Chapter 541, Freedom Life

Bajie said solemnly: "You all be careful, this black bear is very powerful, stay on the tree, don't come down, I will deal with this black bear."

Jiang Chen watched the Eight Realms fighting the black bear.

The black bear roared and rushed towards the Eight Realms.

ta ta ta ta tao

The huge black bear's arm slapped out, and the eight realms quickly retreated.

A big tree was cut in half.

The huge power made several people tremble with fear.

So strong.

Such a strong black bear.

The sky-slashing and sword-drawing technique just cut a hole, which shows that the black bear's defense is extremely high.

Bajie retreated quickly, raising his hand with a sword.

Another bright red scar, this sword cut on the black bear's eye.

There was blood all over the place.


The black bear roared frighteningly, and rushed towards the Eight Realms at an extremely fast speed. The Eight Realms quickly dodged, and once again used the Sky Slashing Sword Technique.

Jiang Chen jumped down.

He rushed to the black bear with a sharp sword in his hand.

The Eight Realms turned pale with shock, this black bear is extremely powerful, Jiang Chen has just practiced, how can he be a match for the black bear.

Hei Xiong turned his head and slapped Jiang Chen.

Seeing that he was about to attack Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen quickly dodged, leaned back, and then changed his sword.

A bloodstain appears...

"So strong!"

"It's really strong. Is he really just practicing?"

"I just practiced yesterday, so I can kill black bears today?"

Bajie said: "Okay, let's kill this black bear together. This black bear is very powerful, much stronger than ordinary strange beasts."

Jiang Chen walked beside the black bear, stabbing the black bear constantly.

10 minutes later...

Unwillingly, the black bear fell to the ground and died.

"Jiang Chen, you are really amazing."

"What kind of skill is this, the black bear is like a blind man, it can't attack you at all."

"Great, so great."

Jiang Chen smiled and didn't respond.

Said: "How to deal with this black bear?"

"Cut the meat, each of you will bring some meat home, even with such a big body, you won't be able to lift it."

Leave the rest to the other two.

In less than a while.

Hei Xiong dismembered Wuma's body, and they quickly returned to the village.

By the fire...

Jiang Chen ate the black bear meat and transformed the energy into true energy...
【Ding···Running 0.3 True Qi····Successfully increased by 30 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

【Ding···Running 0.3 True Qi····Successfully increased by 30 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

【Ding···Running 0.3 True Qi····Successfully increased by 30 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

Jiang Chen said: "The energy of this black bear is very high."

Bajie nodded: "Yes, the stronger the monster, the higher the energy, and the more true energy it transforms. Yesterday it was a wild boar that was hunted, and this black bear has three times the energy of a wild boar."

"It's a pity, if you keep eating, you will become a master in a short time."

Bajie said with a smile: "Unless your stomach can expand infinitely, this is possible. In order to eat more food, some free people will train themselves to become fat, but the fatter the body, the slower the speed."

Nan Pingying walked to Jiang Chen's side: "Jiang Chen, you are too powerful, teach me later when you have time."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Nan Pingying looked overjoyed.

Yan Jiaxing sat next to him, silent, looking at Nan Pingying from time to time, at this moment Jiang Chen understood that this woman was Yan Jiaxing's favorite.

But it seems that Nan Pingying is not interested in Yan Jiaxing, a young man!
Bajie said with a smile: "Actually, brother Yan is quite powerful, let brother Yan teach you when you have time."

Nan Pingying glanced at Yan Jiaxing: "He, no, the practice of martial arts depends on talent."

Yan Jiaxing:? ? ? ? ?

Bajie smiled: "In addition to talent, you must also be diligent."

After eating the barbecue, several people returned to their room.

The Eight Realms entered Jiang Chen's room.

He smiled and said: "You are indeed very charming, Xiaoping is interested in you."


"You must never provoke her. It's completely different in the world of free people. Even if you hold hands, it's a private life and a fixed relationship. There is only one partner in your life."

"Let's not talk about holding hands in the land of the gods. Even if you go to bed, you may not know each other when you lift your pants the next morning."

Jiang Chen nodded: "I know, I won't make a move."

"Haha... In fact, she is relatively simple."

"Me too·····"

Bajie laughed loudly: "Who will believe what you say?"

Bajie looked at the sky through the window, and continued: "Actually, I still like the world of Gods Continent, and I don't know anyone when I lift my pants."

Ba Jie turned around and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"

"I plan to experience here for a period of time before going to other places to see. Now I am a free person, and I can go wherever I want."

Bajie nodded: "Well, I also know that you will leave in the future. I hope that one day, you can become a god like a master, comparable to a god, for yourself and for the free."

"Free people need the protection of gods after all."

Jiang Chen nodded.

What kind of weird world is this?

Lingbo Weibu, Subduing Dragon Eighteen Palms?

What else is going on?
This is what Mr. Jin left behind!

Could it be that he has traveled to the future?

Or is it just a coincidence?

The life of a free man is quite boring. Every day is practice, eating bear meat in the morning, bear meat at noon, and the same at night.

At night, the energy value of bear meat decreases.

Not as much as in the morning.

Most of the remaining bear meat was given to the villagers as dry food.

Energy values ​​can only be extracted from fresh meat.

Every day the freelancers would go to the wild to kill strange beasts.

Jiang Chen doesn't particularly need strange beasts, it can be transformed by absorbing the surrounding energy value, although the progress is slower, but given him a certain amount of time, sooner or later he will become a ninth-level master.

【Jiang Chen】

【Infuriating: 320】

【Level: 1】

[Inner Strength and Mind: Taishang Induction Chapter]

[Martial skills: Vajra Immortality Magical Art, Lingbo Microsteps, Heaven-Slashing and Sword-drawing Technique...]

The next morning.

A group of five set off again, looking for new strange beasts.


The five people looked out of the woods, and several people were fighting.

Bajie whispered: "In the world of free people, the fight for food is often resolved by force. Whoever has the strongest force value will get the corpse of the alien beast. They should be fighting for that wild boar."

"Brother, do we need to snatch it?"

"The combat power of these people is Tailaku, we will be able to snatch it together."

"Brother, you decide!"

Several people are eager to try, full of confidence.

Bajie shook his head: "Forget it, give it to them, we're only coming out now, and we will definitely find a suitable strange beast, besides, we have Jiang Chen here! His speed is very fast, even faster than a wild boar."

The free world is full of ice and snow, and it is not so easy to find food.

Some days, more than ten days can not find food.

And in the world of the free, the beasts run like the wind, their speed is slow, and they can't keep up at all.

It's not just speed that's needed in the free world.

Wisdom is needed to survive.

Wait until they're done fighting...
Several people quickly searched for traces in another direction.

After searching for two hours, and ten kilometers away from the village, they found a wild boar.

At this time, wild boars are perched in the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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