Chapter 554, the secret was discovered

Jiang Lan said: "Okay, stop making trouble, isn't this a joke for others? You should practice hard."

After a while of squabbling, it turned out that many free people looked this way.

"Boss Jiang, what are you two doing!"

A free man steps forward...
Jiang Long said: "Pei Zhaogang, what does it have to do with you?"

Pei Zhaogang looked at the snake and said with a smile: "Jiang Long, you are so lucky. Yesterday you hunted a white bear beast, and today you hunted a wild beast. You have a good harvest!"

"What, are you envious?"

"Of course I'm envious. Have you encountered a good hunting base? Tell me the news, so that I can also hunt and eat a strange beast. You have seen it. I was unlucky today, so I hunted three beasts. Only a rabbit, barely enough food and clothing."

Pei Zhaogang said slowly;

It is not so easy to hunt alien beasts in the ice and snow.

Especially in the vast snow, it is difficult to find strange beasts.

Pei Zhaogang was puzzled!
Why is Jiang Long's luck so good, yesterday he hunted and killed a white bear beast, and today he hunted and killed a wild beast.

When did they get so rich.

Pei Zhaogang knew that Jiang Long and the others were in a place with deep snow, and it was very easy to consume physical energy by hunting strange animals inside. Once they didn't hunt any strange animals, they might freeze to death outside.

In places where the snow is so deep, even walking becomes a problem.

Not to mention hunting exotic animals.

As soon as Pei Zhao finished speaking, the rest of the free people looked this way one after another.

are full of curiosity.

The team knows each other, just like the legion, you know me, I know you...

They also feel strange.

"Jiang Long, we are all friends. If there is something good, share it. Don't eat it all by yourself."

"Brother Long, you are too mean. You eat it all by yourself. Are you friends? Besides, you just ate out and came back. Do you think we don't know?"

"Feeling the energy of the alien animal meat, it is obviously an adult python, at least a few hundred catties, but you brought back some. Does this make us think that what you brought back is rabbit meat?"

"Brother Long's scheming is too deep. I guess he encountered a giant python when he went out, and he solved most of it in the wild!"

"Brother Long is playing tricks on us!"

Jiang Long vomited blood angrily.

Indeed, as they said, most of them were solved in the wild, and they returned to the stronghold at dusk. If it weren't for the large amount of meat, they even wanted to solve it in the wild!
This is a routine commonly used by freelancers.

I didn't expect to be seen through by them when I came back.

They are all old fried dough sticks, and this little thought can't be hidden from them.

Jiang Long said: "It's just luck."

Pei Zhaogang complained in his heart: Luck?

They don't think so.

Pei Zhaogang smiled without saying a word, turned and left...
Jiang Long whispered: "This damn Pei Zhaogang was discovered by him. It's a bit difficult now. I guess this kid will follow us tomorrow. Didn't he know our secret?"

Jiang Yan nodded: "That's true. As soon as Pei Zhaogang came over, I knew that this kid was uneasy and kind. I'm afraid that not only Pei Zhaogang will follow us tomorrow, but also other free people."

"Let's walk tomorrow." Jiang Hu said coldly.

Several people looked at Jiang Hu.

Walk without stilts.

In this way, no one will follow, and no one will know the secret. The stilts can walk on the snow like the wind and save most of the physical energy.

This is the best for free people.

Jiang Long nodded: "Okay, that's it for tomorrow."

Jiang Chen remained silent.

In fact, stilts will let others know sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

The next morning.

The five of Jiang Chen walked out of the stronghold, followed by a large group of free men.

Jiang Long and the others stopped.

Turning back and glaring at them: "What do you want to do, let you go first..."

"Brother Jiang, we just want to have a meal with you."

"It's Brother Jiang, don't get angry!"

"You go your way, we go our way."

"Brother Jiang, you go first."

Three or four teams, almost dozens of people, they followed behind the five people like a dog's plaster.

Jiang Yan whispered; "What should I do? These people are following behind, and it's a bit troublesome now."

"It's okay, keep going."

Jiang Chen said: "Go first, find the stilts, leave quickly, I will resist them, my speed is very fast."

The four looked at Jiang Chen.

They have never seen Jiang Chen make a move, and they don't know if Jiang Chen can resist them.

Jiang Hu nodded; "Okay, be careful, as long as we come back from hunting, you don't have to go..."

Jiang Long also echoed: "Jiang Chen, be careful, we can go hunting, don't worry, the five of us will not lose your share."

Jiang Chen nodded.

At this moment, the four of them left quickly, while Jiang Chen stood on the road to resist them.

The free ones followed behind.

Jiang Chen drew out his sharp sword, and said with a smile, "Everyone, stay here!"

"Boy, just because you want to stop us?"

"Don't worry about him, Jiang Long and the others must have a secret stronghold, we must follow up as soon as possible."

"You want to stop us all by yourself, you're courting death."

"Go together·····"

"They've come a long way..."

A group of free men followed immediately, and in the next second, Jiang Chen slashed out with a sword...

Everyone stopped.

A free man couldn't take it anymore, he got up and went up, facing Jiang Chen with a sword.

Jiang Chen quickly used Lingbo Weibu.


Then a sword slashed at the head bird's hand, cutting a wound.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

So strong.

Very fast.

Where is this person who is weak?
Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Why do you guys force me to take action? The next strike is not as simple as a slight injury, and it may result in death."

The rest of the free people looked at Jiang Chen and had no choice but to retreat.

It's useless to want to fight the autumn wind with Jiang Long.

Too many people is useless.

In the free world, no one wants to waste their energy.

Unless it is an endless situation.

Otherwise, once the infuriating energy is wasted and transitioned, it will be difficult to recover...
Especially when everyone has no food yet.

The free ones are gone.

"Who was that kid just now? I've never seen him before. When did this master come out?"

"I think that kid looks familiar, he seems to be... the person Jianzong is looking for, yes, his name is Jiang Chen, and he is the swordsman that Jianzong is looking for."

"I heard that Jianzong is looking for someone who can return to the sect with ten thousand swords. It should be him."

"Do you need to report to Jianzong immediately? Jianzong heard that there is a reward, one hundred catties of meat!"

"It's not too late, let's go back and inform the master of Jianzong immediately."

Jiang Chen followed closely behind Jiang Long and the others.

Light as a swallow...
He quickly followed Jiang Long and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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