turned around and charged into the light curtain...

In the alien space, the only way is to remember the coordinates. Once you can't remember the coordinates, you can only get lost in the alien space and cannot return...
(End of this chapter)

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