Chapter 563, Seven Kills of Baiyun Disciple
Jiang Long took a deep breath: "What's your plan next?"

"Continue to improve the realm, don't worry, the people of Jianzong will not dare to trouble you again in the future. If you are doing something, I will go directly to Jiancheng and kill their suzerain."

Kill the suzerain?
The person who killed the entire Sword Sect?
You are afraid that you are possessed by demons!

The four looked at each other, is this Jiang Chen?
It was promoted to the sixth level in one month, how did such a terrifying strength be promoted, Jiang Chen ate food for a month, and the increase was [-] times, which was equivalent to [-] months for others.

It is equivalent to 25 years of penance for others.

Jiang Hu said: "Jianzong is very strong, be careful."

Jiang Chen smiled, now that he has been promoted to the sixth rank, even though Wan Jian has been changed, he still hasn't created his own martial skill.

And Jiang Chen went even crazier next.

"I have the secret of the Holy Spirit's swordsmanship. Anyone who wants to practice can exchange it with me."

The four were frightened.

Holy Spirit Sword Art?

That is the unique skill of Taiyihui. Only the disciples of Taiyihui can practice it. It is one of the top martial arts in Taiyihui.

Just like Jianzong's Wanjian Guizong.

It is said that there are only 23 moves in the Holy Spirit swordsmanship, but each move is earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods.

With Jiang Chen's words, it exploded around the surroundings like a shocking bomb.

"What? Holy Spirit swordsmanship?"

"The Holy Spirit's swordsmanship is comparable to Wanjian Guizong, even stronger than Wanjian Guizong. He just offended Jianzong, and now he wants to offend Taiyi?"

"What exactly does he want to do? Could it be that he wants to collect martial arts from all over the world? Create his own martial arts?"

"It's really bold, even Tai Yi will not pay attention to it, Bai Yun didn't dare to do it back then!"

"It is said that when the sword god Baiyun entered the Taiyi Association, he wanted to use the Holy Spirit Sword Technique. He fought against the Supreme Elder of the Taiyi Association for three days and three nights, but he was still unsuccessful. He obtained the Holy Spirit Sword Technique."

"It can't be fake!"

"It must be true. You can tell whether it is the Holy Spirit Sword Art at a glance."

"What should I do? Do you want to exchange it?"

"He is collecting martial arts and creating his own martial arts."

Jiang Long and the others looked at Jiang Chen.

Dumbfounded, he didn't speak for a long time.

In the end Jiang Long said: "Jiang Chen, what do you want to do, the holy spirit sword technique is Taiyi's unique skill, wouldn't you offend Taiyi by doing this."

"You just offended Jianzong, and now you offended Taiyi, who is stronger than Jianzong."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Why are the free ones so weak, far inferior to the brave men of the Gods Continent?"

"It's because the free men are fighting on their own. If you want the free men to rise, you must establish your own martial arts essence."

"So I am going to collect martial arts from all over the world, so that everyone can learn, Wanjian Guizong, Holy Spirit Swordsmanship, and other unique skills of various schools, all collected and spread out."

"Let everyone be able to practice."

The four of them were dumbfounded when they heard Jiang Chen's words.

Make learning accessible to all?
This Nima...

You are preparing to change the entire free world!

Every profession in the Continent of the Gods has the same skills, and there is no sectarianism. If a free person wants to be comparable to the Continent of the Gods, he must abandon the secular tradition.

Let everyone practice martial arts.

Jiang Chen even thought about passing on Bai Yun's sky-slashing and sword-drawing technique.

Baiyun became the Sword God of Freedom, but only accepted eight disciples.

I don't know if Baiyun has thought about this matter.

But Jiang Chen wanted to do this.

Become an alliance, everyone can practice advanced martial arts.

Jiang Yan frowned: "If you do this, all sects will unite against you. What will you do then?"

"If you want to change, start with the sect. I will kill whoever blocks me, not even Baiyun."

The four were speechless.

How dare you say it!
Baiyun is the sword god, the strongest free man, are you crazy, you are not even afraid of Baiyun.

If Baiyun finds out, ten heads are not enough for you.

Papa Pa...

There was a round of applause.

A man in black came from not far away, clapped his hands as he walked, and said: "The tone is quite arrogant, even Baiyun is not in his eyes."

Jiang Chen turned his head to look at him, feeling the true energy in his body.

This qi is like a sword.


This is the essence of Zhantian and Swordsmanship.

This person should be Bai Yun's disciple.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Are you a disciple of Baiyun?"

"how do you know?"

"I see."

"It's really extraordinary. My name is Qisha, and I'm ranked seventh. Your technique of returning ten thousand swords to the clan has the shadow of the technique of cutting the sky and drawing swords."

When Jiang Chen used Ten Thousand Swords to return to the sect, Seven Kills was hiding in the surrounding area.

Watching Jiang Chen attack and kill the elder of Jianzong.

My mind was full of doubts.

He should have something to do with his master.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Yes."

"Are you the master's new disciple?"

"No, he didn't accept me as an apprentice."

Qisha said: "I am very interested in what you just mentioned, and I am also willing to use my new insights to exchange the Holy Spirit Sword Technique with you, and at the same time exchange Wanjian Guizong."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Then I'm at a disadvantage?"

"You don't suffer, this is my understanding, and you just gave me two kinds of swordsmanship."

"Haha... You are right, I agree to the exchange."

After the two entered the restaurant...
Each exchange ideas.

Seven kills said: "It seems that you are condensing your murderous aura and you have already comprehended the killing world, but just now when you were fighting, for a moment, it was the killing world that dominated your consciousness, not you."

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "You have seen all of this."

"I am the same person as you, and I am also a person who condenses and kills the world, creating my own field."

Jiang Chen felt curious: "Why can't I feel the murderous aura in your body?"

"Have you ever heard of the way of yin and yang?"

"Does it matter?"

"Stopping killing with killing is not the highest state. When you condense the killing world, your heart is full of murderous intent. You want to kill anyone who is not good for you. This is not the highest state of the killing world."

"Then what is the highest state?"

"This involves yin and yang. Of course it's just a theory. You can listen to it or not."

"You said."

Jiang Chen naturally knew what Yin and Yang were.

Everlasting has it...
Where there is yin, there must be yang.

One yin and one yang are called the Tao...
"The killing world is like yin. The highest state of the killing world is to turn into yang. What is yang? What is the opposite of the killing world? It's salvation."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?

Don't you practice martial arts?
How did you start showing off your knowledge?

Seven kills continued: "I was the same as you back then. Those who were unfavorable to me...killed, those who didn't like it...killed, and those who were unhappy...killed."

"My name is Seven Kills, and I even have the idea of ​​killing my master to prove the way..."

Jiang Chen: ? ? ? ?

Brother, this idea is very dangerous!
You even killed your own master.

and many more······
Just now.

(End of this chapter)

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