Chapter 549 God, what, have you seen Baiyun

【Ding···Running 0.7 True Qi····Successfully increased by 70 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

【Ding···Running 0.7 True Qi····Successfully increased by 70 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

【Ding···Running 0.7 True Qi····Successfully increased by 70 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

Jiang Chen felt that these energies were extremely huge, more than three times more than the strange beasts outside, no wonder this place is called a cultivator's paradise.

Most of the people who go out are strong.

Jiang Long said: "How?"


"It is indeed a huge amount of energy."

Jiang Long smiled: "So here we often go together. Once we encounter danger, we will fight together to kill alien beasts and increase the realm of alien corpses. I think you are alone, how about forming a team with us?"

"You can't hunt the beast alone."

"It's better to follow us and hunt down the strange beasts, and then distribute the meat evenly."

"At night, we can still sit together without worrying about the cold."

Jiang Long looked at Jiang Chen and said with a smile;
"Okay, I'll go hunting with you guys tomorrow."

Jiang Long laughed loudly: "Haha... Refreshing, I still don't know what to call you?"

"Jiang Chen."

"Good name, everyone has the same surname, this is the fate that God let us be together! From now on, I will hang out with the big brother and eat nine meals a day..."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

Lord De, is that you?

Jiang Yan smiled and said: "Don't be ridiculous, I still eat nine meals a day, sometimes I don't have to eat all day!"

Jiang Long: "Eat more, so we can hurry tomorrow."

"Thank you..."

Since it's food, you're welcome.

Jiang Chen glanced around, he was surrounded by male cultivators, very few female cultivators...

Asked: "Isn't this the stronghold of the Qianren Society? Why didn't you see anyone from the Qianren Society?"

"They are all in the inner city, and this is the outskirts. You should know that the members of the Qianren Society are all female disciples. They have a rule that men are not allowed to enter. Once they enter, they will be killed without mercy..."

Jiang Chen exclaimed: "So overbearing?"

"Qianrenhui is one of the five major alliances. It is naturally domineering. Other strongholds are different. They all sit around the campfire. Of course, if you have exotic animal meat, you can even live in a restaurant."

"The restaurant is very expensive."

"Expensive has its advantages."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Actually, it's no different from the outside."

Jiang Long chuckled: "There is still a difference, there are a lot of recreational things in it."


Jiang Yan slapped her past...

Glaring fiercely, he said angrily, "Do you want to try?"

"I'm talking about casinos."

"Hmph, do you think I don't understand what you're talking about?"

Jiang Long smiled awkwardly.

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.


There is such a place here?
How strange!

Jiang Hu said: "Change to meat."

"What for meat?"


Can you say two more words?

Jiang Chen could tell that Jiang Long talked a lot, maybe he was a chatterbox, but his younger brother was different, he didn't speak at all, even if he did, it was only two or three words.

ta ta ta ta tao

A young man in a black robe entered the city, followed by three people, whose bodies were covered with strange animal meat.

The young man had just entered the city, and everyone was watching him.

Have looked over.

"That's Shen Yidao, so much meat from different animals."

"It's really powerful. I heard that he only used one knife to kill the beast? I don't know if it's true?"

"Whether it's true or not, in short, anyone who snatched the beast from him was hacked to death and their heads were moved."

"It seems that this is a white bear beast, and it is still an adult white bear beast."

"It weighs at least a few hundred catties!"

"I don't know where it is, but it would be great if I could pick up some bones!"

Jiang Chen ate the meat, turned his head and looked over.

Shen Yidao felt very dangerous to him.

The strength of true qi in the body is around level five.

True Qi is thick and sharp as a knife.

Jiang Long whispered; "He is Shen Yidao."

"never heard of that."

"Of course you haven't heard of it. This person is extremely terrifying. He never kills with a second strike. His true energy is fierce, just like Bai Yun's sky-slashing and sword-drawing technique."

"Baiyun, have you heard of it?"

Jiang Chen nodded.


Not only have I heard of it, I've seen it!

Jiang Long said with a smile: "This Shen Yidao once said wildly that he will surpass Bai Yun and become a new generation of sword god."

"I remember that Baiyun is a ninth-level master!"

"Baiyun is not a ninth-level master, but a sword god. He is the only goal pursued by free people. You may not have seen Baiyun, but I have seen it with my own eyes."

Jiang Chen was taken aback: "Have you seen him before, what does he look like?"

"His eyebrows are thick."

? ? ? ? ?

"The eyes are big and the nose is upturned."

? ? ? ? ?

"He is tall and tall, probably the same as me. Of course, compared to me, he is not as good as me."

? ? ? ? ?

"His voice was thunderous."

? ? ? ? ?

Jiang Chen just wanted to complain: Are you sure you have seen Baiyun?You've seen Zhang Fei, right? Is this Baiyun?
"The height is close to two meters."


What you saw was Zhang Fei, not Bai Yun.

"The most peculiar thing is his swordsmanship, the sky-slashing and drawing-swordsmanship, have you seen it before? With a single strike, the gods would be terrified."

This is true.

Baiyun's sword energy is indeed very strong, because he has comprehended the law of the sword.

Jiang Long coughed, with a smug expression on his face: "You may not know that Baiyun once pointed me out."

Jiang Chen glanced at it: "Brother Jiang, you seem to be using a knife?"

"Actually, the knife is the same as the sword. When killing a strange beast, the knife is better. With a knife, the head of the strange beast will be chopped off."

Jiang Yan glared: "Stop bragging, can you save your stamina, and you have to hunt strange beasts tomorrow!"

Jiang Hu nodded: "Rest."

Jiang Long quit, didn't you see that the younger brother around me is worshiping me?
After finally accepting a younger brother, what do you want to do?

Jiang Long said: "Jiang Chen, do you believe me?"


"I will take you to meet Baiyun when I have a chance in the future. To tell you the truth, if Baiyun sees me, he has to call me big brother."

Fuck, it's bullshit.

I almost believed it.

Jiang Yan said: "Don't pay attention to him, where has he seen Baiyun, he has seen a white pig."

"What is a white pig?"

"It's the strange beast here. It's quite strong, with thorns all over its body."

Jiang Lan said: "Okay, everyone have a good rest, if we don't hunt the strange beast tomorrow, we will go hungry."


The four sat cross-legged, eyes closed...

Jiang Chen followed them.

【Ding···Running 0.005 True Qi····Successfully increased by 0.5 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

【Ding···Running 0.005 True Qi····Successfully increased by 0.5 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

【Ding···Running 0.005 True Qi····Successfully increased by 0.5 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

next morning...
Several people opened their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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