as predicted.

After Jiang Long finished speaking, a free man came over ten minutes later and said with a smile, "Brother, I'm hungry too, can you give me some meat?"

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?
Jiang Long and the others remained silent, let's see how Jiang Chen responds...
Jiang Chen turned his head and said, "I can't."

"Brother, I'm really hungry, so please pity me!"

"She's crippled, you're not crippled."

"Then it's lame!"

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "If you become lame, I will give it to you..."

Could it be that you can still cripple yourself?

In the next second...

The woman directly limped her leg.

Jiang Long:? ? ? ?

Jiang Chen: ? ? ? ?

The woman said without changing her face: "Look, I'm already crippled, shouldn't you give me some meat?"

Jiang Chen turned around with a look of astonishment.

Fuck, are you crazy?

Just for the sake of meat, he crippled himself?
Jiang Chen casually handed over two catties of meat.

you are vicious·······

The woman smiled and said, "Thank you, my name is Situ Chunyu."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, she ran away in a hurry.

Leaving Jiang Chen in chaos in the wind...
Several people laughed.

This is cheated!

This woman is not lame, she runs faster than a fucking rabbit!

Jiang Long said with a smile: "She has practiced a kind of martial arts. This kind of martial arts can dislocate her muscles and bones, creating the illusion of lameness, so you have been deceived."

"I thought she was really limping for meat!"

"Do you think she is a fool? In addition to preserving her true energy here, she cannot be injured. Once injured, it is difficult to recover."

"Don't flood your sympathy in the future. Fortunately, there is a lot of meat today, otherwise you will starve."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I really didn't expect that."

"There are more things you didn't expect!"

The next morning.

The five of them finished eating hundreds of catties of meat yesterday, their physical strength has increased, and their true energy has increased a lot. The five of them continued to go to where they were yesterday.

According to Jiang Long, after killing the alien beast yesterday, the smell of blood will disperse, which will definitely attract more alien beasts, so where the alien beast was hunted yesterday, as expected, there will be new alien beasts.

not sure what it is!
But there are bound to be around.

Soon, a few people arrived at the place where yesterday's battle took place.

The bones on the snow had disappeared, but some of the blood on the snow still remained.

Jiang Long said: "There is still a bloody smell in the air, we can wait here, there should be new beasts coming."

Several people also agreed with Jiang Long's plan.

Find a place against the wind and hide.

Waiting for the arrival of prey.

after an hour······
A giant python appeared in the distance, curled up and struck from not far away, with a body length of nearly 20 meters...

Salsa Sha...

Jiang Long said: "Come on, this is a wild beast, not very powerful, far worse than yesterday's white bear, but the meat is also much less."

Jiang Yan said: "It's enough, don't forget, we ate a lot of meat yesterday, enough for us to use for several days."

"Get ready, once the giant python approaches, do it immediately."

The giant python crawled towards the place where the white bear died.

The smell of blood in the air.

Jiang Long immediately made a move, holding a big knife, and rushed forward...
Facing the giant python is a burst of slashing.

Killed by one knife...
Jiang Chen also didn't have a chance to make a move.

Without further ado, Jiang Long divided the python into five sections...
Today is another day full of harvest...  

However, several people did not return to the stronghold.

Instead, they started a barbecue in the wild.

Jiang Long explained: "You must be careful in the ice and snow. Yesterday we carried back hundreds of catties of meat, which must attract the attention of others."

"If I go back early today, it will definitely attract more attention from others."

"By the third day, there will be free people following us to hunt."

"This is a natural hunting ground, and they can't let them know."

"And our tools don't allow them to find out."

"Otherwise, it will be troublesome if you want to hunt by then."

Although Jiang Long is a big guy, he is very cautious.

Don't let others know the secret easily.

Especially this natural hunting ground.

When Jiang Long killed the giant python, he poured his blood on the ground. As expected, he could continue hunting the strange beast tomorrow.

The smell of blood will definitely attract other strange beasts.

Jiang Yan said: "Jiang Chen, you just came here, and I want to teach you how to live in the ice and snow."

"I know."

"People with kind hearts can't live long here."

"Still medium-rare?"

"Would you like to try it? In fact, half-rare meat is not only delicious, but also can increase the murderous spirit."

Jiang Long shook his head: "Forget it, it's just the idea of ​​perverted people who want to quickly improve their realm, you should condense your murderous aura."

Jiang Chen is helpless, why don't you try it!
It tastes really good.

Jiang Chen ate snake meat, the taste was different, there was a strong fishy smell.

A few people were separated from each other, watching Jiang Chen eat.

So fucking bloody.

After filling the stomach, immediately run the mental method...

[Absorb 0.01 points of murderous aura, increase success by 1 times, increase [-] point of murderous aura...]

[Absorb 0.01 points of murderous aura, increase success by 1 times, increase [-] point of murderous aura...]

【Ding···Running 0.7 True Qi····Successfully increased by 70 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

【Ding···Running 0.7 True Qi····Successfully increased by 70 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

【Ding···Running 0.7 True Qi····Successfully increased by 70 times, increased by [-] points of True Qi]

After refining all the meat, he continued to eat food.

He ate more than half of the tens of catties of meat in an instant.

The five returned to the stronghold.

After exchanging wood, he continued to sit and practice.

ta ta ta ta tao

Li Anqin came over and said coldly, "This is the meat returned to you."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I lent you one catty, and you gave me back two catties? You seem to be at a loss in this deal."



Jiang Chen took it in his hand, Li Anqin turned and left...
The pace is still lame.

Jiang Long said: "Actually, she's pretty good, little brother, if you feel lonely, empty and cold, you can try to get along, and it will be the same when you say goodbye."

"Forget it, not interested."

"Er... little brother, do you have any physical problems?"


"No? I seriously doubt that you have. It just so happens that you have a lot of meat today and you don't practice anymore. I'll take you to a restaurant and let you feel... ouch..."


Jiang Yan slapped it and said angrily, "I think you want to go!"

Jiang Long touched his face with a headache: "No, I'm making my little brother a man."

"What do you mean by taking my brother to such a dirty place?"


"Actually what?"

Jiang Long wanted to say, it's not actually dirty!
Isn't that just exchanging meat for meat?

It's an equal deal.

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