Chapter 562, Instakill Sword Master
Originally, he wanted to threaten with hostages, but Jiang Chen didn't accept this at all.

Even clamoring to kill it!
Kill them, just kill you to avenge them.

The elder Jianzong doubted his life.

Don't you have a deep friendship?
Aren't you brothers and sisters?
Why didn't they care about the lives of the four of them.

At this time, Jiang Chen was like a god of killing, he never cared about it, he knew that the only way to save Jiang Long and the others, even if they couldn't be rescued, it would be good to kill everyone in Jianzong.

Threatening the hostages, raising hands and surrendering.

does not exist at all.

Those who practice killing are gods of killing, and they are not afraid of any threats at all.

Jiang Chen didn't want to be passive.

Always be active.

As for keeping your hands together, you must have watched too many TV series!
Jiang Chen is not a righteous person, Jiang Chen is a murderer, isn't this superfluous?

Jiang Chen said: "I'll give you ten breaths, once the ten breaths are over, no matter if you let him go or not, I'm going to do it, I'm impatient."

"I let them go, can you stop?"

"Yes, you can only negotiate terms if you let them go. If you don't let them go, you just have to do it."

The eight people looked at each other in blank dismay.

It was a wrong decision to catch Jiang Long and the others back.

What is this place?
The continent of ice and snow.

What about brotherhood?
"How to do?"

"What else can we do? Naturally, let people go. This person has already mastered the world of killing, and he won't care about their lives. If we really do something, we will all have to be buried with him."

"Damn it, I'm not reconciled!"

An elder immediately untied the rope for them, and the four walked towards Jiang Chen, Jiang Long heaved a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

"You go out first, I'll be there later."

"Okay, we'll wait for you outside."

Jiang Long and the others left the inner city.

Jiang Yan said: "He's progressing so fast. He's already a sixth-level powerhouse, and he's even mastered the world of killing. How did he practice in this month's time?"

Jiang Long shook his head: "I don't know, but he is really powerful, even Jianzong doesn't pay attention to him."

"Very strong" Jiang Hu nodded;

Jiang Yan said: "We don't need to worry about him, but we should worry about the disciples of the Sword Sect. I doubt he will let the disciples of the Sword Sect go. I'm afraid..."

The four stopped.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen was no longer someone they knew!
inner city.

Jiang Chen looked at the person who threatened him just now.

Jiang Chen didn't know who he was.

He is dead.

Jiang Chen pointed at him: "You, you were threatening me just now, come here and die."

"Too deceiving."

The elder roared;
Sword Qi was aroused from his whole body, and he rushed towards Jiang Chen. Thousands of sword Qi hit Jiang Chen, his realm was higher than Jiang Chen, and Wan Jian Guizong even cultivated to the seventh floor.

But in front of Jiang Chen, he was still not qualified.

It is also the skill of returning to the sect of thousands of swords.

Jiang Chen's sword energy is more concentrated, sharper, faster, and more numerous...

The two competed with sword qi together.

The other seven people immediately gathered around and unleashed the sword energy of Wan Jian Gui Zong together...

The rest of the disciples also used Ten Thousand Swords to return to the sect.

"Let's kill this person together."

"He killed our Jianzong disciples, and killed him together."


"Don't let go of this opportunity."

"Dog thief, die."

The eight elders of the Sword Sect were overjoyed, and they attacked Jiang Chen together, he would surely die.

At this moment.

Jiang Chen fought against the eight elders of the Sword Sect, and even the rest of the disciples of the Sword Sect. The sword energy flew all over the sky, and the entire inner city of the Sword Sect was enveloped by the sword energy.

Outer City·····
Everyone looked in the direction of the inner city.

They all exclaimed.

"It's such a strong sword qi. Sure enough, a big battle broke out. Then Jiang Chen is too strong. He will fight against eight sword sect elders alone."

"And have you seen that Jiang Chen's Ten Thousand Swords Guizong is completely different, the sword energy is smaller, more substantial, and more numerous."

"It seems that this person has improved Wan Jian Guizong's martial arts through various martial arts. As I said earlier, he must have done so to create his own martial arts."

"How could this person be so terrifying? In just one month, he improved Wan Jian Gui Zong's sword energy."

"It's so terrifying to resist everyone in Jianzong alone."

"What a formidable master."

Jiang Long and the others looked at the sword energy in the sky.

Sure enough, a war broke out.

Jianzong has eight elders, and even dozens of Jianzong disciples. How did Jiang Chen grow up when one person actually singled out everyone.

inner city.

The faces of the eight elders were dignified. The eight of them joined forces and couldn't resist a younger generation. They felt that Jiang Chen's sword energy was exceptionally different.

After their sword qi collided with Jiang Chen's...

More than half of the sword energy was lost.

Hit it twice and it's gone.

Not only that.

It was even more frightening to feel that Jiang Chen's sword energy was actually absorbing their sword energy. This ability was a bit like the great skill of Beiming.

Absorbs the enemy's sword energy.


A disciple was pierced through the chest by Jiang Chen's sword energy...


Another disciple died.

As the number of disciples continued to decrease, Jianzong disciples hesitated, and one disciple fled in an instant.

too frightening.

This person is already invincible, why is there such a powerful enemy.

The escape of one Jianzong disciple immediately caused a chain reaction. More and more Jianzong disciples chose to flee, and the eight elders were not much better.

The sword energy was devoured, if it wasn't for the continuous use of true energy to return to the sect with ten thousand swords.

They are already dead.

An elder chose to retreat without hesitation.

"Elder Sun, you..."

"Elder Sun, quickly join the battle, or the entire Sword Sect will die."

Elder Sun said while running: "Don't panic, I'll go to Jiancheng to ask the suzerain to help."

Seven people vomited blood.

Sword City.

That's a distance of eight thousand miles.

It takes at least three months for you to walk over like this.

None of the eight elders of the sword sect were opponents, let alone the seven elders of the sword sect. At this time, Jiang Chen crushed the seven of them, and the sword energy swept away...
The sword energy of the elder Jianzong was instantly broken.

Kill seven people...
Elder Sun glanced back, trembling with fear.


This person is too strong to handle at all.

How could Jiang Chen give him a chance, Lingbo took small steps, and instantly appeared in front of the elder of Jianzong, instantly killing him with a single blow...
The remaining disciples of Jianzong trembled with fear.

Turn around and flee.

Jiang Chen looked at the escaped Sword Sect disciple, and did not pursue him, but left the inner city and walked outside...

The free people looked at Jiang Chen one after another, their eyes full of fear.

With the strength of one person, he picked up the entire stronghold and beheaded all eight elders of Jianzong, which is too strong.

Jiang Long exclaimed: "Jiang Chen, killed all the elders of Jianzong?"

"Just killed eight elders, and the remaining disciples of Jianzong have left."

Several people were stunned.


so terrible?

(End of this chapter)

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