Chapter 517, Meeting Two Hearts Again

When Jiang Chen passed through the light curtain, a large number of enemies appeared in Jiang Chen's field of vision, and he also understood why Valerie didn't follow in.

Here, if she comes in, there is only one end, and that is death.

Jiang Chen shot without hesitation.

Wan Jian Guizong kills the alien demons, and at the same time kills the alien demons, he can gain experience points and improve his strength.

And the power of law is the power Jiang Chen most wants to obtain.

Once such power is in control.

God slaughter is simple.

Of course, it would be even better if he could meet Bai Yun, after all, Bai Yun controls this kind of power.

In the alien space, Jiang Chen forced his way out.

Fly quickly to the coordinates Valerie said.

flew for three days


In three days, I used the skill of flashing in the air hundreds of thousands of times, and finally arrived at the coordinates Valerie said, and saw that light curtain...

But Jiang Chen actually raised the level by 5 on the way.

It can be seen how many strange beasts Jiang Chen killed, and the crystals of these strange beasts were also placed in the space warehouse by Jiang Chen.

In the Continent of Sin, these crystals are money.

Jiang Chen drilled in without hesitation...
What appeared in front of Jiang Chen was an ancient city.

There are many people in the entire ancient city, including evil braves, giants, and fallen people...

It really is the sinful continent!

Anyone has it!

There are a total of eighteen gods in the Sin Continent.

Three true gods.

Every true god builds a stronghold.

The ancient city of Demeter, the city of Augustus, the city of Buxton...
And the place where Jiang Chen is located is the city of Augustus.

It is also the place with the most falls.

The ancient inns, big and small, Jiang Chen thought he had returned to the world of free people.

Jiang Chen flew down.

As soon as they flew down, a group of people came over. They were also the power of the badge of cultivation. The difference was that this badge did not belong to the Cthulhu Continent nor to the Gods Continent.

It belongs to the city of Augustus.

A unit directly under the gods.

Captain Oak said coldly: "Any brave man who enters here, whether it is the Cthulhu Continent or the Gods Continent, must turn in a strange beast spar."

"A strange beast spar can only live for one day."

"In the city of Augustus, under the control of the great god Augustus, no one is allowed to fight. If there is hatred, you can go to the arena, where killing each other is allowed."

"Once they are found killing each other in the city, the gods will take action to suppress them. Braves of the Gods Continent, please pay your accommodation fee."

Before Jiang Chen came, he already knew the rules here through Diane Bellamy.

Fighting is allowed outside the Sin Continent, but not allowed inside the city.

Jiang Chen casually took out a spar, and said with a smile, "How can you be sure that I am the brave man of the Gods Continent?"

"The heroes of the Cthulhu Continent are all monsters. You are so handsome. If you are not a hero from the Gods Continent, where are you from?"

"What if I'm the one who fell!"

"There is no fallen person's breath in your body."

Jiang Chen took out five alien spars and handed them over, and asked in a low voice: "Inquire about something?"

Oak smiled and took it as a matter of course.

"You said."

"Do you know the news about Baiyun?"

Oak laughed and said, "Baiyun, the sword god, comes here sometimes, but he's not here now. Baiyun is brother to the great god Augustus. Who are you?"

"I am Baiyun's disciple."

Oak looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot: "How can there be a brave disciple in Baiyun!"

"Baiyun used to be a swordsman of the Gods Continent, and I am also a swordsman."

Oak nodded: "That's a good point. I really don't know where Baiyun is, but if you want to inquire, you should go to the Fallen Inn, and you should know. After all, there are many fallen people here."


"Also, you can stay as long as you want. You just need to put the alien spar into the card I gave you. If you default on the accommodation fee, the card will ring."

"At that time, you will face the risk of being caught, and don't throw away this card. Once you lose it, you will make a noise."

"Here, the card is a symbol of identity, the guest."

Jiang Chen nodded, he also knew this from Diane Bellamy.

A card is a space.

There is only one space in it, which can only store the alien spar.

Jiang Chen looked at the cards.

Time: 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds...

Time is decreasing little by little.

Once the time has passed, another beast spar needs to be stored in it, and the beast spar is energy...
It's the same as a hotel, the only difference is that your identity will not be checked.

Jiang Chen landed.

Walking casually on the street...

Most of the streets were restaurants run by the fallen, and they happened to meet Yixin and Terena on the opposite street, and they also found Jiang Chen at this time.

Terena exclaimed: "Jiang Chen, you actually went to the Upper Realm, and also to the city of Augustus in the Sin Continent?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "Why, if you can come, I can't?"

Er Xin expressionless: "Have you eaten yet, let's have a meal together!"

"Okay, I happen to be hungry too."

The three went to the restaurant together.

Find a place.

Yixin said: "This is the site of the Qianren Club."

Jiang Chen looked around, only to find that both the shopkeeper and the waiter were dressed as women, and they were both seventh-level masters.

When did there become so many seventh-tier masters?
I thought there were very few masters, but I didn't expect that all of them were top masters. If this is in the lower realm, then they are big men!
Jiang Chen was once chased and killed by a seventh-level master!

But that was all in the past.

Now, apart from the gods, no one is afraid, even if it is Erxin, Jiang Chen is not afraid at all, after wearing level 400 epic equipment.

Except for the gods, no one is in the eyes.

Jiang Chen smiled: "There are a lot of masters, the waiter in the shop is all rank seven masters!"

Terena looked strange: "Don't you know what's going on?"


"The passage of time in the upper and lower realms is different."

"What's the difference?"

"People in the Upper Realm don't age. Time goes by very slowly. You see all young girls, maybe they are hundreds of years old!"

"This is why everyone wants to come to the upper world, whether it is the fallen, the evil brave, or your righteous incarnation brave."

"Here is heaven, of course, for some people, it is hell."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized, only then did he realize that there are so many young guys on the street, not even an old man can be seen.

Even if there are old people, there are very few people.

Time passes differently.

Jiang Chen asked: "How could this be?"

"I don't know that either."

Yixin said: "I once asked the master, and he said that this place was originally the same. I don't know when it became like this. It seems that the time lord died."

"Why is there another time lord? A god?"

Erxin: "A lord who is higher than the gods. The gods are just a part of the lord. In ancient times, with many lords, some were in a higher realm of the gods, and some were hidden."

"Some have died, the time lords have died, the whole world has become like this, time passes very slowly."

"There is also a different dimension, which changes at any time. After the death of the space lord, the whole world became like this."

"The torrent of time and the torrent of space fill the entire upper realm, and they can change their form at any time."

"Do you think that the true God is the strongest existence in your world?"

Jiang Chen nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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