Chapter 542, Promotion to Tier [-]

A wild boar is resting on the snow.

He didn't notice the six people 100 meters away at all.

Bajie whispered: "The boar's sense of smell is very sensitive, and it can smell our breath from 500 meters away."

"So we have certain skills in killing wild boars. The first thing is to determine the direction of the wind. It must be at the headwind."

"The second is to form an encirclement circle, let the wild boars get into the trap, attack from the direction of the wind, and let the wild boars escape in the direction of the wind."

"Ambush against the wind, waiting for the wild boar to come."

"The speed of wild boars is very fast, and it is difficult for ordinary people to run over wild boars."

Jiang Chen nodded.

The free man can explode true energy in a short distance, increase his own speed to the limit, like a lion or tiger, lie in ambush, waiting for the prey to come.

Once the prey cannot be killed within a short period of time, the prey will immediately flee and disappear with its strong physique...

The Eight Realms made a plan.

Bajie and Jiang Chen were at the downwind of the wild boar.

The other four continued to wait.

When Jiang Chen and Bajie entered the corner, they hid beside the big tree.

The four immediately launched a siege.

Sure enough, when the four of them were running, the prey instantly became alert, sensed the danger, and felt the trembling sound coming from the ground.

At the same moment, the wild boar immediately fled.

And the direction of escape is the Eight Realms and Jiang Chen's side.

At this time, Bajie stared at the direction of the wild boar, and drew out his long sword, ready to strike at any time.

Just at the moment when the wild boar ran.

The Eight Realms passed by the big tree in an instant, and the true energy in the body exploded...
Draw the sword and cut...

A sword light split the wild boar in half.

Jiang Chen felt the speed of the prey.

Relying on the speed of Lingbo Weibu, it can completely catch up with the prey.

Ten days later...
【Jiang Chen】

【Infuriating: 3320】

【Level: 3】

[Inner Strength and Mind: Taishang Induction Chapter]

[Martial arts: Vajra Immortality Magical Art, Lingbo Weibu, Slashing the Sky and Pulling the Sword, Fighting the Stars, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect...]

On the snowy ground, a wild boar continued to run on the snowy ground, followed by a black shadow. The wild boar turned from time to time, but the black shadow's reaction ability was faster than that of the wild boar.

Every escape movement of the wild boar cannot escape the shadow's perception.

Unknown Prophet...
Bajie sighed: "Ten days, only ten days, and he is already a third-tier freeman master."

Bajie couldn't figure it out.

How did Jiang Chen cultivate.

It's only been ten days!
Just become a master?
You must know that at the beginning of the Eight Realms, it took several years of study before being promoted to the third-tier powerhouse.

That's not the most important thing.

The important thing is that Jiang Chen's perception ability is too perverted, even the Eight Realms needs to kill wild boars at a long distance, and the reaction speed of wild boars is very fast.

Sometimes when one turns, more than half of the distance is lost.

But Jiang Chen's sensing speed was faster, at the same time as the wild boar made a sharp turn, Jiang Chen already knew what the prey was thinking, and reacted instantly.

This is the most terrifying.

Able to sense the turn of the prey.

Jiang Chen killed the wild boar with one sword strike.

Five people from the Eight Realms walked up.

"Jiang Chen, you are too powerful."

"We don't dare to think about hunting prey alone."

"From now on, you will pay for all the food in our village."

The few people were all smiling, Jiang Chen saw his progress every day, and started hunting monsters alone the next day.

Promoted to the second rank on the third day.

Now ten days have passed, and he is already a Tier [-] powerhouse.

Such a terrifying speed is simply unheard of.

He is simply a martial arts genius.

Bajie laughed and said, "Take it back!"

A few people quickly took out the rope, tied the wild boar and rushed to the village...
Eight Realms and Jiang Chen walked at the back.

Bajie laughed and said, "Are you ready to leave?"

"how do you know?"

"Not only I can see it, but other people can also see it. You are making rapid progress, this place is no longer suitable for you. According to the view of the Gods Continent, this place is no longer suitable for you to upgrade."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Yes, I want to visit other places, do you have any good suggestions?"

"There are two places."

"The first one is a world of ice and snow. There is a huge island, but it is isolated by the sea. The monsters on the island are very strong and have high energy values."

"The second is the desert, which is an endless desert with the highest death rate, and there are very few monsters in it,"

"I suggest you go to the Ice World, it is suitable for you to improve quickly, but there is a world of killing, it is very dangerous."

Jiang Chen nodded; "Then go to the world of ice and snow."

"I originally thought you would train for three months, but I didn't expect it to be over in ten days. I should also return to the world of Gods Continent and be my boss."

"when are we leaving?"


"Alright, I'll tell them."

into the night······
Jiang Chen took the map of the Eight Realms and left the village.

Nan Pingying stood at the entrance of the village.

Looking at Jiang Chen's leaving figure, watching silently...
Bajie said: "Xiaoping, Jiang Chen is not suitable for you."

Nan Pingying was extremely disappointed: "I know, he practiced very fast, much faster than us."

"He belongs to the upper realm, as strong as a master, and he already has his own partner, she is very beautiful."

"Is it prettier than me?"

"You are also beautiful, but you are not people from two worlds. It is meaningless to follow him, and I think he will refuse, so I choose to walk at night."

Nan Pingying hesitated for a moment: "If I catch up with him, will it be..."

"He will take you with him, but he just treats you as a friend."

"I want to go back to the Gods Continent with you."

"Okay, but you'd better think about it. It's a mixed place, far more complicated than you imagined, and once you integrate into the society of the Gods Continent, you will change."

"I know that many people have gone and never come back."

The Eight Realms were silent.


When a person enters another society, he will feel the prosperity there, and the free people will change, becoming the same people as the Gods Continent.

When prosperity merges into the free world.

The free became the fallen.

Jiang Chen strode forward, heading towards the icy and snowy land.

Frost City.

This is a small town, a small town of a dozen villages, and a lot has changed here.

Jiang Chen saw the teleportation array.

The teleportation formation in the continent of the gods, and teleporters stationed in the town.

Jiang Chen teased: "Teleportation formation? Is this also okay?"

"It seems that letting the free ones integrate into the continent of the gods will make the whole world strange."

Jiang Chen walked towards the teleportation formation.


"A world of ice and snow."

A free man explained: "Experience in the world of ice and snow? The teleportation array can't reach the world of ice and snow, but can only go to the port of Luya, and can only board a ship at the port of Luya to go to the world of ice and snow."

"Then go to Port Luya."

"Ten gold coins."

Jiang Chen took out ten gold coins and handed them over, soon Jiang Chen entered the teleportation array...
After a burst of light...

Lure port.

(End of this chapter)

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