Chapter 550, Hunting White Bears
outside the city
A group of five people walked out.

Biting cold.

Step on it with one foot, and go 40 centimeters deep under your feet. Walking like this, you can't hurry at all, and every step is very difficult.

Not going far will consume a lot of physical energy.

Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks.

Jiang Long turned back and said, "What's wrong?"

"Just go like this?"

"of course."

"The snow is too deep."

Jiang Long said: "There's no other way. It's the same in the Ice and Snow Continent. Only in the coastal areas, there is no such thick snow. The deeper the snow, the easier it is to find strange beasts."

"Many free people choose places with less snow. Although there are strange beasts, there will be many free people competing for it."

"The thicker the snow, the less free."

Jiang Hu: "Save energy."

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Long said with a smile: "What he meant was that if you talk less, you can maintain your physical fitness. If you walk forward for two or three hours, you will easily find strange beasts."

Jiang Chen understood.

The deeper the snow, the easier it is to successfully obtain the alien beast.

The thinner the snow, the more free people, the more intense the competition, often for a strange beast, you fight and hide, fight each other...
Jiang Chen said with a smile: "It's not a way to go on like this. If you don't meet a strange beast, it will be troublesome. I have a method, which can reduce the walking time."

"what way?"


Several people looked puzzled, what are stilts?
Jiang Chen explained: "Our bodies are very heavy, so once we step on it to the bottom, walking like this will consume a lot of energy."

"You can make stilts, you can step on the snow without sinking your legs."

"Whether there is wood or not, it must be at least fifty centimeters long."

"There are in the city."

"Then go back to the city."

A group of five people returned to the city, found a few pieces of light wood, and made them into wooden sticks, [-] centimeters long, and made them into a shoe shape.

Several people watched Jiang Chen's movements, what is this?
Jiang Chen stepped on the stilts, and instantly grew eighty centimeters in length.

At this moment.

The four of them understood, that's why.

In this way, the legs don't have to get stuck in the heavy snow, and they can walk easily and at a faster speed.

Jiang Long smiled and said: "As expected of my little brother, you found this method, how did you come up with it?"

"Yeah, that's a great idea."

"Good, good, hurry up and make it."

"Okay." Jiang Hu nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Several people immediately made stilts, and after half an hour, several people made stilts, and then went out to act, walking into the depths of the snow...
Several people stepped on the snow.

Not only is it much easier, but also the steps are bigger. Walking with feet can only cover a distance of 40 centimeters, but with stilts, the distance has increased by 140 centimeters.

Jiang Long nodded: "That's right, the speed is a lot faster, and it can save energy. When lifting your feet, you don't have to work so hard."

"Not only that, but we can also go deep and hunt and kill strange beasts in places where free people can't go."

"If you're getting taller, won't you be walking faster?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Yes, if you increase your height a bit, you can walk faster, but it is easy to be imitated by others. It won't be long before all free people will use this method."

Several people suddenly realized.


It is so convenient that more people will surely imitate it.

It seems that the height cannot be increased.

A few people quickly walked to the depths...
after an hour·······
A white bear appeared in the eyes of everyone, with a body length of eight meters, walking on the snow, and the five people quickly gathered together...

Jiang Long felt the wind speed and said, "Now we are facing the wind, and the white bear can't smell us, but once it gets closer to 200 meters, the white bear can sense it."

"Moreover, the white bear is very fast and has a strong attack power. It can only be killed with a burst of true energy in the shortest possible time."

Jiang Yan said: "Jiang Chen, you are new here, we go first, the four of us have absolutely no problem dealing with the white bear."

Jiang Hu nodded: "You rest, let's go."

Jiang Lan said: "Then act!"

The four nodded and quickly discussed for a while. Jiang Long and Jiang Hu took the lead, and then Jiang Yan and Jiang Lan rushed out. They had stilts and were faster.

Jiang Chen just wanted to say something!
Jiang Long and Jiang Hu moved quickly.

Quickly run to the white bear.

Just 200 meters away, Bai Xiong looked back at the four of them

With a roar, he rushed towards the four of them, and when he looked up, there was an icicle.

Jiang Chen watched Bai Xiong's movements.

This white bear can also use magic attacks?
Jiang Long and Jiang Hu had been prepared for a long time and quickly avoided the attack. Jiang Long was even more powerful, holding a big knife with a burst of saber energy...


Slashed on the white bear with a knife, splashing out a burst of blood.


The white bear roared, and the bear's paw slapped the snowflakes, and the snowflakes flew towards several people like sharp arrows...
"Be careful."

Jiang Lan pointed her sword sharply, and a sword energy rushed towards Bai Xiong's eyes, blood flowed profusely immediately, and the four continued to besiege, releasing the sword energy three meters away.

With stilts, the release of sword energy is faster.

Less than ten breaths.

Bai Xiong fell to the ground, Jiang Long rushed over and made another stab, until Bai Xiong died again...

"With the stilts, it's easier to kill the white bear."

"This white bear weighs at least seven to eight hundred catties, enough for us to have a nice meal."

"Divide the corpse, and quickly carry it back."

Jiang Chen walked over, and he had a panoramic view of the battle of the four of them. They are all fifth-rank powerhouses, with strong true energy in their bodies, and the most important thing for a free person is true energy.

This is also what Jiang Chen lacks.

Jiang Long said: "In the wild, we must quickly decompose the beast and bring the meat back. The blood will attract other beasts."

"It must be evacuated in the shortest possible time."

"Once the true energy is exhausted, it will be very unfavorable for future battles."

After killing the alien beast, the free man will quickly withdraw from the battlefield, decompose the corpse and carry it back. If he can't get it back, he can only give up.

The four quickly shot, and within a few breaths, the white bear was dismembered.

They carried hundreds of catties of white bear meat back in batches.

Less than 10 minutes...

The blood attracted a large number of strange beasts, and quickly ate up the rest of the meat, leaving no bones.

Cangtou Town.

Jiang Long changed the wood and started grilling immediately.

Five people sat around and waited for the meat to be roasted.

Jiang Long said with a smile: "In fact, it is better to eat raw meat. The energy of raw meat is better than that of barbecued meat, but it is difficult to swallow."

"Elder brother?"

"I have eaten it, but I have a little indigestion, but it is better to eat less."

Jiang Chen asked: "Is it diarrhea?"

"That's not true, it's easy to be enchanted like that."


Jiang Yan explained: "Eating too much raw meat will affect your willpower, and some who can't support it will become enchanted. Raw flesh and blood contain the spiritual power of strange beasts, and over time, it will affect your cultivation."

"Unless you have strong willpower, you can completely restrain yourself. That Shen Yidao last night was eating raw meat."

"Willpower is extraordinarily strong."

"In the world of free people, not only true energy, but also murderous energy."

"When you see the other person's eyes, you know whether the person is strong or not."

(End of this chapter)

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